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At this point I'm just laughing at it. I'm starting to get more and more "I'm sorry, you were right" communications from people who bought into this stupidity.

Posted : July 27, 2021 8:45 PM
Posts: 349
Bossman Admin

Wish I could say the same, for me the divides in the friend group are widening, but all we need is time I think.

Posted : July 29, 2021 2:19 AM
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TheCarlwood wrote:
Wish I could say the same, for me the divides in the friend group are widening, but all we need is time I think.

Yep. Look back at the history of the Vietnam war--the real history, not the weird Forrest Gump propaganda we've replaced it with in our collective consciousness-- families were torn apart and emotions were super-heated. It took a few years, but eventually it was widely understood how the "best and brightest" had wagged the dog and led us into catastrophe.

That being said, I do think the coastal areas will take much longer to work it out of their system.

Posted : July 29, 2021 11:46 AM
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Really hoping that this is peak vaccine frenzy. The rhetoric from the pro-vaccine crowd parallels what the Nazi party was saying about Jewish people in the years leading up to the Holocaust-- keep them separate, charge them extra, ban them from places, make them identify themselves, etc..

This is the first time in my life where I am legitimately concerned about the immediate future and my ability to navigate it.

Posted : July 29, 2021 2:49 PM
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alexander wrote:
Really hoping that this is peak vaccine frenzy. The rhetoric from the pro-vaccine crowd parallels what the Nazi party was saying about Jewish people in the years leading up to the Holocaust-- keep them separate, charge them extra, ban them from places, make them identify themselves, etc..

This is the first time in my life where I am legitimately concerned about the immediate future and my ability to navigate it.

I feel you on the vaccine frenzy, it's truly terrifying and I agree 100% that it sounds exactly like Nazi rhetoric. How people are able to deny that comparison is beyond me. I feel like we're being put through the old squeeze and release routine, so I'm hoping that this is just the first vaccine mandate squeeze and we'll have a another period of release before it all kicks in. (Maybe several cycles of that to ensure full indoctrination? Hopefully.) The future is frightening but I just keep trying to have faith that we're not alone, there are more of us than they let on, and we'll figure out how to navigate it all together.

Posted : August 3, 2021 1:34 PM
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I came here in a bit of a laughing mood, too, because I noticed how the narrative has shifted, rather quickly, to "jab because you care about others" to "jab because you care about yourself". The "science" is turning to dust. They are grasping at straws. It's a sign of the end. This isn't to minimize the divides anyone else is experiencing, but I live in NYC and "both sides" are living in harmony as far as I've seen. There are people who have taken the jab who are now actively promoting Ivermectin and who won't wear masks. And it isn't just about the V. Anywhere there is an attempt at control people are waking up: housing, jobs, the economy, war, education.

This is coming from someone who has felt terrorized and heart-broken like everyone else, some nights not sleeping, waking up with dread, etc., but I hope no one here gets too caught up in fear. It feeds the matrix energy, aside from not feeling good and being happy, which we all deserve. It may not be easy. If you don't have something that grounds you or gets you present, I hope you find it.

I'm paraphrasing Gordon White (what about a THC/Rune Soup membership package?) but I remember back in November he said something like "people still fall in love, even in war time". The light of life and love will always be here. I went to the beach the other day and noticed a woman, alone, wearing a mask even though no one was within 20 or 30 feet of her. But there she was literally swaying with the waves. Something in her still responds to the call of the ocean.

Posted : August 3, 2021 4:03 PM
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fujenly wrote:
I came here in a bit of a laughing mood, too, because I noticed how the narrative has shifted, rather quickly, to "jab because you care about others" to "jab because you care about yourself". The "science" is turning to dust. They are grasping at straws. It's a sign of the end. This isn't to minimize the divides anyone else is experiencing, but I live in NYC and "both sides" are living in harmony as far as I've seen. There are people who have taken the jab who are now actively promoting Ivermectin and who won't wear masks. And it isn't just about the V. Anywhere there is an attempt at control people are waking up: housing, jobs, the economy, war, education.

This is coming from someone who has felt terrorized and heart-broken like everyone else, some nights not sleeping, waking up with dread, etc., but I hope no one here gets too caught up in fear. It feeds the matrix energy, aside from not feeling good and being happy, which we all deserve. It may not be easy. If you don't have something that grounds you or gets you present, I hope you find it.

I'm paraphrasing Gordon White (what about a THC/Rune Soup membership package?) but I remember back in November he said something like "people still fall in love, even in war time". The light of life and love will always be here. I went to the beach the other day and noticed a woman, alone, wearing a mask even though no one was within 20 or 30 feet of her. But there she was literally swaying with the waves. Something in her still responds to the call of the ocean.

Yes. Real life just does not reflect what we are seeing from the propaganda nexus. This Saturday I went downtown in my small city and it was 100% back to normal, no masks, market open, people having fun.

When it comes to laws and mandates, I know it is frustrating, and I know many are being put into situations which they absolutely shouldn't be and rightly feel violated. But my guess would be most THCers have many times before ingested a certain natural substance which is among the most "illegal" in the world... "law" does not overcome humanity. They fear laughter for a reason, and the people will laugh.

Posted : August 3, 2021 4:08 PM
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jh1517 wrote:
Yes. Real life just does not reflect what we are seeing from the propaganda nexus. This Saturday I went downtown in my small city and it was 100% back to normal, no masks, market open, people having fun.

