DNA sequence of COV...
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DNA sequence of COVID-19?

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I’m having a hard time finding an answer to this - if the Chinese say they’ve sequenced the DNA of COVID-19, then how do I reconcile all of the information I’ve read/listened to saying there might not be a virus and they haven’t actually provided evidence that the testing shows a true virus?
Can anyone explain this to me? I’m sharing info with family but I can’t explain how scientists have supposedly found the DNA but then David Crowe, for example, says they haven’t.

Posted : April 27, 2020 7:41 PM
Posts: 93
Estimable Member

The waters so muddy "you cant tell the players apart without a program" as they used to say. Just the way they like it.
Every fact has a counter fact just as plausible not just for COVID 19 but everything. JFK, moon, 911, south pole, you name it.
But on this you have a Government position from China vs a private individual. The Gov puts out info that paints them in the best light. The guest gives his opinion based on his research. Definitely gonna be different in the best case scenario.

Posted : April 27, 2020 11:09 PM
Posts: 162
Estimable Member

Yes, what metalegs said. When talking to the unaware, it’s been my experience to:

1. Stick to the central issues and present the points that can be backed with proofs and evidence from very credible sources. Beware the controllers who are masters at manipulation. The muddy waters are in part to create distractions to lure ppl down the fruitless path. Right now I think all things China is one of those distractions. If I’m talking to a newbie about a muddy water topic I’ll just say, "Who knows for sure what’s true. That one may never be figured out." Then change the subject.
2. Credible sources: ’Follow the money’ is my go to. Most people can accept that money corrupts and is often the best way to discredit their sources and prop up yours. Citing reputation is useful but has more room for debate.
3. If you agree with something they said, be obvious you do. Compliment their insight. They may become more charitable towards your position.
4. Don’t waste time one anyone who won’t budge an inch. This may be obvious but I have to watch myself to not get caught up in trying to convince them, or worse, my own need to make them wrong.

I hope that’s helpful.

Posted : April 28, 2020 4:04 PM