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Chris Knowles | Song To The Siren, Invoked Entities, & Rebuilding Babylon

Topics Covered: Deconstructing Events, Hidden Hand, Occult, Synchromysticism

Show Notes

Join host, Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks Song of the Siren, invoked entities, & rebuilding Babylon with returning guest, Chris Knowles.

While many of us recognize the weird sychronocities and symbolism surrounding some of society’s most consequential events, from Super Bowl shows and celebrity deaths to false flags and media propaganda- it’s safe to say these occurrences are more than mere coincidence.
And whether we are living in a carefully constructed simulation or these patterns are more along the lines of the elite’s calling card, the resulting web of influence is hard to ignore.
Fortunately, today’s returning guest, Chris Knowles, is a master in unraveling intricately woven webs of symbolism and he joins The Higherside to help shed some light on his newest research.
2:42 During their last interview in January, Greg and Chris discussed incoming President Trump, and the potential position this put America in. Now with almost a year under his belt, Chris elaborates what he believes is playing out behind the scenes, from the remnants of a spy war and inter-agency power coups, to the DNC hack and the inevitable fallout over the Podesta emails and Pizzagate. Knowles also offers insight into the Roman theme of Trump’s presidency in juxtaposition to Obama’s Egyptian motif.
10:15 Greg and Chris discuss the recent NFL National Anthem debacle and it’s ties to a military recruitment campaign. Knowles breaks down the correlation between the obvious Pagan ritual displays in sports and entertainment and the introduction of military involvement in these very industries as well as the manufactured controversies surrounding halftimes shows of entertainers like, Beyonce.
19:30 After covering the rising influence of the siren, Greg and Chris begin to really dive deep into Tim Buckley, his son Jeff and the Cocteau Twins. Knowles details his journey into this saga, beginning with his research into the death of Chris Cornell. Chris details the close relationship of Cornell with Jeff Buckley, the mysterious circumstances surrounding his death, the timing of his death in proximity to the Twin Peaks return and the list of never-ending synchronicities.
29:00 After covering the themes of the siren saga, Greg and Chris turn their attention to key figure, Elizabeth Fraser of the Cocteau Twins, her tumultuous career, and chaotic early years in Scotland’s punk scene. Knowles discusses how her troubled past helped make her a prime candidate for experimental mind control, induced dissociation, torture and perhaps a vessel for channeling entities such as sirens.
39:50 Greg and Chris continue discussing Elizabeth Fraser, the multiple deaths connected to her, the bizarre symbolism surrounding each individual death and the siren motif throughout it all.
47:40 After detailing the intense love triangle of Jeff Buckley, Elizabeth Fraser, and Joan Wasser. Knowles breaks down the music of the Cocteau Twins and how it eerily relates to the circumstances surrounding not only Buckley’s death, but Chris Cornell’s, too.
58:50 Greg and Chris discuss the long horrific history of the elite abusing children. As Knowles explains, this abuse comes with a purpose and belief that children are the gateways to alternate realities and essential to opening stargates.
1:07:30 After the tragic and untimely death of Jeff Buckley, Elizabeth Fraser released only two more singles both of which again point to the influence of the siren archon. Greg and Chris discuss the effects of this tragedy on Fraser and what may be some unintended consequences of this archon’s influence.
Become a Plus Member at to hear a second hour of all THC episodes. This week’s included:
– the weirdness in Braintree, Massachusetts and it’s surrounding area

– the Orion Krause murder case, and the symbolism surrounding it, as well as the likelihood that mind control played a role

– the Netflix shows “OA” and “Stranger Things”

– elements of the saga that relate to David Lynch and Twin Peaks

– Chris’ thoughts on the new Star Trek and what it’s selling

– the elite’s agenda and their secret religion

A few valuable resources from the interview:

– Chris Knowles on The Higherside Chats “The Trump Coup & The Technology Of Lucifer”:

– Chris Knowles on The Higherside Chats “The Devolution Agenda, Decoding NASA and The Heaven’s Gate Cult”:

– Chris Knowles’ “A Very Sirius Election: Stairway to Sirius”:
– The famous Mithras inspired Spirit of Communication Statue:
– Chris Knowles’ “Chris Cornell: The Muses Choose Broken Vessels”:
– Chris Knowles’ “This is the Water: Twin Peaks, Roswell, and the Siren’s Song”:

– Cocteau Twins’ “Road, River and Rail” :
– Cocteau Twins’ “Wolf in the Breast” :
– Cocteau Twins’ “Frou frou foxes In Midsummer Fire”:
– Ben Singleton’s Blog “Pseudo Occult Media”:
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