Is this EMF? Dr. Co...
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Is this EMF? Dr. Cowan gives the best breakdown I've heard.

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Posted : March 22, 2020 11:33 PM
Posts: 1354
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Incredible Greg! Gunter Pauli also just tweeted about the 5G and Wuhan/Northern Italy connection (and guesting blasted for it). Very intriguing indeed. Although shouldn’t it be easy to test the hypothesis, comparing areas that have 5G and the number of people affected?

PS: one such map for 5G roll-out exists here:

according to this map, there’s a large cluster in Switzerland (northern Italy area) and the rest of Europe (dozens; more in the UK). If this hypothesis is true, we should not only see which areas have more casualties, but also be able to make predictions of next likely outbreaks.. interesting

I’m not putting all my eggs in this basket, nor should you, but it is getting worth looking.
Any diy faraday cage blueprints?:cool:

Edit: Cowan in that video seems to suggest a link between:
1) amount of metals in the body. Higher content makes it more susceptible to EMFs, especially the 5G range.
2) @5Min mark: addresses the contagion myth, and how it's more likely to be environmental poisoning that causes toxins which cause the symptoms (in this case, the flu, or the corona). This is pretty much in-line with what the previous two guests were talking on the THC episode.
3) 5G can be deployed through space using the swarm of satellites in space. Therefore, my previous supposition of mapping down the towers will most likely prove to be insufficient. And I don't expect those satellites to be tracked publicly either.
4) He ends with a quote by Steiner about how times like these will require of us to be more spiritually aligned than before. Amen

Posted : March 23, 2020 7:23 AM
Posts: 23
Eminent Member

Well, they say....

5g requires a mini tower on every block.

Then, they say....

5g is beaming from outer space.

So, which is true???

Posted : March 25, 2020 7:22 PM
Posts: 1354
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PurpleLama wrote: Well, they say....

5g requires a mini tower on every block.

Then, they say....

5g is beaming from outer space.

So, which is true???

I think both can be true. The same way you can communicate by telephone using cell towers, or use a satellite phone to do so.

Posted : March 25, 2020 8:04 PM
Posts: 19
Eminent Member

I don’t see how 5Gs millimeter waves would carry through miles of space. I can see satellites directing or running 5G towers. Can we get a 5G engineer on here?!? Haha.

Posted : March 29, 2020 3:50 PM
Posts: 1354
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sleeper007 wrote: I don’t see how 5Gs millimeter waves would carry through miles of space. I can see satellites directing or running 5G towers. Can we get a 5G engineer on here?!? Haha.

Masers : Microwave + Laser

PS: A good resource for more info is Elana Freeland's last book , Under an Ionized Sky (2018)

Posted : March 29, 2020 3:57 PM
Posts: 19
Eminent Member

I have benefited so much from being a regular listener to THC.

I wish I could be of as much service to others as is Greg through the work he is doing here.

Whenever I hear 'Rudolf Steiner', my ears prick up!

I signed in for last nights webinar and heard about Steiner and was able to discover Dr. Cowen from Gregs's comments.

I found the 10 minute video that Greg posted in this tread, and it is really all the basic info I need to introduce me to some of these ideas and to confirm others.

Here's a link to a page on Dr. Cowen's website which links out to a recent webinar where he goes into more detail.

notice that the video is not posted on YT, it's still a link to where he saved his webinar.

Posted : March 31, 2020 8:26 PM
Posts: 1
New Member

sleeper007 wrote: I don’t see how 5Gs millimeter waves would carry through miles of space. I can see satellites directing or running 5G towers. Can we get a 5G engineer on here?!? Haha.

I learned that 5G will be used over the hole spectrum not just the upper like 60-90 MHZ, on the lower frequencies they can go further distances.

Posted : April 2, 2020 6:50 PM
Posts: 200
Estimable Member

I found an article detailing the 5G rollout timeframe for countries across the world. Not surprisingly, every country is set to have it in place by 2020:

My roommate says that 4G was set up just as quickly, so no big deal. But I still find it interesting that there is such widespread corroberation from such varied economies and infrastructures.

Actually I was wrong. For some reason Aruba is waiting until 2022. If I were a billionaire technocratic psychopath, there would be a nice place to go wait this whole pandemic fiasco out while not getting microwaved in the meantime.

edit: As I'm learning more about this, I'm finding out there are a lot of local/national governments trying to outright ban "fievGie" - very telling, though the info is conflicting - so the options for my health conscious billionaire technocrats may have opened up a bit...

Posted : April 4, 2020 12:25 AM
Posts: 19
Eminent Member

The first time I heard of Dr. Cowan was his 10 minute video embeded in a page that I found in a search for 'virus protein solvent'.

The video mentioning viral protein solvent came up in a video watch party in the Facebook group 'Reptilians Ufo's & Conspiracies'.

In that video I recognized Dana Ashlie, she has a great YouTube channel. She is a strong advocate for telling the truth about 5G.

YouTube took this video down.

She talks about that censorship here.

I think she would be a great guest for Greg bring on THC.

Posted : April 7, 2020 9:24 PM
Posts: 69
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This video:

is the one used to start this thread by GC ? And that it is not more in Youtube...

Posted : April 11, 2020 6:27 PM
Posts: 19
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ttsoares wrote: This video:

is the one used to start this thread by GC ? And that it is not more in Youtube...

