Microsoft and LA Unified team up to get kids back to school "safely" using "Daily Pass"....

Here's the video from LA Unified -
Super creepy to say the least.
A couple different articles that talk about it -
One leans for, one against, but either way what's happening is happening. My only question is, when do these conspiracies stop being conspiracy and are just our reality? Barcoding people, well QR code but still really? These are things that we've talked about in the conspiracy community for years. If you take the biblical side of things maybe even thousands of years? Either way, seems a bit odd to me that it's so out in open like this.
But then again, do we really have any options? I mean individually we might but there are something like 1/2mil kids in this LA Unified school system and a lot of those parents wont have a choice. It's a really smart way of getting in to the ether of society or w.e. Like we always hear/say these guys play for the long game and even if we don't have these barcode readers or people scanning our QR codes to get in a grocery store next month or even next year, this shit is coming. Maybe they don't even get our generation, or people who are already out of school, but implementing this with kids will get them used to these kinds of things and then it makes it easier to implement the next generation, etc. We've seen this happening or happen before. The slow roll. It's still crazy to see, well crazy in the sense that this is playing out like a movie and that seems insane. I think that is part of the plan though, part of the way this slow technocratic takeover is supposed to be playing out. But I also think we have power to effect that plan. There's always light we have to remember that.

Can you believe that LA Unified video? The animated part (starting about halfway through) is extremely unsettling. How can anyone not be creeped out by that?
My gut tells me that more people than we would think *are* bothered by this propaganda, and that it has an undertone of threat that may be intentional. The gloves might be coming off this year if TPTB are stupid/reckless enough. The coercion against "vaccine hesitancy" may become more and more blatant. Some hot points coming up are:
An FDA approval benchmark coming up in late June/early July (right now none of the "treatments" are FDA approved - a popular excuse people use for not taking them.) I have little faith in the FDA to act in the general public's best interest.
Another creepy thing I heard about on the latest No Agenda podcast is an upcoming federal "Vaccine Holiday" - sometime around Labor Day everyone gets a day off to go get their vaccine. There will be balloons, and music! This being an innocent, misguided attempt to encourage all of the remaining hesitant mopes to get themselves vaxxed, or something more sinister?

New drinking game, take a sip every time they use the word safe. It’s hard to not hear the subliminal programming done in that video is it is just me. Life is not safe, it never ever has been. Accept today might just be the last one. That doesn’t mean go crazy that means try to stop, slow down and enjoy what you are doing, even if it is not fun.

astronautrob wrote:
My only question is, when do these conspiracies stop being conspiracy and are just our reality?
That really is the million dollar question. I've been contemplating this so much lately. How much more obvious does it have to get?!
Seeing covid as a new religion has helped me understand it better. The brainwashing around it has been quite effective, and similar to religion, people aren't open to the possibility that maybe they're off the mark. They can't see that there are other perspectives. Zoom out a bit, and the religion is scientific materialism that can't be questioned. Which defeats the true meaning of science.
I hope I'm dead wrong, but the way things are going, we're entering into an AI controlled scientific dictatorship. An information dark age of sorts. I'm not sure if we're organized enough to prevent that from happening. It might be something we'll have to go through.

Bad trees, bad fruit. How you don't watch that video back after putting it together and shudder at how gross it is tells you everything you need to know about the people who work on these projects. I guess it works when the viewing audience doesn't believe they have the power to choose. Here you go, just some more slop for you to slurp down. Enjoy, peasant.
PS: After coming up for air, I watched the rest of the video and saw the creator/producer's name, Steve Dworman. From the video on his website, it sounds like he's been in the telemarketing world for at least 30 years, which explains the smell (he sold perfume). Just go look at his website and marvel at the shoddiness. These guys may talk a big game, and it may work in their limited worlds, but they are ultimately tone deaf and incompetent. This is good news, because these are the kinds of people who are running the day to day operations, so to speak. They will never succeed on the scale that they hope, and even if they try to take us all down with them in their failure, I think they aren't even competent enough to do that.
You rise to the level of your competence, until you become incompetent. These guys are at the positions they are at because they are unable to rise any higher. Just in this one, limited instance, we see a microcosm of the true capability and mindset of the modern corporate propagandist left to his own devices, and it feels like getting MK-ultra'd through a screen. The covid MULTIPASS will happen, people will be duped and betrayed, but something tells me that the trick won't last long because the people who make the decisions are limited.
I'm not going to proofread, hopefully what I wrote makes sense I didn't ramble too much.
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