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Coronavirus and WWIII

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World War III: The enemy is "the virus" and the battlefield is your body. They're not even beating around the bush anymore guys. We hear the rhetoric more and more about this being a war from different talking heads, mainstream media, etc., and it's all conditioning to get us used to the idea of this being a battle that needs to be handled in a military manner. Does it matter anymore? I'm not sure. The position we are in is something that I could never imagine. Some of my longtime friends who have always been quick to talk about "conspiracy theories" are burnt out. Hell, I'm burnt out. I feel like a ostrich with my head stuck in the sand. What is there to do? The virus has allowed for almost every "elite" agenda we've been seeing and talking about for years to be shoved down our throats in less than a year. Do we really think in another year things won't be even more accelerated? Of course it will be. This ship isn't going to slow down by itself. The original purpose of this post was to discuss this article - - I apologize for the rant it has become but it is surprisingly cathartic to type my feelings at this moment. The article lays out was the title of the post says, that we are being primed (or more likely are already primed) to think about this "pandemic" as a war. The things that go along with that are obvious, and are not new. The rhetoric is identical to what was used during the "war on terror". It's so obvious it's maddening. I think this is where the burnt out feeling comes in when it comes to trying to talk about coronavirus in a conspiracy context.

Posted : November 14, 2020 11:22 PM
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I'm afraid you are right. Unfortunately, if the past is any example, the only solution to the virus "solution" will also be a war. But unlike the past, it will need to be fought in a new way. The front line right now is 1A (which is my jam). If that ultimately fails - and it's not looking good - our only hope is 2A (which is decidedly NOT my jam, and will see me running for the hills).

OR, ditch the system entirely; go off grid. Grow your own food. Earn below the poverty line, starve them of your tax dollars. Ironically, there are still plenty of uncensored YT videos telling us exactly how to do that. That's the path I may have to take in the worst case scenario.

But the string pullers are banking on most people simply acquiescing, and large portion of the rest to fight - preferably each other (hence the bipartisan and now state vs. state media focus lately).

Posted : December 9, 2020 11:56 PM
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The rhetoric being pushed makes it look like our predictions may be correct, I hope that is not true. I hope we are wrong. But I've always hoped these things about our government, the elite, etc., whatever you want to call it. The culture creators of our time I suppose. I've always hoped that what they tell us is the truth. But I've never seen any evidence that has supported this hope so I try not let it guide my decision making. But what is there to do? Yes we can grow our food, get of the grid, decrease our corporate footprint, so to speak. Is that enough? Is that all we can do? I feel as though I've been slowly doing that my whole adult life. Trying to get more off-grid, live more self-sufficient, be less dependent on corporations, grow my own food, spend my money locally, etc., etc. Do we just keep doing these things to a higher degree? If I live on a 1/4 now with a large garden, chickens, rain barrels, solar, etc., would just try and get even more off-grid? Get 20 acres with a water source, have a cow and supply all my own food, etc.? Anyway, I don't mean to sound argumentative or disagreeable in any way. I'm honestly confused about what people are doing to prepare for what seems to be coming. We've been lulled to sleep, and the thinking that this thing isn't going to be completely rolled out is naive thinking. This is the worst case scenario. The are rolling out the vaccine(s), they are rolling out commonpass, they will restrict travel and they will limit freedom on movement (among other things). These things are happening, and I think the only debate comes in when talking about how past these things will be implemented. Can you get off grid in 6 months, a year, 2 years, 3-5 years, etc.? I know for me personally that would have to be in the latter choices. I have neither the financial means nor the backing of my wife to make a complete off grid move in less than a year. What to do till then? Keep trying to lessen the corporate footprint while actively trying to bring information to my friends, family, loved ones? Ok we can do that. Haven't we been doing that though? Is there anything else we can do? I don't know, and that's why I'm here and other places trying to find perspectives of other like minded people. And to rant I suppose. But what if this all comes sooner? Do we put any stock in the Dark Winter simulation and hints dropped, etc.? I don't know. Is there any point to putting stock in it? All you can do is prepare I guess, and try to protect your mental space. Whatever that means. This post got out of hand, again, I apologize. I originally meant to talk about this article -
But obviously that didn't happen...

