AlienneSlam wrote:
A lot of our friends are artsy "anarchists," they think they're intellectuals, they indulge in all sorts of metaphysical and philosophical stuff, they all read tarot and astrology, but they're also all atheists and they love to make fun of and berate people who are not doing what the government says.
Nothing more "punk-rock" than Karening out at people for not following the latest guidance from the CDC and NIH...
But to be fair, back 15 years or so I remember just how many "conservative Christians" I knew who would brag about how they cut a rug drinking themselves unconscious and brag about their sexual conquests on Monday mornings.
From our designing demiurge's perspective, cognitive dissonance must be a feature, not a bug; because he seems to have distributed it far and wide.

jh1517 wrote:
Nothing more "punk-rock" than Karening out at people for not following the latest guidance from the CDC and NIH...But to be fair, back 15 years or so I remember just how many "conservative Christians" I knew who would brag about how they cut a rug drinking themselves unconscious and brag about their sexual conquests on Monday mornings.
From our designing demiurge's perspective, cognitive dissonance must be a feature, not a bug; because he seems to have distributed it far and wide.
LOL at the punk rock Karens comment, it's so true! And they really and truly have the attention spans of goldfish. Last year when things kicked off I was super vocal online about where I stand, but when G.Floyd happened I took a break from social media. When I came back only a month or two later, I realized they had seriously forgotten that I'm not one of them! It was shocking, I still can't wrap my head around it. I will say though, I feel like some of them have been so gracious to give me a bit of a "crazy pass" for being an artist - and usually that would irritate the heck out of me, but in this situation I'm rolling with it.
And yeah, I definitely agree that many so called conservatives are pretty wild behind closed doors. It's crazy to think how much some of those conservatives and the anarchist Karens would have in common. The only real difference between the two is rainbow hair lol
Also yes... such a good point about cognitive dissonance being a feature here. It really seems like the more cognitively dissonant one is these days, the more social glory one receives. The other day I saw an intelligent friend re-post this quote, "The takeaway message remains, if you're vaccinated, you are protected. You are not going to end up with severe disease, hospitalization or death." Dr Celine Gounder, an infectious disease specialist from NY. I guess their goldfish brains also forgot they can get sick and die from lots of other things, too, right?? Such a joke.

And yeah, I definitely agree that many so called conservatives are pretty wild behind closed doors.
Not just closed doors, many conservatives are openly wild--look at Bret Kavanaugh, whatever the merit of the specific allegations, it was clear that he spent his high-school/college days as a party animal AND a alter-boy--i.e. in total dissonance, which his supporters considered a boon (and his opposers had plenty of similar motes in their own eyes)
It really seems like the more cognitively dissonant one is these days, the more social glory one receives.
Yup, the old term is "Credo quia absurdum"--I believe because it is absurd. It is the mantra of the true believer. Believing false and incoherent/contradictory things proves ones' faith to the cause/church/movement.
"The takeaway message remains, if you're vaccinated, you are protected. You are not going to end up with severe disease, hospitalization or death." Dr Celine Gounder, an infectious disease specialist from NY
God that frustrates me. Literally, the FDA documentation (which I just posted in the COVID infoshare) says they have no clue and the vaccine may make things worse as time goes on and especially if conferred immunity wanes (which Israeli/UK data demonstrates pretty clearly). These doctors don't give two shits whether or not what they say is true, they simple consider whether or not it will further their short term goal--which seems to me to revolve around making themselves feel like they fit in with their profession.
They are just despicable, incurious cowards and psychopaths.

(Learning how to use the quote feature here...)
Not just closed doors, many conservatives are openly wild--look at Bret Kavanaugh, whatever the merit of the specific allegations, it was clear that he spent his high-school/college days as a party animal AND a alter-boy--i.e. in total dissonance, which his supporters considered a boon (and his opposers had plenty of similar motes in their own eyes)
Ah yes, totally agree. I've always found it interesting that my Falwell/Pence/evangelical parents are able to let those things slide. The church gives them a special blend of dissonance to smudge over the conservative bad boy scandals. They believe that god works through all kinds of people - including criminals and "imperfect people" (like Trump) so in a sense being in a scandal is really just a good opportunity to repent and show off god's mercy. People can make endless mistakes as long as they're "saved." No need to BE Christ-like, just SAY you "know" Christ and all is good.
God that frustrates me. Literally, the FDA documentation (which I just posted in the COVID infoshare) says they have no clue and the vaccine may make things worse as time goes on and especially if conferred immunity wanes (which Israeli/UK data demonstrates pretty clearly). These doctors don't give two shits whether or not what they say is true, they simple consider whether or not it will further their short term goal--which seems to me to revolve around making themselves feel like they fit in with their profession.
My brain fell on the floor when I read that quote. The doctors definitely do not give two shits about what they're doing. I'm convinced that most of them have huge student loan bills to pay off so they'll push whatever they're told to push to get kickbacks. Rockefeller med school trap, I suppose.
They are just despicable, incurious cowards and psychopaths.
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