Smart Meters, Terra...
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Smart Meters, Terrain Theory, and COVID

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Capt Nemo
Posts: 16
Eminent Member
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Like most of the country, my entire area has smart water, natural gas, and electric meters. I pay a Smart Meter Refusal fee of $21.53 per month on electric, but cannot avoid smart meters on gas and water.

Each meter pulses RF radiation roughly every 14 seconds 24 hours a day. That’s obviously over kill, considering once per month would suffice. Rudolf Steiner believed viruses are excretions of healthy cells which became damaged, therefore the virus is the symptom, not the cause of the disease.

If Steiner is correct, a virus pandemic is destined to follow smart meter implementation. If we are electric beings living in an electric universe, I’d image manipulating the pulsing could result a brainwave entrainment, or lead to even higher instances of sickness. I don’t think it’s paranoid to believe smart meters can be manipulated and they may be the delivery system for disease or brainwave entrainment.

The nuts and bolts of this theory is beyond my pay grade, but I’d be interested to hear from someone with a working knowledge of this technology.

Posted : November 25, 2020 11:03 PM