5G vs social distancing

Back in June of 19 Clif High was on THC. Late in the interview Greg asked Clif about 5G. Clif said his first exposure to the tech. was at a fish hatchery. The were able to tell if the fish was farm raised or wild by scanning it with 5G. He stated he had a (or some) source that said the reason for the airport scanners that are based on 5G, and the big push for towers is related to finding and/or fighting an alien infestation.
Now we have social distancing (all the better for scanning) and UFO vids. from the gov..

IOT technologies (which for a big part require support from 5G due to the high volume of traffic) enable scanning of nanodust which is already being used to track inventory in warehouses, and livestock. There are 2's and 2's to be put together here, possibly.
On another tack, I checked out Verizon's latest coverage map here: https://www.verizon.com/coverage-map/
This shows you where that technology may most likely be rolled out first for whatever new purposes it may serve. I was looking at the new "5G ultra wideband cities" - pretty evenly spread throughout the US - though New Orleans, Philadelphia, Portland and especially Seattle are conspicuously absent.
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