COVID does not exist

I don't blame anyone for believing it does exist, but Greg, wtf? We all know people that have lost their sense of taste and popped a positive test therefore COVID is real??
- Loss of smell is one of the most common symptoms reported across all respiratory viruses. Loss of smell is directly tied to loss of taste. Every year millions of people lose their taste.
- Remember when everyone saw a clown with a knife on every street corner? You are my age, I know you remember this. Munchausen's is a thing. This is simply a viral rehash of the satanic panic.
- Elevated deaths in NYC are almost identical to the spike after 9/11, caused by intense stress, which may or may not be caused by telling you a pandemic is going to kill your grandma unless you wear a mask to bed and never leave your 50 sq' apartment.
How about the evidence that COVID is simply repurposed seasonal flu? They have not individually isolated and sequenced COVID. The positivity rate for the PCR is BELOW the false positive rate. This alone should be enough to classify COVID as a hoax! The fact that the flu has disappeared shows that the sick don't have COVID, they have the flu. I fully believe this is a pandemic of false positives.

I think you make good points as to why this thing is greatly exaggerated, but I don't think it's a hoax. The circles Bill Gates and Fauci run in released something on purpose in my opinion. I don't think the work of the world's bio labs amounts to nothing. Honestly, watch some of Clint's fold The Story Behind The Story and see if you still feel the same way. Give it a chance. Fauci's history is pretty dirty.
It's also not *that* important of a distinction, if I agree with you on the rest of what you're saying.

I think you both make great points. Especially the last one, “not that important of a distinction” because putting it simply- it’s highly unlikely we will ever discover the full truth as to how this started. Another point rarely talked about is the whole EMF blanket we live under, 5G, WiFi, cellular, etc.
either way I think possible solutions to these problems are vastly more important to talk about than the potential cause(s). I think we all have a responsibility to research the actual studies, findings, tests and what not. We need to READ THE FINE PRINT on these things and share our interpretations. Let’s start building our case against these crooks and show our work- provided proof in the form of their own documents & words. There is PLENTY of evidence out there that clearly contradicts what they are telling us, highlight that!

If you want to go down the rabbit hole to the bottom I think Tom Cowan is the one you want, Greg. I like his book the Contagion Myth. He's one of the founders of the Weston A. Price foundation - which is the entry point for many folks to start doubting the dominant narrative. He has some very interesting thoughts about viruses, health, water, DNA - you name it. If you looking for guests who don't disbelieve COVID completely, but have an alternative take on it's source my favorite there is Dr. Zach Bush. I'd love to hear you interview either one of them.

TheCarlwood wrote: I don't think the work of the world's bio labs amounts to nothing. Honestly, watch some of Clint's fold The Story Behind The Story and see if you still feel the same way. Give it a chance. Fauci's history is pretty dirty.
It's also not *that* important of a distinction, if I agree with you on the rest of what you're saying.
First off, 100% agree, the distinction is semantics. Whether the virus is make believe or asymptomatic, the effects to the infected are exactly the same. Psychological.
I do believe the semantics make a difference though. On the one hand, if the world elite are willing to unleash a (weakass) virus on the world to accomplish their goals, we need to be prepared for the next, maybe not so weakass pandemic. If, on the other hand, the elites are utilizing mockingbird media tactics and bogus testing to simply convince us to do as we are told, the response is different, we need to educate the masses to the methods.
My eyes were first opened by the late David Crowe on THC. That was the absolute essential COVID episode, and it is the one I "hit people in the mouth" with to get them introduced to THC. He basically laid out the entire life cycle of this "pandemic" before anyone else I am aware of. Of course he did not see the contrived "variant" angle, but I don't think the elites did either, they thought the vaccines would fly off the shelf and there would be no need.
Crowe lead me to be more aware of the PCR cycle methodology, and I did my own research from there. The COVID PCR was based on the Influenza PCR, which had a documented ~90% specificity (and usually worse), ie 10% false positive rate. I tracked the CDC net positivity rate on the CDC website and it always hovered just below this 10% positivity rate. If you want me to believe that the virus exists with a positivity rate BELOW the best case scenario false positive rate, and that coincidentally the majority (more than half) of positive test result in no symptoms, not even psychosomatic ones, well I don't buy it.
I do understand that it is possible that the Elites released a benign virus that would then lead to positive tests, but I will defer to Occam's razor. Under the "real virus" theory, it would require painstaking efforts to bio-generate a virus that the Elites knew would have very specific effects, then rely on testing to accurately detect this specifically fabricated virus at a high sensitivity. There are so many variables in that chain that would all have to go right. On the other hand, if you are just gaming the PCR roulette table, all you need to do is set the PCR standard cycles arbitrarily high and boom, instant pandemic. No biological variables, just results that stem from centralized policy decisions, a la Fauci.
One more thing on the "real virus" theory, I also tend to believe the Gordon White assertion that bio weapons do not aim to cause the sniffles. This covers the accidental release theory as well. Why on flat Earth would China/Elites be creating the mildest virus of all time? For what purpose? The only thing I can imagine is that it was like sticky notes; they tried their best and failed, but found a novel use for their failure. More likely in my mind is that COVID was not engineered, it is a fairy tale.