Posted : December 11, 2020 9:29 PM
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i think many of us are having that same dilemma. the whole point of the lobster pot is to trap without trapping. weve been led down this path for a long time, most of us born into it. family, finances, and assets keep us tied to the same system we wish to escape. a conversation i have with my waking normie buddies is about "what do you believe, and what are you willing to do about your depth of belief?"

i think derek broze is on the right in-the-moment approach. if they want to go global, we need to go primitive. macro/micro, as above/so below. its a martial principle too, respond to resistance with non resistance or flow. and that means letting go of a LOT of what society has grown us comfortable with. because if their scope is 60% compliance by 2021 and 95% but 2030, theyre willing to lose grip over the last true soverigns while they formulate their plan for true body/soul disconnect.

of course, that all implies that what they want to do is actually even possible (which im beggining to believe less and less). but id rather be safe than sorry at the moment. thankfully met a gal who likes the idea of a oneway drive to mexico...

anyway, one good rant deserves another, right?

as i sit & write this maskless in a cafe in northern MT, a cheesey christmas guitar lead up to "... in the new old fashion way" and suddenly I remember how long it is they've been planning this

Posted : December 12, 2020 8:12 PM
Posts: 200
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Reading this in the Portland, OR burbs (aka Masktopia), wishing I was 2 states east. *sigh*

Continuing the off-topic path but the point is trying to avoid ever having to think about Covd ID cards, right?

As to the HOW of dropping out: the big monkey wrench in my planning right now is whether to go back to full time off-grid RV living or find somewhere stationary. You can get a good plot of raw land for ~10K and a well appointed off grid 4 season yurt for another 15K. I believe the gentleman at the LUNA project up in Canada has less than 1K a year in expenses (he's a very good resource, btw). If you factor out the financial shackles of insurance, a reasonably resourceful person could possibly coast for several years for under 50K...

Yurt living:

In an RV I was dependent upon my vehicle registration, insurance, gas and repairs I would need someone else to do - on top of normal living expenses. My living expenses ran to about $1,000 to $1,200 a month - looks like Mr. Schwab did his research. But in an RV at least I could move quickly to avoid, say, a UN battalion with Fallout 4-esque syringer rifles or a gang of militant secessionists (I'm kidding... somewhat).

These are the conversations I would like to have with someone in person, soon. We need to get into the mindset that we are actually under a kind of siege, and plan accordingly. The people around me are in denial at best or at worst, totally bought in to the op. These are intelligent people, too. One has a masters in biochemistry. I honestly cannot explain it.

And the only high profile person online who is willing to talk nuts and bolts about this stuff is Joel Skousen; and his ethnocentrism is a little hard to stomach sometimes, and makes me doubt his credibility with some advice. That's why this rampant censorship is a serious concern because it is preventing the communication of options for those who inevitably will want to resist, but not violently. Any 3 year old can throw a tantrum, and I am afraid that is what most of the dissenters will be backed into a corner to do.

Posted : December 12, 2020 8:52 PM
Posts: 2
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That was my thought as well. How to avoid the the CoPass: go somewhere non mandatory before travel lockdowns, or plan to opt out and live here as extremists and enemies of the state.

I'd planned on going domestic off-grid opt out somewhere in NV due to cheap land and issolation. Only problem I've imagined now, is asset seizure or some sort of quiet DEW off-grid opposition. Because these are people that get what they want and silence those who oppose. Predator class stuff.

That's why Mexico has been sounding more and more realistic recently. Close enough to prepare a spot and have somewhere to go if shit gets too weird. Is it jumping from one pot to another? Who knows... but at least the weather and the food would be nice.

Also, I've been gathering a few like minds here in NW MT to at least prepare for the immediate future. I would recommend trending away from cities sooner than later if possible. Away from dense 5G and closer to people with the same outlook, for sure.

Posted : December 13, 2020 10:05 PM
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Yes, being somewhere that you are so self sufficient that you don't have to "the pass". Feel like it has so many names at this point I don't know what to call it anymore. But commonpass, covid pass, immunization password, w.e, being already somewhere with stuff set up so when the travel bans comes, when the freedom of movement is limited for the unvaccinated, you can live a decent life or whatever you want to call it. But it's really the choice itself that I'm fumbling on. Like when do we do this. I get moving towards it, I get taking steps, but when do you make the choice. For instance what orchid is talking about. Great stuff. Get a piece of land, hope it has some independent water source and farm-able or graze-able land, a little four season yurt, solar panels, composting toilet, etc., etc., like totally off-grid, right? And say you can get this for ~$25,000, which I would argue against but lets just say you can. And let's just say you're paying cash so we don't have to get in to the sticky details of having to get a loan for something like that. So when do you do this? If you have the money are you doing this tomorrow? Do you think that we have 5, 10, 15 years, or more like months? When I discuss these things with my friends or wife this is where I feel like we disagree. The time frame of this whole thing. How much time do we have? Is this even the real "big one"? Is there even a real "big one" or could it all just be a slow roll toward a weird kind of techno-tyranny that we don't even recognize before it's to late? I don't know but that's what I grapple with. When to make the choice. Because you can take this idea but just in higher degrees. Like running away to Mexico. That's like one degree higher than going totally off-grid, if you think about it like that. What degree do you take it to based on the what's going around us? I like being able to see my family or friends, to go to the gym, to get food every once in awhile, to go out, etc. This is in addition to the financial aspects about uprooting my life. It would take some time and it would definitely take some money. Anyway, my point is that if the signs were more obvious, like they were coming door to door and vaccinating people by gunpoint, I think this would be a mute point but unfortunately it's not. So it's the choice of whether you leave it all and go live totally off-grid (if you even have this option) or try to make the best out of what you have and where you are while working to try and get more and more off-grid. If you want to boil it down to a black and white decision. On a side note, I don't understand the whole driving to Mexico thing. If you take all this time to build something here, building up food, getting land, or whatever you do to "prepare", why would you drive down to Mexico? I get the decentralized aspect of being in Mexico, and I agree that would be much better, but you have no infrastructure there personally. Unless you went down before stuff hit the fan and set something else you'd be driving down to....what? How would you acquire food or water or shelter or firearms or anything? I'm not trying to put the idea down or anything but these are things I think about.

