Is the dam breaking...
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Is the dam breaking?

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I don't know how things are going elsewhere around the world, but right now cases are exploding in the area around me, seems like everybody is catching it and... nobody cares anymore. My crazy immunocomprimized neighbor who didn't leave the house for like 18 months is going on vacation in Hawaii in the middle of their largest ever outbreak.

Is the mass hysteria fever finally breaking? What are things like locally for you all?

Posted : December 29, 2021 8:38 PM
Posts: 200
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I certainly can't answer for everyone around here, but I saw something encouraging today. Got my truck serviced at a facility for a large, nationwide auto service corporation.

None of the mechanics were masked and in fact I saw a large poster, not handmade but provided by said corporation stating "If you ask, we will mask!"

I'd say that's a step in the right direction!

Also listening to the "normies" in my family and at my work. They are showing a little fatigue at the idea that there is *no end in sight* for the restrictions and no way to tell when things are getting back to normal. Also, many seem to know someone close to them who refuses to get the jab, so it will be pretty difficult to scapegoat these people.

I think some of the fear is... dissolving, or just being let go out of exasperation. Not necessarily a broken dam, maybe a slow leak?

Posted : December 29, 2021 11:58 PM
Posts: 181
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I’m in NY
There seem to be a lot of “positive cases” here among the jabbed over the last 2 weeks.
Several people at my job and 5 of my family members! 2 fam had it before the shot and now have it post-shot for the second time. It looks like the flu from where I stand, not severe but long-ish lasting.

I’m wondering if people are going to wake up and notice that the shots aren’t helping them as advertised. Will they recognize they’ve been duped? How could they not? That will definitely put some cracks in the façade.

Posted : December 30, 2021 2:48 AM
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socalbeachbunny wrote:
I’m in NY
There seem to be a lot of “positive cases” here among the jabbed over the last 2 weeks.
Several people at my job and 5 of my family members! 2 fam had it before the shot and now have it post-shot for the second time. It looks like the flu from where I stand, not severe but long-ish lasting.

I’m wondering if people are going to wake up and notice that the shots aren’t helping them as advertised. Will they recognize they’ve been duped? How could they not? That will definitely put some cracks in the façade.

This wave is the first one in my area where it's getting to the point where everybody knows a significant number of people who are getting it --before it was more a "my cousin's church friend's co-worker got it", now it's "my cousin, church friend, and coworker all caught it". Seems to be hitting vaxxed and unvaxxed in a way which even normies are coming to the conclusion that the vaccine doesn't really seem worth it.

Posted : December 30, 2021 3:31 AM
Posts: 232
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I'm not sure
At work just before we went on leave there was a shocking amount of talk about the boosters and people impromptu announcing they've had it, asking others if they have...(bare in mind its a non Public facing job and we all work from home)

Then one woman started joking about spreading omicron cos she was getting together with her family regardless at Christmas time...

A family member is about to quit her job at a hospital as she refuses the jab. She went to the union and the union lady told her dont worry, sit tight, lots of people are refusing also...

I've definitely seen more masks outside in the open air. But when i go to the gym nobody seems to walk in with a mask on anymore

A friend of mine who got increased symptoms of a chronic illness following his first 2 doses, went ahead and got the booster for some illogical reason.

So for me in London, from my perspective, its swings and roundabouts

Posted : December 30, 2021 9:02 AM
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smaddy wrote:

So for me in London, from my perspective, its swings and roundabouts

Seems like the response is diverging more and more. Very worried about how Europe will go now especiallly.

Posted : December 30, 2021 3:08 PM
Posts: 4
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smaddy wrote:
I'm not sure
At work just before we went on leave there was a shocking amount of talk about the boosters and people impromptu announcing they've had it, asking others if they have...(bare in mind its a non Public facing job and we all work from home)

Then one woman started joking about spreading omicron cos she was getting together with her family regardless at Christmas time...

A family member is about to quit her job at a hospital as she refuses the jab. She went to the union and the union lady told her dont worry, sit tight, lots of people are refusing also...

I've definitely seen more masks outside in the open air. But when i go to the gym nobody seems to walk in with a mask on anymore

A friend of mine who got increased symptoms of a chronic illness following his first 2 doses, went ahead and got the booster for some illogical reason.

