My Grandmother’s vaccine issues

Upon receiving the second vaccine shot from Pfizer, my grandmother woke up from a nap that afternoon with a pain in her neck. The following day she went to the chiropractor for an adjustment, and was immediately unable to move her legs. An ambulance took her to the ER from the chiropractor, but she was turned away for two days in a row. She was only admitted to the hospital when a PCR test came back positive for COVID-19, and then she was locked down in the coronavirus ward. Later that day two more test came back negative, but they wouldn’t move her from the ward until the following day. Even then no one was allowed to see her, and for 2 days we didn’t even speak to a doctor or her. I was able to argue she had a right to see her husband (him being a preacher), on religious freedoms grounds, but still no one talked to a doctor. Nurse assistants relayed to us the issues they thought she had, ranging from “blood clots maybe?”, to a blood infection they couldn’t offer a cause for. This Monday she was moved to Emory in Atlanta, and had 2 surgeries performed on an suddenly giant abscess in her neck, and a lower back surgery of spinal compression. She won’t walk for months, with still no explanation on blood infection. Infectious disease doctors won’t even acknowledge the possibility of some correlation to the vaccine, instead saying maybe all this happened from a colonoscopy that she had 6 months ago.
I realize this isn’t much actionable intelligence, but her story should be shared as she sits scared, immobile, and alone in a hospital bed 90% of her days. I don’t believe the individual doctors are malicious in any of this, but the policy makers treating these humans like just numbers and beds astound me. I haven’t been able to vent this much of anywhere because people just decide you’re a anti vaccine nut, but this is a real person, that literally didn’t leave her house for a whole year like every channel told her too.
I love this show and appreciate the safe outlet this forum brings. Stay vigilant out there.

Absolutely infuriating on all counts, what your grandmother has gone through.
As I'm reading about (potential) vaccine related deaths, it seems that they can be related to some form of sepsis, or a cytokine storm. One reaction I had to a vaccine I had to have long ago (when I was too young to refuse it) was the formation of a cyst at the injection site. I think the reason for the cyst was due to the shot being poorly administered; but I know the body tends to form cysts around substances it wants to isolate/remove from circulation.
I can see cysts and abcesses, and resulting nerve/physiological damage of whatever they are pressing against being a possible reaction of the body to this "vaccine".

Really sad to hear that. So many people spend the last chapter of their lives in a hospital bed, without friends and family, all tangled up in wires in a depressing environment. Just a bad approach to old age altogether. Then stack this COVID shit on top of it, and it's an even bigger nightmare.
I really appreciate you sharing, b/c many of us are going to watch our own loved ones make similar decisions. Having a place to vent and seek some support is really important when many of our thoughts on this just aren't socially acceptable.
I have family in their 90s that are worried about when they can get a vaccine and I just shake my head.
I do worry that all the news stories of "variants" and "new super strains" is exactly the sort of stuff that will provide air cover for any vaccine damage. Its always going to be the fault of the virus, never the vaccine. I see some difficult times ahead, but it's nice to have a place to talk it out. Again, sorry man. Take care.

TheCarlwood wrote: Really sad to hear that. So many people spend the last chapter of their lives in a hospital bed, without friends and family, all tangled up in wires in a depressing environment. Just a bad approach to old age altogether. Then stack this COVID shit on top of it, and it's an even bigger nightmare.
I do worry that all the news stories of "variants" and "new super strains" is exactly the sort of stuff that will provide air cover for any vaccine damage. Its always going to be the fault of the virus, never the vaccine. I see some difficult times ahead, but it's nice to have a place to talk it out. Again, sorry man. Take care.
‘If they have their way, this is how we are all going to die if we make it to old age and land in a hospital. And you’re exactly right, Greg, about new viruses being blamed for vaccine injuries. Prof. Delores Cahill, PhD is predicting a 50% fatality rate from these vaccines. (The Highwire interview) and she’s saying nobody knows for sure what’s In them.

