Has anyone successfully convinced a friend or family member to not get jabbed? How did you do it?

I'm struggling to get through to the people I care about in my life. Some have ignored what I have to say, others take what I have to say but then get caught up in msm articles and news reports that completely contradict what I've told them, and since they're the "experts," and I'm looked at suspiciously. I try to stay away from anything that could elicit an automatic response of "that's just a conspiracy," but it has really made things difficult having to almost dance around that phrase. Has anyone found a reliable method to breaking through to people to actually put logic to the situation? What I've found over and over is that if the person I'm talking to wasn't already thinking critically about their lives and their world beforehand, then there is no hope for them now. I hope I am wrong, for my family's sake. I know others must be in the same situation, so maybe we can brainstorm solutions here. Thanks.

I think you hit the nail on the head. People have to be thinking critically in the first place. Otherwise it is pretty futile, sadly.
I don't speak unless I get some indication towards scepticism which tbh I'm then just finding an ally/ preaching to the converted.
This is a time where people will turn on you, gta be careful.

cgj17 wrote:
I'm struggling to get through to the people I care about in my life. Some have ignored what I have to say, others take what I have to say but then get caught up in msm articles and news reports that completely contradict what I've told them, and since they're the "experts," and I'm looked at suspiciously. I try to stay away from anything that could elicit an automatic response of "that's just a conspiracy," but it has really made things difficult having to almost dance around that phrase. Has anyone found a reliable method to breaking through to people to actually put logic to the situation? What I've found over and over is that if the person I'm talking to wasn't already thinking critically about their lives and their world beforehand, then there is no hope for them now. I hope I am wrong, for my family's sake. I know others must be in the same situation, so maybe we can brainstorm solutions here. Thanks.
Yea, we find ourselves in a shitty situation. We're the conspiracy guys in the family. If the rest of our family hasn't been tracking this inhuman thing we're up against, then there's nothing we can do. It takes years to track it, and most of us (myself included) still have no idea what we're talking about. Even so, that background is required, to know that this vaccine is part of an evil agenda. And sadly, most of our family / friends don't have it. I sometimes wish we could just upload it into their minds.
I'm watching my family fall to the vaccine one by one, and it's heartbreaking. Guess this is a wordy way of saying... I don't have a solution, but I empathize with you 100%

A couple that I'm close with came out and told me they're not getting the jab because they don't trust putting something into their bodies that isn't fully approved and seems rushed. If this rollout had happened a few years ago I think they would have been some of the first in line. It's night and day with these guys from where they were in trusting the narrative a year ago to where they are today. As things got weird I was there every step of the way to point out the BS and hypocrisy on display, but of course once you open your eyes it's plain to see - so I can't take too much credit.
I never thought they paid much attention to my point of view on the world, but I think that over time I must have rubbed off on them a bit. I definitely take the opportunity to share my view points with those that will listen. Still, I've learned the hard way to keep my mouth shut around others -- sadly some of my closest loved ones.
So I guess, as with anything worth its weight, a critical view of the world takes time and willingness to cultivate. Don't give up talking with those willing to listen and even if you can't save them from this jab, maybe they'll come around and analyze the next major deception a bit more critically before jumping onboard. Let's just pray that they will still have that opportunity.

Point out the stastical chicanery, like, where did the flu go?
... then back away and let them connect the dots.
(if you are looking for "official" flu stats, look up "ILI")

orchid20 wrote:
Point out the stastical chicanery, like, where did the flu go?https://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/weeklyarchives2020-2021/WhoNPHL15.html
... then back away and let them connect the dots.
(if you are looking for "official" flu stats, look up "ILI")
Wow. It's right there in plain site.
"FluSurv-NET sites reported a current cumulative hospitalization rate of 0.8 per 100,000 population, which is about one-ninth the rate reported during the low-severity 2011-12 season."
But people want someone to spin this into a lie for them rather than take the time, and responsibility, to look into the truth.

I appreciate the responses. At least there's a comfort in knowing that there are like-minded people out there. Unfortunately, I've tried the statistics angle, like showing from the cdc website itself that you can calculate the death rate and then compare it to past flu seasons and see that it's almost identical, and that's with all of the manipulation. People are swayed better by emotional arguments, obviously, so I've been trying to think in that direction . Logic and reason doesn't get through to people, their eyes glaze over.

