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data for changing minds

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This biggest data mover I have found for my family is looking at how many icu beds are filled with COVID patients. I live in IL where I hear about ICU beds being full and that data is being used to push masks and the vaccine. Only 20% of the actual ICU beds are for COVID and ventilators are the same. I just searched my state and ICU beds with COVID patients. When you see the numbers there is no way to think your not being lied to. It has brought multiple people to the truth. Here is IL webpage with the insane info.

Posted : August 26, 2021 11:43 AM
Posts: 240
Reputable Member

Careful, they will change the numbers if they see people are asking these kinds of questions. I've had this problem with Virginia data.

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Posted : August 26, 2021 12:26 PM
Posts: 240
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jdaneway wrote:
Arizona just stopped reporting. No Covid data today. They're saying it's because the criteria for determining a covid death have changed. I saw an article that they were trying to change covid cases to only those that required hospitalization, and they actually tried to stop mass testing campaigns because they wanted to only count as positive for covid, cases that were hospitalized. Some think they were trying to use that to say only unvaccinated are getting Covid. Many places in Louisiana ran out of tests, but people needed the tests for work and travel, so they had to reinstate the testing. Here in Arizona, they recently closed down the monoclonal antibody infusion centers and decided to stop giving it all together. Why would they do that? There's a hospital bed usage data button below on this page.

I've also seen flu data get changed in Utah after a politician pointed out the year before the pandemic started that the flu deaths spiked in Utah. The CDC actually came in and "showed" them how to change the flu data - said they weren't doing it right, but they only had them change that one year. Go figure. Oh, and for a long time, while they were getting schooled by CDC on how to do new math, Utah DOH went ahead and just cut and pasted the data from the previous season to fill the slot for the year before the pandemic data they were tweaking - as if it was actually exactly the same. This is mass fraud we're seeing. Lies, corruption, and incompetence are what cause conspiracies and hesitancy. Lies, corruption, and incompetence cause us to try to fill in the blanks. What other option do we have?

Virginia went back about a year ago and changed all the last 5 years of flu deaths. No announcement, nothing. I even sent a FOIA request on what happened to the governors office and got stonewalled.

Posted : August 26, 2021 5:02 PM
Posts: 240
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jdaneway wrote:
I really hope more people than just those on this forum are paying attention. Argh! So frustrating.
You're ambitious. I did one FOIA ever and never even got a response. What a PITA. They used to exclude research and public health data from FOIA's claiming HIPAA (which is BS - it's all de-identified data anyway), but they changed it in 2013 or 2017? and supposedly you can get a FOIA for any federally funded research data. I'd love to hear of a successful FOIA. I tried to get a list of researchers who were contacted by CDC/NIAID to pull vaccine related autism and other serious AE data from hospital records, who shortly after were awarded multi-million dollar federal contracts to conduct pandemic vaccine studies (H1N1, H3N2 etc). DOD/BARDA were involved as well. I know of two researchers who gave CDC/NIAID data, where NIAID specifically withheld the pandemic study money until the researchers provided data showing vaccines don't cause autism. Paying for results. Very bad. This was my first whistleblower event, and I was unsuccessful in effecting change. Our lawyers said that because the AE data pulls were unfunded, the NIH funding rule and ethical rule about funding not being contingent upon results - did not apply. Bastards. I think they didn't fund it because then it wouldn't be subject to a FOIA.

I was on multiple NIH grants and a professor at the state's flagship university when I got stonewalled, I guess that's why I was given the personal touch of the Governor's chief counsel writing me in an email to tell me to fuck off... FOIA has no real teeth when they don't want it to.

If you find good gov data that they accidentally post, save it, keep it on a ubs drive/micro sb personally, and back it up to multiple sources on the cloud that time stamp it.

Posted : August 27, 2021 2:14 AM
Posts: 50
Trusted Member

I came here today to post a yt video on hospitalizations. Everyone sees through this. I had heard in passing the news about the a high number of hospitalizations and believed it, but I keep forgetting to take the news with many grains of salt. This video put it in context for me. The misdirection is interesting - yes, hospitals are full, but they are designed to be at high capacity to be profitable, and they are not necessarily full with Covid patients.

Posted : September 1, 2021 12:27 AM
Posts: 240
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fujenly wrote:
I came here today to post a yt video on hospitalizations. Everyone sees through this. I had heard in passing the news about the a high number of hospitalizations and believed it, but I keep forgetting to take the news with many grains of salt. This video put it in context for me. The misdirection is interesting - yes, hospitals are full, but they are designed to be at high capacity to be profitable, and they are not necessarily full with Covid patients.

I worked at a hostpital when all of this started [research side, not clinical]. What really woke me up was when they started cutting pay in April 2020 because they didn't have enough patients.

In the US at least, the hospital system is capitalistic-- they don't intend hospitals to run with empty beds anymore than they intend for planes to fly with empty seats.

Posted : September 1, 2021 1:03 AM
Posts: 162
Estimable Member

jh1517 wrote:
I worked at a hostpital when all of this started [research side, not clinical]. What really woke me up was when they started cutting pay in April 2020 because they didn't have enough patients.

In the US at least, the hospital system is capitalistic-- they don't intend hospitals to run with empty beds anymore than they intend for planes to fly with empty seats.

I’m in the US and last year a friend of mine who works in a hospital was furloughed more than once due to lack of patients. And all the while they had a morgue truck parked out back for the non-existent overflow.

Posted : September 2, 2021 5:45 AM