No, this video was never on YouTube. It's on Zoom. I imagine Cowan left it there to avoid violating YouTube's 'Community Standards'.

Posted : April 13, 2020 2:41 AM
Posts: 19
Eminent Member

Was the video of bald(ing) gentleman, who was a amateur HAM radio person, talking about 5G on this thread? I’m old and easily can get lost in a sea of interesting topics and videos. He mentioned that he built a variety of directional antennas. Regardless, the million dollar question that I have is: can a 5G antenna cook another 5G antenna?

Posted : April 14, 2020 3:13 AM
Posts: 1354
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I'm a little late to the party, but I dug down a bit behind David Icke's claim of 5G's 60ghz emission somehow being the cause for the lung collapse-like symptoms of some "Covid" patients. I easily found a few scientific articles on the subject, but only one paper on the health effect of that finds inconclusive evidence (although the study tracked effects for only 24hrs..)

Although as I'm writing this, I stumbled upon this meta-analysis of 94 publications on health impacts of 5G (although they haven't pin-pointed the exact cause):

I also follow renegade economist Martin Armstrong, and he just published an article about a Swiss doctor, Thomas Binder, who publicly questioned covid-5g and was arrested (SWAT'ed at his home). And seems to have posted quite a few things on the subject (although many are in german)

Courtesy of:, 2001 (showing the peak absorption frequency of O2 (oxygen) at 60 ghz–frequency used by 5G MM-waveso_O

Here's another graph on EM absorption frequencies from EverythingRF:

So the question are: (1) does oxygen bind to 60ghz, and (2) if it does, am I getting it right to intuitively conjecture that, 5G (@60GHZ) is doing to our lungs, what microwaves are doing to water (@2.4Ghz), i.e., exciting/cooking the atoms, with the difference being in the wattage (intensity)?

In regards to (1), the graphs above showing very narrow (precise) absorption points at certain harmonics (I would like to see a graph that traces <10ghz absorptions). This may also explain why 5G performs poorly in long-range, and why the masts/hotspots need to be short-range (and closer to us).

I'm reading a few tecchie articles about it, and the narrow band of 60ghz is notoriously referred to as the Oxygen Absorption Band, making it an unlikely candidate for reliable data transmission. And yet none of these guys are asking about the health implications of this? Hellooooo?

In regards to (2), it would explain, what Icke describes as some doctors witnessing lungs collapsing, as if a climber with no proper equipment were suddenly dropped on Mt Everest. Terrible way to die if you ask me..

PS: I've seen numerous people, including guys like Joe Rogan, repeat phrases like: "How come Covid is in 180 countries, while 5G is in less than 10? Makes no sense".
My short answer is, I don't know. But I do know that Elon Musk's and his SpaceX have been launching thousands of mini-satellites as part of Starlink, to beam 5G from space (What Elana Freeland calls Lockdown Space Fence). And it's not just conspiracy nuts who are angry, but also astronomers who can't see the stars because of them. So there's that.

PS2: By the way, this is just stoner thinking from my part. Not saying this IS the case. After all, I'm as ignorant as any. But it does seem curious now, doesn't it?:cool:

Posted : April 15, 2020 12:29 PM
Posts: 19
Eminent Member

enjoypolo wrote: I'm reading a few tecchie articles about it, and the narrow band of 60ghz is notoriously referred to as the Oxygen Absorption Band, making it an unlikely candidate for reliable data transmission. And yet none of these guys are asking about the health implications of this? Hellooooo?

In regards to (2), it would explain, what Icke describes as some doctors witnessing lungs collapsing, as if a climber with no proper equipment were suddenly dropped on Mt Everest. Terrible way to die if you ask me..

PS: I've seen numerous people, including guys like Joe Rogan, repeat phrases like: "How come Covid is in 180 countries, while 5G is in less than 10? Makes no sense".

I've heard claims that breaking the O2 bond is the health threat. The techie observation of the Oxygen Absorption Band doesn't necessarily imply that 60 GHz breaks the O2 bond making the Oxygen unavailable for uptake in our lungs by iron in hemoglobin.

If 60 GHz breaks the O2 bond, I wonder does it do that both in the atmospheric Oxygen we breathe as well as the O2 already in our blood. I imagine, once O2 binds to iron in our blood, 60 GHz doesn't affect it the same. So, all we need to do to treat someone 'suffocating' from 60 GHz microwave radiation, could simply be an Oxygen Mask delivery of pure Oxygen.

If 60 GHz can affect the Oxygen in our blood, then we would also need to get inside a Faraday Cage and breathe some pure O2.

Regarding Joe Rogan, his question assumes there are confirmed cases of Covid anywhere. Since we know that the RT-PCR test used cannot possibly confirm infection, and the exosomes, aka viruses, are not contagious nor infectious nor pathogenic, there are no confirmed cases of Covid.

The question to ask is how many people are experiencing symptoms of oxygen deprivation.

My understanding is that very few place, maybe none, are yet using the 60 GHz frequencies, even where there is 5G service, however, the new 5G concentrator tower infrastructure with improved line of site, which I imagine is capable of being used like the Active Denial System non-lethal weapon, are installed virtually everywhere there is cell service.

Posted : April 15, 2020 6:00 PM
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