Posted : December 18, 2020 8:35 PM
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orchid20 wrote: Reading this in the Portland, OR burbs (aka Masktopia), wishing I was 2 states east. *sigh*

Continuing the off-topic path but the point is trying to avoid ever having to think about Covd ID cards, right?

As to the HOW of dropping out: the big monkey wrench in my planning right now is whether to go back to full time off-grid RV living or find somewhere stationary. You can get a good plot of raw land for ~10K and a well appointed off grid 4 season yurt for another 15K. I believe the gentleman at the LUNA project up in Canada has less than 1K a year in expenses (he's a very good resource, btw). If you factor out the financial shackles of insurance, a reasonably resourceful person could possibly coast for several years for under 50K...

Yurt living:

In an RV I was dependent upon my vehicle registration, insurance, gas and repairs I would need someone else to do - on top of normal living expenses. My living expenses ran to about $1,000 to $1,200 a month - looks like Mr. Schwab did his research. But in an RV at least I could move quickly to avoid, say, a UN battalion with Fallout 4-esque syringer rifles or a gang of militant secessionists (I'm kidding... somewhat).

These are the conversations I would like to have with someone in person, soon. We need to get into the mindset that we are actually under a kind of siege, and plan accordingly. The people around me are in denial at best or at worst, totally bought in to the op. These are intelligent people, too. One has a masters in biochemistry. I honestly cannot explain it.

And the only high profile person online who is willing to talk nuts and bolts about this stuff is Joel Skousen; and his ethnocentrism is a little hard to stomach sometimes, and makes me doubt his credibility with some advice. That's why this rampant censorship is a serious concern because it is preventing the communication of options for those who inevitably will want to resist, but not violently. Any 3 year old can throw a tantrum, and I am afraid that is what most of the dissenters will be backed into a corner to do.

Let me run a scenario by you concerning the RV living because I've been thinking a lot about the stationary vs. RV style. The thing I get caught up on when running through the RV option in my head is food and water. That would probably lean more towards food but what would you do about either? Let's say it's worse case scenario, or close to it, and common pass sensors are everywhere (meaning every public place you would have to go in, i.e. grocery, doctor, DMV, etc.). How would you get food? Or I guess a better question is how would you store food? If you have a stationary spot you can have a fridge, freezer, et., and buy your half cow from a rancher and your eggs from a farm or w.e, grow your own veggies, so on so forth. You get what I'm saying here but obviously a stationary place affords more options in that area. Do you have any thoughts on this? Maybe the choice would come down to how you think this is all going to play out. If it's a slow rollout/take over, where supply lines are fine a.k.a. you can get food at grocery stores and what not, then the mobile option seems more attractive. You could maybe get away with doing the e-grocery thing where they bring your stuff out to the car without proof of vaccination for awhile, so food wouldn't be a problem. But if it's something acute, a stationary spot seems like the better idea. Hopefully you'd have something with a water source, you could grow food, etc. In short, you wouldn't be dependent on supply lines or w.e like you would in the RV situation. Idk, have you thought more about this?

Posted : December 29, 2020 10:37 PM
Posts: 200
Estimable Member

The more I think about it, there are two options if things go south (of course if things go south they will do so very quickly and so my best advice would be option 0.5: get a bug out kit, some ham radios and gazeteers, and make sure your car always has a full tank of gas :confused:)

The best option would be to get in an area - rent if you have to - that is populated with like-minded people. I don't think people will do very well trying to be islands unto themselves. Even if you still need to be jacked into the system, when the local authorities start trying to pull that "smart cities" scam and/or force more covid restrictions, you are surrounded not only by others not willing to follow or enforce, but also may be motivated to enact truly impactful resistance like local currencies, food co-ops and the like.

I look out for stories about towns with low covid compliance (usually perjorative but still very useful). For example, I read that people from WA state are traveling to Rathdrum ID in droves just to be able to breathe freely and go out to eat normally. Also, there are plenty of cases, usually in red states but not always, where the local sheriff will go on record saying s/he will not enforce unconstitutional mandates. Look for these areas.

