[Sticky] Off to the races
Hey guys, just wanted to kick off this forum section. Feel free to make your own threads and contribute with the info you're considering highly valuable on this.
Good idea, as many would agree I hope. Something about the timing on all this seems fishy.imo I think between the members on this site we can uncover some potential stuff.
Thank you Greg. I hoped to add the subject during live chat with Gordon White and Chris Knowles yesterday. I'd love for y'all to address (incorporate) the factor that likely drove this entire Corona agenda. Last year, I had been following the protests in Hong Kong and saw that it had the potential to be another Tiananmen Square situation for the Chinese government.... and then suddenly POOF a virus starts in Wuhan and consequently the mass protests in Hong Kong were self dispersed.... problem solved for Beijing!
I agree with pretty much everything Gordon and Chris and you were postulating from the available data, however, I feel that consideration of the global protests would better complete a full spectrum analysis. IMHO
Greg brought up some topics about what to do: micro loans are a good third world idea; assume that’s for the USA?
Couple of more are 1: Register to vote and make it a habit. 2. Move to North or South Dakota.
Why move to a small state? To change the politics and elect progressive senators. Our democracy was originally intended to benefit white land owners and exclude the “uneducated/uninformed”. In the Congress the House is Democratic and the Senate is not. In order for that to change would require a constitutional amendment (not likely) or for young people to move with their feet. 🙂
How about some billionaires start buying townships or towns and re-settling younger families in Wyoming, N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Nebraska, Montana.
If nobody heard the last Austin Coppock episode here on THC back on 02/18/2017 you should go back and listen to it. If you don't support Greg's THC+ I would recommend you do so even if it's for the second hour of one episode. Austin made a pretty decent astrological assessment to date.
Strange thing today, the moment I logged into this site this very old but very timely episode with John Rappoport appeared on my screen.... and I don't remember searching for it:
I found the part in the middle where he talks specifics about how the ebola crisis rolled out a little familiar.
Definitely worth a (re)listen.
Anyone else think it’s highly possible that Covid 19 is being weaponized by those who own the media. Using a barrage of dramatizations and inflated numbers to create hype but also attack the unconscious/subconscious via Suggestion/manifestation. The imagery alone of empty streets resemble something seen in 28 Days Later might be enough to link the current view out ones’ window with doom and despair subconsciously, possibly creating a mindset that is susceptible to feeling sick.
hankua wrote: Greg brought up some topics about what to do: micro loans are a good third world idea; assume that’s for the USA?
Couple of more are 1: Register to vote and make it a habit. 2. Move to North or South Dakota.
Why move to a small state? To change the politics and elect progressive senators. Our democracy was originally intended to benefit white land owners and exclude the “uneducated/uninformed”. In the Congress the House is Democratic and the Senate is not. In order for that to change would require a constitutional amendment (not likely) or for young people to move with their feet. 🙂How about some billionaires start buying townships or towns and re-settling younger families in Wyoming, N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Nebraska, Montana.
Keep fingers crossed for climate change to help make those states more enjoyable to live in!
Stanford professor finally comes forward with some valid talking points and reference for us to use while talking to the general public about all of this craziness:
Found it during my daily dose of anger porn at David Icke's website (which I probably won't mention)
As Yang would have said: Math.
Goddamn, I appreciate you, Greg. Even more so during this time.
orchid20 wrote: Stanford professor finally comes forward with some valid talking points and reference for us to use while talking to the general public about all of this craziness:
Found it during my daily dose of anger porn at David Icke's website (which I probably won't mention)
As Yang would have said: Math.
What a great find, Orchid!
These guys have done another one THAT'S EVEN BETTER! This guy is a bit more colorful to listen to. You combine pissed off, yet utterly rational, with that german accent and I'm riveted.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.
Now a Minnesota state senator calls bullshit:
Stay angry 😡
orchid20 wrote: Now a Minnesota state senator calls bullshit:
Stay angry 😡
Christ, Orchid, you are a goddamn GOLDMINE!
I had seen a couple people in youtube comments, claiming to be medical professionals, stating that they were attributing deaths to Covid where they had no proof that the person ever had the disease. Now you get a state senator backing that up!
Kick ass and take names! I like to watch you work.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.
One of the items Senator Jensen mentioned was that Medicare was providing financial incentive for hospitals to diagnose patients with Covid19 ($13,000, as opposed to $4,600 for a regular pneumonia diagnosis). In some cases, doctors would get some financial "windfall" from these payments. In addition to that, Medicare would shell out an additional $39,000 if a patient diagnosed with Covid19 is put on a ventiliator.
(just for giggles I looked up how much Medicare reimburses for a home ventilator. It was a paltry $1,000 a month)
What makes this even more ridiculous is that, according to a NYC ER physician, Covid19 patients are dying of a blood disorder resulting in hypoxia, rather than pneumonia like symptoms. So ventilators would be not only ineffective but dangerous, especially for elderly patients:
So Medicare suddenly has a load of money to pressure doctors to a) misdiagnose or overdiagnose Covid19 and b) provide what may be a dangerous and ineffective treatment.
More details on John Rappoport's article here: https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/04/12/state-senator-and-doctor-exposes-medicare-payouts-for-covid-19-patients/
More stuff, this time from MSN and Yahoo (!!!)
Some more discontent brewing among state representatives in the upper midwest: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/michigan-gov-whitmer-facing-backlash-for-stay-at-home-order/ar-BB12yAEm?ocid=spartandhp
Other than the Trump-centered diversionary "kabuki theatre" that seems to be present in every semi-mainstream account of those questioning the words of CDC or Fauci/Birk, I find this generally encouraging. Go team!
4/14: adding a YT video of a protest at the Ohio state capitol. An encouraging note from the camera person was that the protesters were not getting any pushback from the police (even though they were clearly not social distancing themselves!), and the police were actually tacitly supportive:
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