When it comes to laws and mandates, I know it is frustrating, and I know many are being put into situations which they absolutely shouldn't be and rightly feel violated. But my guess would be most THCers have many times before ingested a certain natural substance which is among the most "illegal" in the world... "law" does not overcome humanity. They fear laughter for a reason, and the people will laugh.

I ended my morning finding out that DiBlasio in NYC is going to mandate proof of vaxx to go to the gym and eat inside, even if you have a religious or medical exemption apparently. Here I go having to live by my own beliefs...

Posted : August 3, 2021 8:30 PM
Posts: 44
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fujenly wrote:
I ended my morning finding out that DiBlasio in NYC is going to mandate proof of vaxx to go to the gym and eat inside, even if you have a religious or medical exemption apparently. Here I go having to live by my own beliefs...

I realized months ago that I will probably never go to a restaurant again. And I'm okay with it. Fuck them, if they don't want me, they don't deserve my money anyway.

Posted : August 4, 2021 6:50 AM
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tacosalad wrote:
I realized months ago that I will probably never go to a restaurant again. And I'm okay with it. Fuck them, if they don't want me, they don't deserve my money anyway.

It'll be funny in 10 years when they look at the vaxxed/unvaxxed populations and the unvaxxed are way healthier just because they stopped eating at restaurants.

Posted : August 4, 2021 12:27 PM
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It seems like we're super lucky in Texas right now because of wacky Abbott, but his time will be over soon and I would not be surprised if Texas turns blue when he's gone. I also feel like the Texas/Florida republican resistance junk is possibly a stunt that will lead up to the feds stepping in to "get Texas and Florida under control" or something - hopefully that's just me taking it too far, but there's something eerie about it all.

Posted : August 4, 2021 1:38 PM
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AlienneSlam wrote:
It seems like we're super lucky in Texas right now because of wacky Abbott, but his time will be over soon and I would not be surprised if Texas turns blue when he's gone. I also feel like the Texas/Florida republican resistance junk is possibly a stunt that will lead up to the feds stepping in to "get Texas and Florida under control" or something - hopefully that's just me taking it too far, but there's something eerie about it all.

My residual normie political senses are that the Biden admin is coming apart at the seams and they are actually the ones in retreat. They are obviously visibly flustered by the resistence they are meeting to their program. It's largely their own fault, if they had been more subtle people like me wouldn't have woken up until its was too late.

But a dying animal is very dangerous so nothing would surprise me at this point.

Posted : August 4, 2021 2:16 PM
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jh1517 wrote:
My residual normie political senses are that the Biden admin is coming apart at the seams and they are actually the ones in retreat. They are obviously visibly flustered by the resistence they are meeting to their program. It's largely their own fault, if they had been more subtle people like me wouldn't have woken up until its was too late.

But a dying animal is very dangerous so nothing would surprise me at this point.

I think your sense are on track because it definitely seems that way; and I also agree that the dying animal can be very dangerous - and even more so, I'm super afraid of the dying animal's devoted followers and how they're going to handle the fallout.

The "normal" people I'm friends with here in Texas are behaving so weird. They're posting all sorts of sappy emotional support stuff and talking about how depressed they are - because I guess they're really sad we don't have mandates going on right now?? That's all I can decipher at least. It's creepy.

Posted : August 4, 2021 4:36 PM
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AlienneSlam wrote:
The "normal" people I'm friends with here in Texas are behaving so weird. They're posting all sorts of sappy emotional support stuff and talking about how depressed they are - because I guess they're really sad we don't have mandates going on right now?? That's all I can decipher at least. It's creepy.

The best analogy I can find to understand the covid warriors is just that, they view the mandates and restrictions as a "just war"--never mind how ineffective all of it even is, that doesn't matter to them. In there mind we should mask and vax and lockdown when commanded just as soldiers should go up over the trenches when commanded. They are the kind of person who would support more and more troops and resources to continue the quagmires in Iraq and Afghanistan, and regardless of how much it fails, they can't conceive of just abandoning the wars as being the right thing to do. There's a good reason neo-cons and covid-crazies overlap entirely.

Posted : August 4, 2021 6:34 PM
Posts: 62
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jh1517 wrote:
The best analogy I can find to understand the covid warriors is just that, they view the mandates and restrictions as a "just war"--never mind how ineffective all of it even is, that doesn't matter to them. In there mind we should mask and vax and lockdown when commanded just as soldiers should go up over the trenches when commanded. They are the kind of person who would support more and more troops and resources to continue the quagmires in Iraq and Afghanistan, and regardless of how much it fails, they can't conceive of just abandoning the wars as being the right thing to do. There's a good reason neo-cons and covid-crazies overlap entirely.

100% they believe what their doing is just. I can't imagine the mental gymnastics they go through every day, it sounds exhausting. A lot of our friends are artsy "anarchists," they think they're intellectuals, they indulge in all sorts of metaphysical and philosophical stuff, they all read tarot and astrology, but they're also all atheists and they love to make fun of and berate people who are not doing what the government says. They have been infantiled to the max - their art and everything (not judging peoples art, just observing) is covid-obsessed and centered around mandates and the technocracy - because, you know, they think they're anything BUT the technocracy. I also don't think they fully understand what technocracy means. But anyways, it's a bummer and I genuinely don't feel safe around them anymore.

Posted : August 4, 2021 9:43 PM
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