As for #vanlife, a now distant second: I have a feeling a lot of fulltime rvers may be stranded and vulnerable with future lockdowns. They were back in April. It's good to be mobile, but even better to be stealthy where you can move and park like a regular vehicle. Get a small van, a portable solar generator, camping toilet, a heater and a water system with good filtration. No dump hoses. Keep it small and don't have solar panels or vents all over the exterior. Know the laws on where you can park and when to move, and depend on nothing more than a watch.

As for me, all I have now is the bug out kit and a growing amount of savings. Right now I feel like these are the most sensible things to focus on.

Posted : January 1, 2021 1:59 AM
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orchid20 wrote: The more I think about it, there are two options if things go south (of course if things go south they will do so very quickly and so my best advice would be option 0.5: get a bug out kit, some ham radios and gazeteers, and make sure your car always has a full tank of gas :confused:)

The best option would be to get in an area - rent if you have to - that is populated with like-minded people. I don't think people will do very well trying to be islands unto themselves. Even if you still need to be jacked into the system, when the local authorities start trying to pull that "smart cities" scam and/or force more covid restrictions, you are surrounded not only by others not willing to follow or enforce, but also may be motivated to enact truly impactful resistance like local currencies, food co-ops and the like.

I look out for stories about towns with low covid compliance (usually perjorative but still very useful). For example, I read that people from WA state are traveling to Rathdrum ID in droves just to be able to breathe freely and go out to eat normally. Also, there are plenty of cases, usually in red states but not always, where the local sheriff will go on record saying s/he will not enforce unconstitutional mandates. Look for these areas.

As for #vanlife, a now distant second: I have a feeling a lot of fulltime rvers may be stranded and vulnerable with future lockdowns. They were back in April. It's good to be mobile, but even better to be stealthy where you can move and park like a regular vehicle. Get a small van, a portable solar generator, camping toilet, a heater and a water system with good filtration. No dump hoses. Keep it small and don't have solar panels or vents all over the exterior. Know the laws on where you can park and when to move, and depend on nothing more than a watch.

As for me, all I have now is the bug out kit and a growing amount of savings. Right now I feel like these are the most sensible things to focus on.

Great advice. The point about having a bug out bag, gas, etc., is always prudent to be prepared for shit hitting the fan quickly. That's how I've always thought "the big thing" would go down, in an acute manner. Something that was fast that would require us to react instead of respond. What's going on now feels different to me so I've been trying to constantly pick people's brains about what their plans are, what their "breaking point is", when are they planning on implementing those plans, etc. I'm of the same mindset as you though. I think saving right now, and seeing what happens in the next 1-2 months, is the smartest thing to do. I think we'll have a better idea of what the time-frame is looking like at that point, along with other data that will help in making the best decision possible. We're already seeing it ramp up though so I don't have much hope. These "variant" narratives are coming on strong now, and we have creepyJoe coming in to office. Not that I'm partisan in any way, but I do think that one of Donalds main uses was to polarize this whole situation with Covid, the response, the vaccine, etc., so that Creeps could come in a be the "savior" so to speak. And Donald the great divider played his part perfectly as he has for the last 4 years. The narrative is already plain as day. Donald did bad with Covid, creepyJoe will do good. And since creepyJoe good, Donald bad, listen to whatever creepyJoe and his people say concerning the plandemic, etc., so on so forth. This whole situation has been like a bad movie script from the beginning. Creeps is already spouting rhetoric that they will "vaccinate 100mil in the first 100days", and has said that he plans to us the Army and National Guard to facilitate that by setting up stations and administering shots. Is it just rhetoric? I don't know.

Either way, hopefully we'll know a bit more come mid-Feb to early March. As for now, I'm with you on the saving and waiting. Having discussions where I can, with who I can, when I can, and hoping we get at least a year to adapt and shit doesn't hit the fan in an acute manner. The best plan I can think of right now for myself takes at least 6 months to implement. I hope we have that kind of time to work with. There are always back up plans if shit hits the fan sooner but those plans are much more...uncomfortable. It's looking like time will be on our side though. There are many articles of docs, nurses, etc., not wanting to get the vaccine so that seems good on the surface. I've been confused why those stories are being put out in consensus media, and I have a few theories to answer that, but taken at face value this is a good thing. Do you have any thoughts why these stories would be being put out? My main one is a kind of "get ahead of the curve" type deal. While they are still in Phase 1A or w.e, you put these articles out, and as it progresses the media would slowly shift the narrative to "oh yea these docs got over their fear and took it, now do your part!" type narrative. Whenever something is being pushed in consensus media though I don't trust it.

Posted : January 19, 2021 7:53 PM