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Vaccine effects on reproductive system/menstrual cycle of both vaccinated and unvaccinated

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Came across this Instagram live recently:


The spike proteins which the vaccine gives your body instructions to produce are not necessarily unique to covid - more research needed. This means that the antibodies you produce to fight these proteins could also be fighting proteins you need including those associated with reproduction. Theres also apparently not enough research that has been done to know whether the instructions to create the proteins ever stop.
women are reporting effects to their cycles, even the ones who have not been vaccinated and are putting it down to vaccine shedding...

Posted : April 22, 2021 6:26 AM
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I posted this on a women's forum I use and so many women are coming forward to say that they have experienced messed up cycles, spotting, two periods in one month. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated (who have been in close proximity to the vaccinated)

This is very serious guys

Posted : April 23, 2021 6:46 AM
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I am pretty freaked out by this. My wife visited her sister who I knew would be vaxxed, and I warned her to maintain distance. Of course my wife didn't listen. She came back with flu like symptoms. Two days later, I had extremely sore testicles, like permanent blue balls, and my 8 year old daughter started complaining that her vagina was sore and felt weird. I know this is completely anecdotal but coupled with the mass reports of reproductive organ side effects I am on alert.

The thing that freaks me out the most is the idea that the spike proteins are Prions. An airborne Prion disease is a terrifying prospect, and it absolutely makes sense in the context of the mRNA vax. Traditional Prion diseases only spread via consumption of infected matter, which was easy to regulate because the Prions were primarily in brain matter. But if the mRNA vax is causing our regular cells to produce Prions all over the body, not only could Prions be shed from airways, it could also cause mRNA "infected" cells to be shed and continue producing those proteins inside another person.

Prions are impossible to eradicate from the body once an infection occurs. Those that received the mRNA vax directly would die in short order; the incubation period is directly tied to the concentration of the initial exposure to Prions. In this case, the exposure would be massive and universal for those vaxxed individuals. Once the critical mass of Prions is achieved, symptoms begin and the prognosis is 100% terminal usually in the first year of infection. But then you need to consider those with secondary infections that never received the vaxx. They will have much smaller initial concentrations of Prions, requiring years or even decades for the Prion concentration to reach critical mass, at which time symptoms would commence and the 100% terminal phase would begin. We could have an initial die off of the hundreds of millions of vaxxed people in the next 2 years, with a secondary die off of the billions that had secondary exposure to Prions over the next 50 years.

Posted : April 26, 2021 3:04 PM
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Some more anecdotes reported on mainstream news

This woman is so brainwashed that even though she estimated losing between 24-32 ounces of blood in 4 hours she still recommends getting the jab and telling people don't be put off.
People can die from this sort of thing! Wtf

Posted : May 2, 2021 2:05 PM
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The plot of Children of Men comes to mind. In that movie, a pandemic flu virus makes the world infertile. Here, our vaccine and the economic/social consequences of the response/lockdowns may accomplish the same, or worse.

Posted : May 2, 2021 2:13 PM
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smaddy wrote:
Came across this Instagram live recently:


The spike proteins which the vaccine gives your body instructions to produce are not necessarily unique to covid - more research needed. This means that the antibodies you produce to fight these proteins could also be fighting proteins you need including those associated with reproduction. Theres also apparently not enough research that has been done to know whether the instructions to create the proteins ever stop.
women are reporting effects to their cycles, even the ones who have not been vaccinated and are putting it down to vaccine shedding...

I first heard about menstruation issues of non-vaxed women on the No Agenda podcast and hoped beyond hope that it wasn't true. That this shot can affect those that don't receive it is scary as hell.

Well I'm here to report that the Mrs., who isn't vaxed but is in daily contact with other women who are, has been experiencing on-again off-again period this entire month. She is normally very regular. Thankfully no sore testes like dingus reports but holy shit this is just so fucked up. Pretty tough to stay positive atm, but I'm trying!

If this is really a thing then people gotta start shouting this from the rooftops so that it can't be suppressed.

Posted : May 7, 2021 8:23 PM
Posts: 10
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I’m in several groups on Telegram, and I saw this in a women’s group as a possible antidote. Not sure if it works, but it’s better than nothing. ‍♀️

Posted : May 14, 2021 3:16 PM
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gkn001 wrote:
I’m in several groups on Telegram, and I saw this in a women’s group as a possible antidote. Not sure if it works, but it’s better than nothing. ‍♀️

Thank you. Looking into it

Posted : May 18, 2021 8:00 PM
Posts: 54
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dingus wrote:
I know this is completely anecdotal but coupled with the mass reports of reproductive organ side effects I am on alert.

Update from my family: my 7 year old daughter has developed puberty induced under arm hair and odor. Pediatrician says it can happen that early, and armpit hair / BO usually predates the first period by 2 years. Despite those reassurances I am concerned. Both daughters have reproductive related occurrences, my wife has also had longer/heavier periods than she has ever had.

I had an argument with my wife about our kids wearing masks. I actually want my kids to continue wearing masks because I am afraid of vaccine shedding. How messed up is that? After a year of fighting against masks I am now so concerned about the vaccine I want my kids in them at all times.

Posted : May 26, 2021 7:21 PM
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dingus wrote:
Update from my family: my 7 year old daughter has developed puberty induced under arm hair and odor. Pediatrician says it can happen that early, and armpit hair / BO usually predates the first period by 2 years. Despite those reassurances I am concerned. Both daughters have reproductive related occurrences, my wife has also had longer/heavier periods than she has ever had.

I had an argument with my wife about our kids wearing masks. I actually want my kids to continue wearing masks because I am afraid of vaccine shedding. How messed up is that? After a year of fighting against masks I am now so concerned about the vaccine I want my kids in them at all times.

I understand why you are concerned but masks never protected the wearer.
Ask yourself why were you against masks in the first place?

Posted : May 27, 2021 6:57 AM
Posts: 54
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smaddy wrote:
I understand why you are concerned but masks never protected the wearer.
Ask yourself why were you against masks in the first place?

I use a healthy dose of common sense. Masks don't provide great protection, but they do offer some protection. Mostly by preventing my kids from sucking on their fingers and picking their nose. The idea that masks provide no protection is about as dumb as the idea that masks provide absolute protection. The truth is somewhere in the middle. I actually started wearing a mask while mowing the lawn and it significantly reduces my allergies, so clearly it has some impact on particle inhalation.

I was against masking for COVID because first of all I don't believe COVID even exists. Beyond that, on the slim chance COVID actually does exist, it is not any more dangerous than influenza. Masking wasn't out of caution, it was out of fear. I didn't want my kids exposed to authoritarian control and be conditioned to view it as normal. To be honest, back in January 2020 when I still thought COVID was a Chinese bio weapon I was 100% on board with masks, on my own without any mandate.

At this point I know for a fact vaccines exist, and I know that a significant percentage of my community is vaxxed. Out of an abundance of caution, knowing the potential permanent life altering effects vaccine shedding could present, I would prefer my kids mask. If I learn more that convinces me the spike proteins don't shed or that they do not pose a threat I would change my assessment.

Posted : May 27, 2021 4:12 PM