So for me in London, from my perspective, its swings and roundabouts

I’m just back from London (live in Ireland) and I agree there’s a marked increase in mask wearing from my last trip in August, unfortunately people were too indoctrinated over the past 18 months to hold their nerve with the ‘new wave’. However it’s like a nudist colony in comparison to Ireland! I ate in a restaurant INDOORS for the first time in a year, I felt like I could be part of society…it was refreshing, here in Ireland I can do nothing without a vax pass and our tide is not turning any time soon. Looking forward to getting back to the UK soon!

Posted : January 1, 2022 10:03 AM
Posts: 3
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Here in the northeast part of southwestern Ontario it is a mixed bag. The believers still believe, wear masks out doors or in their car by themselves with their windows open. They brag about their booster shot. Those who doubted, but got the shot because of work or were pressured into it, have had it and are not getting the booster. The doubters are now sick with the omnicon variant (given from the jab), or sick of the whole thing from not getting what was promised. Some believers are in despair because they see no end in sight. I think it is coming to an end. It is time for a new enemy in the guise of a cyber attack.

Posted : January 2, 2022 3:31 PM
Posts: 152
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Posted : January 7, 2022 5:55 AM
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Posted : January 7, 2022 6:01 AM
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steved wrote:

I find it kind of funny that it seems that they actually really want to switch to climate change already, but with Covid they have kind of created a Frankenstein/Golem that they don't even control anymore.

Posted : January 7, 2022 2:51 PM
Posts: 6
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steved wrote:

This was a great episode of the Highwire. I recommend watching it!

Posted : January 10, 2022 1:50 PM
Posts: 6
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Here in Bulgaria we have been pretty lax about all the masking/Social distancing stuff for quite a while.
We also have a 'Green Pass' but luckily you can get it if you have a certain antibody score from a previous CV infection. You need more than 150BAU/l (whatever that means) and my score was ... 3498 I guess I'm protected.
But yes nowadays even those who were asking people to mask in stores (its mandatory but not enforced) seem to have stopped, and I rarely get asked for my Green Pass, maybe 1/10 times, and even then no-one actually looks at it or scans the QR code.
The Bulgarians have about a 25-30% vaccination rate, and the Government has repeatedly said that it will not impose mandatory jabs.
Come visit Bulgaria for a bit of normality! And skiing.
Bulgaria has a very high mortality from Covid according to the numbers, but nobody seems to care about it.

Posted : January 10, 2022 1:56 PM
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benglian wrote:
Here in Bulgaria we have been pretty lax about all the masking/Social distancing stuff for quite a while.
We also have a 'Green Pass' but luckily you can get it if you have a certain antibody score from a previous CV infection. You need more than 150BAU/l (whatever that means) and my score was ... 3498 I guess I'm protected.
But yes nowadays even those who were asking people to mask in stores (its mandatory but not enforced) seem to have stopped, and I rarely get asked for my Green Pass, maybe 1/10 times, and even then no-one actually looks at it or scans the QR code.
The Bulgarians have about a 25-30% vaccination rate, and the Government has repeatedly said that it will not impose mandatory jabs.
Come visit Bulgaria for a bit of normality! And skiing.
Bulgaria has a very high mortality from Covid according to the numbers, but nobody seems to care about it.

The guy in charge of the lab I worked at when this started was Bulgarian--could clearly tell he could not give less of a shit about all this personally.

Posted : January 11, 2022 2:13 AM
Posts: 108
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i agree... i see this as a sign that my groups positive timeline rituals are working. positive timeline yall!

it does appear that a lot of the normies in the US are 'over it'... i know a couple that was super hard core waxers, maskers, isolating.. and now that they have been triple waxxed seem like, we have played this game for long enough we are going to live our life now.

my normie sibling got waxxed but was not a true believer like the above but is straight up over it now... doesnt mask hard core... jsut going on with her life.

my mother is super blue pilled and still brings it up... but the rest of the family seems like 'eh, yeah, we are waxxed and going to go on with our life'. (for the record i have lied to my family and told them i got it... yeah, i'm not going to take thehassle from brain washed fam members... i know some people think this is not a morally upright stance)

so i think the cabal has kind of backed themselves into a corner with the wax... a lotof people have been double waxxed and are just going on with their life because they were told it would protect them. so its like some of the normies are like 'yeah, why are we still talking about this, i'm safe, i got the waxine'.

also, omi. 'variant' is very mild... and i'm noticing that so many people are coming down with it. all are waxxed... except for one. and i think all these waxed people getting the omi are destroying the narrative.

i think we are getting to a point where only the most brainwashed are still falling for this narrative... i think the vast majority of the normies are 'over it'... apathy and short attention span saving the day as it were.

Posted : January 13, 2022 12:34 PM
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