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What I think may happen next

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I decided to put out here what’s been rattling around in my head. I really don’t want to add to the fear. Instead I hope for No Fear, Proceed with Caution.

Most if not all of us are aware of their warnings of the coming second wave. I don’t think they’re gaslighting us. And I think it’s going to be bad. Whether or not this CV-19 is a real thing, I think the 2nd wave is going to be unleashed everywhere, unlike the handful of places that we hear are currently being hit hard.

And likely it will be called CV-19 but will really be something else, much deadlier. They’ll say the virus has morphed. Already we are being told of kids getting a CV-19 related Kowasaki like disease. I bet a lot of folks will be very happy to see such kids put into Children’s Quarentine Centers. (See my post in the HR 6666 thread. It just occurred to me that they’re experienced with removing children from their homes. It’s what they did to the First Nations people.) I fear children will die or disappear in those centers. (The closed Walmarts come to mind.)

Here’s what I worry is a part of their strategy: Most of the naysayers and those who don’t consent to self quarantine and/or masks and/or sanitizing everything in sight won’t take the second wave seriously. Hence, this part of the population that is the first to mount protest will be amongst the first to be eliminated. The rest will soon find themselves too deep in under draconian control & it will be too late to mount any effective resistance.

‘I hope I’m wrong. But this is all proceeding very quickly, unlike the Controllers’ usual turtle-wins-the-race methods. Tell me I’m wrong. Please.

‘They are truly bat shit crazy and appear determined to fulfill Agenda 21 on schedule.

Posted : May 18, 2020 9:29 AM
Posts: 4
New Member

The masks don't really do anything, so people are going to get whatever is next anyway. For real protection you need a hazmat suite. Any mutation of the virus will probably not be that different. From what I have read, even if it is real, the warmth of the summer and the UV exposure of more sunlight would cause it to degrade.

That being said, if I had to guess, 5G is somehow involved in this. We have been so focused on the vaccines and pharma, while behind the scenes they have passed 5G protection bills and putting people like Jeff Bazos in charge of the economic recovery all while increasing the installation rates of towers. The 60ghz mm band showed serious health problems in those declassified EMF radiation studies. and well... they have been installing them in schools so you might not be far off. If they turn them on they could create the appearance of breakouts and people would actually be dieing in large quantities if we can believe the study.

Hopefully I am wrong too, but at this point, I am more worried about a bate and switch scenario playing out. Look over here while we do these things over there type of things.

I am also very curious as to what is going on behind the scenes that made this plan accelerate so much.

Posted : May 18, 2020 3:40 PM
Posts: 200
Estimable Member

The reason it is accelerating so quickly, I believe, is that the perpetrators - ivory-towered megalomaniacs with nothing left to buy but power - are banking on the fact that while most of us are completely fleeced by the fake virus scare, the rest of us are understandably in denial that a coup is taking place, our government is being hijacked, and that we need to react accordingly, and quickly.

And by the time many of us realize this, they want to get enough items off of their checklist.

One of the main items on their checklist is the mandatory vaccine. Unfortunately the US already has laws in place that will allow for mandatory vaccines (from the measles outbreak early last century), as well as ones that will grant legal immunity to the manufacturers. We also have laws that bypass habeas corpus. I mean, sh*t is seriously f*cked. Previous administrations have already paved the road in gold for these criminals.

Bill Gates et. al. probably doesn't care about what's in his vaccines as much as he cares about the vaccine biometric certificate - which we are all reading will be a digital "patch" but could also be nanoparticles contained within the serum itself. That's where I think the 5G ties in, which could enable complete IOT tracking by way of radio communications with these nanoparticle IDs.

Mandatory vaccines are the line in the sand for me. I am NOT an anti-vaxxer - and people who share my conviction are wrongly being pigeonholed as such. I don't care what is in the vaccine, I want the right to refuse it! The principle of inserting something into people's bodies against their consent is nothing short of rape in my mind - and hopefully the minds of many others.

On the bright(er) side, I DO think that we are being gaslighted about a second virus. This obviously would have to be a manufactured bioweapon to occur on cue; and as Dr. Francis Boyle (who worked with bioweapon facilities) has reminded people, deadly bioweapons don't get released until there is also a vaccine available to 100% control them. I don't think such a combination exists (yet), and that this current virus was just a crisis that was not let gone to waste. I suspect that is probably why Event 201 focused so much on media and propaganda.