renaudster wrote: If you want to go down the rabbit hole to the bottom I think Tom Cowan is the one you want, Greg. I like his book the Contagion Myth. He's one of the founders of the Weston A. Price foundation - which is the entry point for many folks to start doubting the dominant narrative. He has some very interesting thoughts about viruses, health, water, DNA - you name it. If you looking for guests who don't disbelieve COVID completely, but have an alternative take on it's source my favorite there is Dr. Zach Bush. I'd love to hear you interview either one of them.
Funny. They both turned me down. Of course we did a Contagious Myth livestream with Sally & Gordon, but no full THC episode.

Their loss!

TheCarlwood wrote: Funny. They both turned me down. Of course we did a Contagious Myth livestream with Sally & Gordon, but no full THC episode.
Your brand is better than Cowan's. He seems to be going down the conspiritainment path, if he wants views/listens he needs to learn that this space is all about synergy across communities.

renaudster wrote: If you looking for guests who don't disbelieve COVID completely, but have an alternative take on it's source my favorite there is Dr. Zach Bush. I'd love to hear you interview either one of them.
Check out what Allison McDowell has to say about Zach Bush
This is squarely based on a gut felling, so… Giant grain of salt, etc. but… I'm just getting this salesman vibe from him and I can't trust him. Something's off…

My GF most likely got it last year in February when we were in Korea. She was coughing like crazy for over a week… We didn't freakout 'cause it was right before the whole thing blew up in the media. We cold it a "flue" because we didn't know better, but it was definitely a super nasty flue…
Me, I got a mega fever ("let me crawl in fetal position in bed and I'll get back to you in 10 hours if I'm not dead" kinda fever) one evening and I was done the next morning. That's usually how my body deals with stuff… It could be totally unrelated.
I'm lucky enough to speak French, so I've been following the Professor Didier Raoult on YouTube and what he says just makes sense to me. He's been treating people at his hospital with HCQ from the beginning and has become somewhat of a national hero because he's a world renown epidemiologist, and he's also a total pain in the ass of the French government… He's basically been saying that COVID is no big deal if we treat people well and early, and that there's no need for lockdown, masks, vaccines, etc. Just treating people when they get sick and taking extra care of old people.
The pandemic is clearly complete BS. But COVID itself is real I think… I guess we could consider that a rhetorical difference

yann wrote:
He's basically been saying that COVID is no big deal if we treat people well and early, and that there's no need for lockdown, masks, vaccines, etc. Just treating people when they get sick and taking extra care of old people.
Yes, and a scratch from a rusty nail is no big deal if we get that treated well and early on. The problem is that not every one can do that, yes even in United States.
I know at least 8 people from where I grew up who have died from Covid and dozens more who have been sick. In that neighborhood people tend to not have health insurance and don't go to the doctor unless absolutely necessary
From what I've seen, a lot of the pandemic in the US is down to socioeconomic situation: those of us who have insight into/direct connections with poorer communities are seeing it happen a lot more those who are in a more middle class situation.

Well that settles it. We need to ban rusty nails because poor people can’t afford tetanus treatment.
Poor people die earlier than rich folks. That is just a fact. In any given year the death rate in poorer communities will be higher. It just so happens that poor people are targeted by the government for over sampling and fraudulent diagnoses for causes of death. Poor people hear “your mom died from COVID” and they don’t have the time or resources to challenge it. Rich folks can afford to be skeptical.

galaxygirl2035 wrote:
Yes, and a scratch from a rusty nail is no big deal if we get that treated well and early on. The problem is that not every one can do that, yes even in United States.I know at least 8 people from where I grew up who have died from Covid and dozens more who have been sick. In that neighborhood people tend to not have health insurance and don't go to the doctor unless absolutely necessary
From what I've seen, a lot of the pandemic in the US is down to socioeconomic situation: those of us who have insight into/direct connections with poorer communities are seeing it happen a lot more those who are in a more middle class situation.
No doubt that poor people have it more rough, even simply because they're the ones still working normally while others work from home and get everything delivered to their doorsteps, and they don't have any other option but to live in crowded households…
But you're missing the point I was trying to make: government only talk about vaccines instead of treatments which would be much easier and cheaper.
Vaccines are not "free"… We're paying for them with our taxes. We could have just as well subsidize the treatment for a fraction of the cost. But there is no money to be made that way and governments around the world have stopped calling the shots (pun intended) for decades (if they ever did…). So now we're stuck with experimental gene therapy labeled "vaccines" by serial felon pharmaceutical corporations instead of using molecules too old to trademark that have been vilified by the corp media despite the mountain of evidence that they work.
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