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Highwire compilation from Senator Ron Johnson's press conference with vaccine injured women.

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Imagine this being mandatory, big pharma having no liability, and then ending up like one of these women. This is a real tear jerker: SENATOR HELPS COVID VACCINE VICTIMS SPEAK OUT
Posted : July 29, 2021 2:18 AM

4 Months ago I was very much "live-and-let-live" with regard to the "vaccines"--go ahead get it if it makes you feel better and be able to leave the house.
I'm becoming more and more convinced that they are going to end up becoming a world historical catastrophe, and the reaction of the powers that be trying to control that catastrophe could be even worse and flatly dystopian. The behavior of the elites with regard to them and the data is too suspicious to dismiss.
Posted : July 29, 2021 12:54 PM
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