As everything else involved in this chaos, isolating people in hospitals is unnecessary, immoral and criminal. I think it’s one of the top violations and it makes me angry as hell.
I’ve been wondering & perhaps you know... can ppl get their family members discharged from a hospital, assuming they’re stable and especially when they test negative? Do they allow ppl to have their phones?
I’ve also wondered if those in their final days can be released into hospice at home.

sofahkingfoxy wrote: As everything else involved in this chaos, isolating people in hospitals is unnecessary, immoral and criminal. I think it’s one of the top violations and it makes me angry as hell.
I’ve been wondering & perhaps you know... can ppl get their family members discharged from a hospital, assuming they’re stable and especially when they test negative? Do they allow ppl to have their phones?
I’ve also wondered if those in their final days can be released into hospice at home.

sofahkingfoxy wrote: As everything else involved in this chaos, isolating people in hospitals is unnecessary, immoral and criminal. I think it’s one of the top violations and it makes me angry as hell.
I’ve been wondering & perhaps you know... can ppl get their family members discharged from a hospital, assuming they’re stable and especially when they test negative? Do they allow ppl to have their phones?
I’ve also wondered if those in their final days can be released into hospice at home.
Couldn’t agree more here. Forced isolations + the ever growing use of wireless tech (most likely 5G(which no one seems to talk about anymore)) as a the new normal means of communication = more EMF pollution. Which has to be compounding the effects of all these other various forms of poison. Really is a sad state of affairs and makes me wonder if we will ever look back on this time period and take action to correct it! Like in 10-30 years will we form a new version of the Nuremberg trials to punish all of these big pharmaceutical deceivers and complicit doctors & medical personnel?! I truly hope so. And hopefully it won’t take 20 years. Stay positive people, be the change you want to see!

sofahkingfoxy wrote: As everything else involved in this chaos, isolating people in hospitals is unnecessary, immoral and criminal. I think it’s one of the top violations and it makes me angry as hell.
I’ve been wondering & perhaps you know... can ppl get their family members discharged from a hospital, assuming they’re stable and especially when they test negative? Do they allow ppl to have their phones?
I’ve also wondered if those in their final days can be released into hospice at home.
They do not allow anyone to be discharged as far as we can tell. They’ve cut off even more communication with her this past week, only allowing us to communicate via phone under supervision. Her treatment going forward is supposedly only monitoring but they won’t let a conversation be had about moving to hospice, where family members can visit. The CDC told us last week they will be sending a representative to investigate her condition in relation with a vaccine, but no one has showed up. The whole situation continues to be morale destroying and i can’t imagine how she feels herself. Thank you for all your kind words

Situations like this show how badly we need to secede from the system, and decentralize to create our own systems, the governments and health care industry are out of control and outdated each of us have to do our part each day on our own lives. Take care and I wish the best

camdengenung wrote: They do not allow anyone to be discharged as far as we can tell. They’ve cut off even more communication with her this past week, only allowing us to communicate via phone under supervision. Her treatment going forward is supposedly only monitoring but they won’t let a conversation be had about moving to hospice, where family members can visit. The CDC told us last week they will be sending a representative to investigate her condition in relation with a vaccine, but no one has showed up. The whole situation continues to be morale destroying and i can’t imagine how she feels herself. Thank you for all your kind words
Wow so she’s in prison. Have they confiscated her cell phone if she has one? Is there even a phone in her room? If you haven’t already, file with VAERS if only to have some kind of official record. Not that they’d do anything, but it might be interesting to report this as a kidnapping to the police. Y’all need a lawyer. I hope someone has power of attorney. So far the only thing I’ve seen make a difference is taking them to court and cross your fingers that you get a good judge. The best thing, IMO, would be to rally others in similar situations and bring a class action law suit to force the hospitals in your State to stop these practices. Paula Pepper has a campaign going to help people learn how to organize and She tells about it on her YT channel.