Anyway, TL;DR if the mandatory vaccines become a reality, it is pretty much game over. At least it will be for me unless I'm bunkered down somewhere. But until then, I think there are still a lot of things we can do:

Move away from large cities and/or "blue" jurisdictions that seem to be more likely to support these draconian measures. The best litmus test for these places is not the governor or the mayors, but the county sheriff. There are plenty of county sheriffs who have publicly stated that they will not enforce unconstitutional mandates.

SAVE as much money as possible and become as financially untethered as possible. Move in with family or friends if necessary, and pay off debts.

Take care of your health! See Enjoypolo's excellent post from a couple of days ago.

Lastly put some SERIOUS pressure on your state senator and state representatives to push back on this. I don't mean answering a survey for them or sending an automated email that they won't even read, or standing with a cutesy sign outside the state capitol. I mean make it UNCOMFORTABLE for them. They seriously need to get off their asses and do what they signed up for. There are plenty of solutions that can make ALL of their constituents feel secure in both their health AND their freedom, and it is their JOB to find those solutions. It is their JOB to protect our constitutional rights. Remind them that we will assume that responsibility if they do not.

(edited to clarify what are actually my opinions - sorry!)

Posted : May 18, 2020 8:21 PM
Posts: 162
Estimable Member
Topic starter

orchid20 wrote:

Mandatory vaccines are the line in the sand for me. I am NOT an anti-vaxxer - and people who share my conviction are wrongly being pigeonholed as such. I don't care what is in the vaccine, I want the right to refuse it! The principle of inserting something into people's bodies against their consent is nothing short of rape in my mind - and hopefully the minds of many others.

On the bright(er) side, I DO think that we are being gaslighted about a second virus. This obviously would have to be a manufactured bioweapon; and as Dr. Francis Boyle (who worked with bioweapon facilities) has reminded people, deadly bioweapons don't get released until there is also a vaccine available to 100% control them. I don't think such a combination exists (yet), and that this current virus was just a crisis that was not let gone to waste. I suspect that is probably why much of Event 201 focused on media and propaganda instead of containment.

I’m similar to you regarding not being anti vax except I’m more about ‘get rid of the toxins and retro viruses’ and we’re all good. That’s either a hair’s breath away from being an anti vaxer or nothing more than a cover. :p And of course I am completely against mandatory non-consent along with the flip side, repression of treatments.

‘I’m still not convinced about not being gaslighted. But I can’t adequately express how much I hope hope hope you’re right and I’m suffering a runaway imagination. The timing of Event 201 is so suspicious to me that I Just can’t rule out plandemic.

You’ve given some very sound recommendations. I would to like hear more about how to make them really uncomfortable.

Posted : May 18, 2020 10:22 PM
Posts: 200
Estimable Member

sofahkingfoxy wrote: You’ve given some very sound recommendations. I would to like hear more about how to make them really uncomfortable.

TBH this is uncharted territory for me, I can't even scare my own cat :p

A "white collar" approach would be the best in my opinion. I would not follow the Michigan militia's example. Find out what their district is, get a local group together and absolutely spam their office with phone calls and direct emails. Go to resources like https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes , find out how they voted, and if it doesn't jive, let as many people as possible know how incompetent they are.

Go to the local Sheriff's office and get a dialog with their PR about how they intend to enforce mandates and how they would justify their decision. Do an anonymous op ed in a local (Republican!) paper or website with what you found out.

Local papers are great platforms. There's one in my old hometown that is widely read by residents and local politicians who both read and post comments.

Posted : May 19, 2020 12:31 AM
Posts: 102
Estimable Member

“Energy flows where attention goes”

If the corporate criminals with their 5G tethers and mandated vaccine tendrils are truly pruning the world, there is little we can do to stop them. Unless we’re willing to go underground and reunite with our ancestors in the inner earth, what choice do we have?

The media marionettes have both sides terrified. You’re either going to die from the virus, or beneath the soulless boot of a tyrannical world government march to take away your freedom. And people like me, in the middle, are afraid that they are going to have to endure endless impassioned speeches by loved ones on either end of the spectrum. It’s like a vise slowly closing on my skull.

And when I find myself in the cool darkness of my basement, self-medicating in silence, my mind turns over what little I’ve absorbed throughout the years of tip toeing along this conspiracy path. Maybe we are experiencing a universal, shared hallucination. Maybe gods came about the same way a placebo works. Maybe we’re caught in a reoccurring death loop hinted to by the Gnostics in an effort to keep our souls earthbound and enslaved. Maybe Tulpas.

I don’t know enough about any of these things to stitch together something resembling an answer. I would like to say that I agree that vaccines seem suspicious and circumcision is vanity. Still, when my son was born I subjected him to both. I’m not smart enough to know I’m right. If he became ill as a result of skipping the vaccination, or called me up in his twenties wondering why girls were turned off by his foreskin, I am smart enough to know then that I was wrong.

