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If the Media likes Fear Porn so much...

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...why has there not been a bill, a talking head, or a writer from the mainstream who has put out the 'Slow-Kill' vs 'Fast-Kill' ultimatum scenario? (Or, maybe I'm just lousy at searching the web).

To put this in other words... 'Vaccination/violation, and setting a precedent for empirical ownership of each individual human body, and the linguistic being that has been conjured into it... vs. Euthanasia" ...the Opt-Out from the Brave New World."

You'd think they'd throw it out there... and then jump on it... just to scare the crap out of people... like the 'death-panel' thing.

There is a sense that the principle of Empire has been taken to the extreme... that the opposing principle of Wisdom (improvised and happenstance assemblage of perception) has fallen... ergo the Baphomet symbol of victory to the Material Empire, and the other arm representing the fallen tower of Massless Wisdom. And yet, the black magicians with the pixelated wands don't touch the gumball... "What would you die for?" ...or, "If you don't Fear the Virus, then can we appeal to your Fear of Imprisonment?" (One might think the system was avoiding something... or maybe it knows that most of consciousness is somehow OK with imprisonment.)

Hell, I'd take the rather quick and non-dramatic exit... no problem. They can have this world... without a suffering 'me' in it. In some respects, the firing squads of old start to seem merciful.

There is a scene in George Orwell's Animal Farm (it was left out of the cartoon movie, but remains in the book), in which all the small animals (ducks, chickens, I think squirrels, and maybe cats) started admitting to criminal acts that were outlawed on the barnyard wall. In most cases, they were violations that were not actually committed. Napoleon's dogs would then tear the little animals to bits for their transgressions. This continued until there was a very large pile of dead bodies... a bloody mess. To put it simply, the little animals were 'checking out'.

This is the gem that is being hidden here... or, that we tend to forget... or that renders Empire as 'cheap':

We are linguistic beings... patterns extracted from the void... bundles of interacting rules in virtual play. To go into hibernation (where all rules are cancelled out) is not necessarily an undesirable outcome. There is no memory in the 'Truth'. The absolute has no competition and needs no 'memory'... no Empire.

Only out here, in the untrue realm of dream-stuff, is there an 'Empire'. And really, if you think about it, who's going to remember you 2000 years from now. Did you think a book, genetics, or digital media would preserve what you know about your life? Can you 'truly' recall the events of anybody from 2000 years ago.... or, would you just be making shit up?

If Hell has rules, then it should be obvious what we mean by its opposite - 'Heaven'.

In this story, I am composed of interacting rules, so there is no 'me' in Heaven... but neither is there any fake Empire... or a fake 'me' for that matter. As presence of Absolute Truth, I am equalized and cancelled out. With absolute truth, there is only the unedited presence of all that is... the blank slate.

Posted : May 27, 2020 7:36 AM