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Corona Virus a scapegoat for 5G Radiation Poisoning?

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i have been connecting dots lately and seen some others putting the same dots together. The idea or running theory is that 5G Technology (5th Generation Wireless Communications) is the actual underlying threat that is causing sickness and death.

where was the worlds first ever public 5G Smart City? wuhan china. where was this new sickness first found? wuhan china. where was europes first 5G Smart city? Italy. where was europes first outbreak? Italy. first public cruise line to have this sickness? just so happens it was the first cruise line that just installed wireless hotspot technology across the ocean, the diamond princess cruise line using "medallion net". this trend continues around the world. i looked up a map of the USA that showed the first few cities that were reporting this new sickness and i compared it to a list published about "Trial Cities for 5G Rollout". the strange part is that most all the locations of the 5G Rollout are the same places we first started seeing this new sickness.

the government started yelling at the top of thier media powered lungs it is a influenza like the common cold/seasonal flu. repeating over an over until people swallow it. but there seems to be a lot more extreme conditions that are not flu like such as hypoxia or whatever that episode of altitude sickness like symptoms we had. hence the entire ventilator situation we had. have heard people claim loss of hearing, vision problems, loss of taste on an on with dozens of strange symptoms that no one would categorize as related to the common cold/seasonal flu. when you compare this new sickness with that of "Radiation Poisoning" you start to see an almost 1 for 1 match.

I hope we can have an open disscussion on the relationship between this new sickness we are seeing throughout the world using the lens of this new and extremely powerful 5G Grid deployment.

Posted : June 23, 2021 12:44 AM
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this is a video i seen from a guy in the UK putting the pieces together. worth a look if you are interested in this topic.

and this one is probably the most developed thought pattern i seen so far

makes me feel like the injections were warp speed made and passed out to help muddy the water and turn/maintain focus on a influenza and injection threat rather than the deeper problem we are faced with.

Posted : June 23, 2021 12:52 AM
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Posted : June 23, 2021 8:05 PM
Posts: 162
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And then there’s this guy, Dr. Pierre Gilbert in 1995 talking about the coming control of ppl via a vaccine and EMF:

If interested, run a search to find his entire talk.

Posted : June 26, 2021 8:43 PM
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I have read Dr. Tom Cowan's book and quite agree with EMF being a potential cause of the beer bug.

One thing that doesn't fit though is that Houston rolled out 5G in 2018 and as far as I know there was no widespread outbreak of flu-like symptoms.

Posted : July 5, 2021 12:25 AM
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I also think 5G (and the other generations aswell) plays a big part. For example the range of the newest generation is quite broad. 60 Ghz seams to be the frequency at which oxygen absorbes the radiation. It's postulated, that this causes problems in the oxygen binding capacities of the hamoglobin. In order to properly make a connection between 5G and hypoxia or altitude sickness like symptoms the question must not only be, if 5G was active, but also at what frequency it was emitting.

In my opinion the whole situation goes much deeper. Given the long history of tight correlation between new technology emerging & the obsession of influential people being in contact with non physical entities via different ways, makes me consider, that all the modern technology serves as an artificial body for some kind of entities. Maybe even by turning humans trough the vaccine into something, that could be more easier be possessed by them. What if all human civilization is a means to an end. Without civilization, no technology. We still would live happily native lives in deep connection with nature, as we did for most of history. Maybe Alien, AI, Angels and Demons are synonym to each other... it isn't that far fetched for me anymore...

Posted : July 6, 2021 9:46 PM
Posts: 200
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symbiosyus wrote:
I also think 5G (and the other generations aswell) plays a big part. For example the range of the newest generation is quite broad. 60 Ghz seams to be the frequency at which oxygen absorbes the radiation. It's postulated, that this causes problems in the oxygen binding capacities of the hamoglobin. In order to properly make a connection between 5G and hypoxia or altitude sickness like symptoms the question must not only be, if 5G was active, but also at what frequency it was emitting.

In my opinion the whole situation goes much deeper. Given the long history of tight correlation between new technology emerging & the obsession of influential people being in contact with non physical entities via different ways, makes me consider, that all the modern technology serves as an artificial body for some kind of entities. Maybe even by turning humans trough the vaccine into something, that could be more easier be possessed by them. What if all human civilization is a means to an end. Without civilization, no technology. We still would live happily native lives in deep connection with nature, as we did for most of history. Maybe Alien, AI, Angels and Demons are synonym to each other... it isn't that far fetched for me anymore...

The whole initial purpose of the telephone was to be a means of communicating with the dead.

It has sometimes occurred to me that we may just be a prospective lunch for some massive waveform ("dead") entity - Planet X? - and now is just the predigestion phase.

If the Schwab et. al. and/or the "elites" had two brain cells to rub together, they would realize that their great design is not sustainable for anyone, including themselves. To me, they sometimes seem like those ants whose brains are hijacked by a parasitic fungus, that makes them do nonsensical things like climb to the top of a tree and clamp down on the best twig to die and hatch spores from.

Posted : July 7, 2021 12:39 AM
Posts: 28
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Black the Ripper’s (UK hip hop artist) death pointed to this hard last April. He was going off on Snapchat about the towers. He had a following of 100k viewers. He was in the Caribbean blowing the smoke on the plandemic. Dead within 24 hours of posting. His snapchat was deleted and the destruction against the towers in the UK he helped influence were shut down. His death was reported days later and his autopsy wasn’t released for months. ‘Heart attack’ was the conclusion, no details.
I think it WILL be the cover for increased radiation sickness. Last April they were just beginning the infrastructure globally...While everyone was inside.
Everyday our EMF grows and it’s having a major effect. More so then ever, we see ‘Smart’ devices that will continue to sell.
Stay aware of the avoidable EMF. Airplane the phone whenever possible and make plans to get the fuck out of these ‘smart’ cities.

As all the towers got put up everyday last year, I drove to my ‘essential’ work cursing the System. It’s another element to ‘fear’-control. Instead of cursing the cunts we can detox our body, spend as much free time away from the poison and focus on enjoying this incarnation. No matter the odds, the story is one of divine spirit. Cheers

Posted : July 7, 2021 9:22 PM