camdengenung wrote: They do not allow anyone to be discharged as far as we can tell. They’ve cut off even more communication with her this past week, only allowing us to communicate via phone under supervision. Her treatment going forward is supposedly only monitoring but they won’t let a conversation be had about moving to hospice, where family members can visit. The CDC told us last week they will be sending a representative to investigate her condition in relation with a vaccine, but no one has showed up. The whole situation continues to be morale destroying and i can’t imagine how she feels herself. Thank you for all your kind words
that sounds terribly immoral and illegal. I suggest checking out Crrow777s podcast, he has multiple episodes on affidavits and letters that are being used to affirm personal liberties and freedoms. I would suggest whomever has the power of attorney on your grandmother check out one of the linked sites that have pre-written letters and affidavits that only require you to insert your own personal information, print it out or email it to the hospital/CDC. Do not back down to these people, that is what they want. Stand your ground, demand your rights and present an official document affirming your status as a free man/woman of God - there is literally not much they can do besides agree to the terms you laid out.
heres a link to reference what I’m talking about

Bit of an update.
Thank you cbear and foxy for your advice, we’ve begun working on exercising power of attorney. But of course any requests we’ve made have been “submitted for review and approval”. The hospital seems to mostly just defer any action at all and count on the lack of access as the pandemic as an excuse for delayed actions. She was able to stand with assistance yesterday. And because of this we are pushing for moving her to a rehab facility or in home nursing care. The infectious disease doctor has not called anyone back for over a week, so frustration continues. The CDC still hasn’t sent any kind of representative to us either.
as far as legal action goes, I’ve been looking into it myself and spoken with lawyers in consultation capacity. My grandfather is old enough to be of the mind you still trust doctors no matter what, and it’s been tough conversations convincing him there are other options, but i so appreciate that people here care to help.

TheCarlwood wrote: Really sad to hear that. So many people spend the last chapter of their lives in a hospital bed, without friends and family, all tangled up in wires in a depressing environment. Just a bad approach to old age altogether. Then stack this COVID shit on top of it, and it's an even bigger nightmare.
I really appreciate you sharing, b/c many of us are going to watch our own loved ones make similar decisions. Having a place to vent and seek some support is really important when many of our thoughts on this just aren't socially acceptable.
I have family in their 90s that are worried about when they can get a vaccine and I just shake my head.
I do worry that all the news stories of "variants" and "new super strains" is exactly the sort of stuff that will provide air cover for any vaccine damage. Its always going to be the fault of the virus, never the vaccine. I see some difficult times ahead, but it's nice to have a place to talk it out. Again, sorry man. Take care.
I just wanted to let you know Greg that the information I’ve learned even in the joint session and this weeks podcast have helped me find solidly backed evidence to what I’ve been saying to family about her care. Your devotion to still trying to cover this topic from different angles is amazing, as most people are over covering this in any sort of way. Specifically the Ivermectin mentioned in the joint session, and the doctors own conferences about viruses, and autoimmune reactions mentioned in Clint’s episode helped me convince my grandfather there’s action to take her and to fight for what we think is best for her.
i massively appreciate your show, and you’ve earned a true lifelong supporter. I also am totally ok with you sharing this story on the joint sessions, or i can call in to give you a voicemail to play back about it since just the forum doesn’t reach as many people, and i feel people should know real stories of these topics you cover. probably calling in this week anyways with an interesting theory I’ve been working on with these recent airplane engine failures!
thank you again man. Love the show

I see massive class action lawsuits coming towards hospitals due to incidents like this one. Even in the Netherlands, it seems it's the only way to have a say in things.
Hoping that the tide will change soon enough

Hoping so too, the hardest part is finding others in the hospital dealing with the same things. Pandemic rules have “Coincidentally” pretty much cut out all communication even between patients in the hospital, with everyone assigned to their own room and not much social exchange going on. It’s not like i can get my grandmother to ask around from the inside, and even the 1 or 2 friends i have actually working in this hospital know nothing that happens on any other floor. It’s as if policy makers at these places know class action is our only recourse, and are containing as much information as possible to never give a chance any lawsuit comes up! But the want us to just give up and play by there rules, and i won’t be going down so easy.
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