
I always suspected that the C-19 ‘vaccines’ are vehicles for nanotech. When voicing that, I got a lot of ridicule from my family, and surprisingly from the truth seeking community. I’m still not sure why, since most of us know that there’s a black budget breakaway civilization, far more advanced than we are. It’s not a stretch to consider that the vaccine could be used in that way.
Turns out, it is being used that way. We’re being injected with nanotechnology, it’s actually happening. And I feel deep regret for not fighting harder, to stop my family from vaccinating. These globalists are so clever, how they play with our morals with their marionette strings. They plant a false morality, and most people buy into it, become it, because most people don’t understand how propaganda works. It's by design, so that if you know, if you’re seeing this unfold, you can’t get through to others. Some cliche line stops you dead in your tracks, the product of an implanted morality.
Why have these three videos not become a bigger deal? I realize that the research is still developing, but this is absolutely massive, and I fear for their safety. We need to find a safe method / procedure that can disable the nanotech within a human body:

Don’t be too hard on yourself over not fighting hard enough for your family. The outcome of that fight could have alienated you from them rather than saved them. Based on the experience of so many others, it’s a crap shoot.

sofahkingfoxy wrote:
Don’t be too hard on yourself over not fighting hard enough for your family. The outcome of that fight could have alienated you from them rather than saved them. Based on the experience of so many others, it’s a crap shoot.
Thanks for the kind words. You're totally right about that. The propaganda around this op is so heavy, it's almost impossible to slice through it.

fireslinger wrote:
I always suspected that the C-19 ‘vaccines’ are vehicles for nanotech. When voicing that, I got a lot of ridicule from my family, and surprisingly from the truth seeking community. I’m still not sure why, since most of us know that there’s a black budget breakaway civilization, far more advanced than we are. It’s not a stretch to consider that the vaccine could be used in that way.Turns out, it is being used that way. We’re being injected with nanotechnology, it’s actually happening. And I feel deep regret for not fighting harder, to stop my family from vaccinating. These globalists are so clever, how they play with our morals with their marionette strings. They plant a false morality, and most people buy into it, become it, because most people don’t understand how propaganda works. It's by design, so that if you know, if you’re seeing this unfold, you can’t get through to others. Some cliche line stops you dead in your tracks, the product of an implanted morality.
Why have these three videos not become a bigger deal? I realize that the research is still developing, but this is absolutely massive, and I fear for their safety. We need to find a safe method / procedure that can disable the nanotech within a human body:
I admit to being among those in the truth seeking community who pushed back on this particular one. I'm still not sure -- my initial stance towards the vaccine was a live/let live one: no way in hell I was going to take it, but I wasn't going to begrudge anyone else taking it beyond explaining my own reasons. I thought it was pointless for a healthy 30 something to take an experimental prophylactic for a disease that had as much chance of killing them as being hit by a car driving to work, and on top of that that this vaccine would be just another mechanism of control (actually gotten some "I told you so's" there), but that the tech itself wasn't likely to be harmful by design -- just risky in the way all untested products are risky.
I'm still broadly in that camp, but I'm becoming less so by the day. Something in particular is off with this shot. It's difficult to explain just by the mass hysteria/Cover-your-ass/herd mentality/midwit-ery that I initially leaned towards.
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