Its starting to get me down that people who I thought wouldn't take it are taking it.
I have various religious friends and have seen that there are certain prominent muslims/muslim scholars who are justifying taking the vaccine by using the Qur'an and Hadith. Impossible to argue against this sort of thing.
Personally I don't subscribe to organised religion but I enjoy my friendships that I have with some of these people.

My personal method has been telling my own grandmothers experience, coupled with telling about the rewriting of DNA as the MRNAs main function, and the phrase “i know they like to feed us GMOs, but i don’t feel like being one myself” it’s gotten solid contemplation from people.
Now i live in small town south GA, so I’m not sure there was a huge population of people on board to get it to begin with,
Honestly, people that were all in on it before it became an option will be almost impossible to dissuade in my opinion. But that shouldn’t stop us from advocating with facts, and anecdotes

smaddy wrote:
Its starting to get me down that people who I thought wouldn't take it are taking it.
I have various religious friends and have seen that there are certain prominent muslims/muslim scholars who are justifying taking the vaccine by using the Qur'an and Hadith. Impossible to argue against this sort of thing.
Personally I don't subscribe to organised religion but I enjoy my friendships that I have with some of these people.
Today a Miami private school decides not to let vaccinated people near unvaccinated people, citing Menstrual cycle issues and infertility
Some more Anecdotal evidence

I find noting that it is not fully FDA approved, but just granted emergency use authorization, together with the fact that there have not been ) any studies on the long term effects of any adenovirus vector or mRNA vaccines, let along coronavirus ones, helps (and there can't be for a long time, because of the way time works). I've managed to ward my close family members away from it, at least for now.
But I also have credentials that grant me expert status in their eyes, I doubt it would have worked if I didn't.

But I also have credentials that grant me expert status in their eyes, I doubt it would have worked if I didn't.
I think that's the key. I also mentioned FDA approval, EUA, long term studies, etc, and was met with blanks stares or suspicion. I gave them the resources explaining all of these things, and they found even that too difficult. If I didn't love my family, I'd call them fucking morons and cut them out of my life. It's just still hard to believe unwilling most people are to even attempt to do their due diligence. They just do what they're told. At this point, what else do I do but accept that I might not have as much time with them as I hoped, as well as hope the rumors about airborne prions aren't true?
The other part of this is that I feel like now everything they built up covid19 to be is everything we should actually be wary of in mRNA vaccinated people. It's right in their wheel-house, the inversion of the truth. Like fabricating events to create real wars, they've fabricated a pandemic to create a real medical emergency. I could panic, but that's not going to help. All it seems I can do is keep myself as healthy as possible. I hate having no good solution to the problem. We don't even really know what the problem is! Just speculation, but maybe that's the next step in this whole thing. Those pharm companies that shut down their vaccine R&D decided that there's more money and power in creating a solution to the vaccine fallout. Just like Bill Gates gets used as a punching bag, pfizer, moderna, J&J get sacrificed for a greater problem-reaction-solution cycle. The real enemy hasn't been revealed yet, and who knows how deep things go or how far they will go.
Call me the eternal optimist, but I haven't lost all hope yet because the equation always has to balance out. Evil can only go so far before Good has to counter to maintain balance.

camdengenung wrote:
Today a Miami private school decides not to let vaccinated people near unvaccinated people, citing Menstrual cycle issues and infertilitySome more Anecdotal evidence
cyncal old gal that I am, I have to wonder if this is another divide & conquer tactic.

Maybe we should have been using reverse psychology all along. “I can’t wait for the jab and get back to normal" Then over time talk about the stats coming from the CDC and why isn’t Bill fixing them. Or how we’ll never miss that favorite shop that went out of business. Or wear 3 masks and carry a 6 ft tape measure at all times. Am sure you get the picture.
Both my kids & their spouses are fully vaccinated, one was pregnant and I’ve no doubt my 3 grandchildren are to follow. I’m starting to think about what I’ll do if I’m restricted from the kids for not getting it too. I might do it because I couldn’t bear to be separated or have to stand by & watch their consequences. I’m in my mid 60’s with a chronic health condition (likely a vaccine injury over a decade ago) so I’d probably go first.
shit. That’s all so morbid. But then, so are the control freaks.
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