I have a cousin that I’m pretty sure became autistic as a result of his vaccinations as a young child. I’m also pretty sure that I was vaccinated and not autistic. I am positive that I was circumcised and that I have a son.

I guess my whole take away from this current episode is that humans are always in a shitty place. If it’s not the gods, it’s the men in power. The weather. Crop failure. Bad water. Syphilis. Dying with your king because he needs a good woman in the afterlife. Facebook. Fascism. Serial killers. Serial monogamy. Serial dramas placed in a fictional England where 32 families of power fight over one little plot of land and nobody likes the ending.

Being human means finding a way to thrive, despite the perpetual discouragement of the universe. Guinness is good. Even if most of my garden dies, jalapeños always grow. If I stay away from the news, I find I have the mental bandwidth to ask how my girlfriend’s day was. And actually care.

Hell I’m all for a fight. If the powers that be are trying to take out my family, point me towards the revolution. I will set fire to the fucking world.

If we’re just kinda convinced, I’m going to keep trying to quit smoking cigarettes every week. I’m going to keep teaching my son that he should be aware of the consequences of his words, because he will never know what he says can really hurt somebody until it’s too late. And somewhere in this I find a little time for myself, a beer, and a few minutes to spin my point of view out into the darkness beyond my keyboard. Maybe it skips a few times before sinking. Maybe it goes under immediately.

Maybe Tulpas.

Posted : May 20, 2020 10:00 PM
Posts: 4
New Member

Wow, this really enlightened me. Left and Right fight with each other while they still get what they want. The focus on Gates could very well be the great distraction. 5G and other technologies might be the real objective here.


Posted : May 21, 2020 7:33 PM
Posts: 28
Eminent Member

jack_daft wrote: “Energy flows where attention goes”

If the corporate criminals with their 5G tethers and mandated vaccine tendrils are truly pruning the world, there is little we can do to stop them. Unless we’re willing to go underground and reunite with our ancestors in the inner earth, what choice do we have?

The media marionettes have both sides terrified. You’re either going to die from the virus, or beneath the soulless boot of a tyrannical world government march to take away your freedom. And people like me, in the middle, are afraid that they are going to have to endure endless impassioned speeches by loved ones on either end of the spectrum. It’s like a vise slowly closing on my skull.

And when I find myself in the cool darkness of my basement, self-medicating in silence, my mind turns over what little I’ve absorbed throughout the years of tip toeing along this conspiracy path. Maybe we are experiencing a universal, shared hallucination. Maybe gods came about the same way a placebo works. Maybe we’re caught in a reoccurring death loop hinted to by the Gnostics in an effort to keep our souls earthbound and enslaved. Maybe Tulpas.

I don’t know enough about any of these things to stitch together something resembling an answer. I would like to say that I agree that vaccines seem suspicious and circumcision is vanity. Still, when my son was born I subjected him to both. I’m not smart enough to know I’m right. If he became ill as a result of skipping the vaccination, or called me up in his twenties wondering why girls were turned off by his foreskin, I am smart enough to know then that I was wrong.

I have a cousin that I’m pretty sure became autistic as a result of his vaccinations as a young child. I’m also pretty sure that I was vaccinated and not autistic. I am positive that I was circumcised and that I have a son.

I guess my whole take away from this current episode is that humans are always in a shitty place. If it’s not the gods, it’s the men in power. The weather. Crop failure. Bad water. Syphilis. Dying with your king because he needs a good woman in the afterlife. Facebook. Fascism. Serial killers. Serial monogamy. Serial dramas placed in a fictional England where 32 families of power fight over one little plot of land and nobody likes the ending.

Being human means finding a way to thrive, despite the perpetual discouragement of the universe. Guinness is good. Even if most of my garden dies, jalapeños always grow. If I stay away from the news, I find I have the mental bandwidth to ask how my girlfriend’s day was. And actually care.

Hell I’m all for a fight. If the powers that be are trying to take out my family, point me towards the revolution. I will set fire to the fucking world.

If we’re just kinda convinced, I’m going to keep trying to quit smoking cigarettes every week. I’m going to keep teaching my son that he should be aware of the consequences of his words, because he will never know what he says can really hurt somebody until it’s too late. And somewhere in this I find a little time for myself, a beer, and a few minutes to spin my point of view out into the darkness beyond my keyboard. Maybe it skips a few times before sinking. Maybe it goes under immediately.

Maybe Tulpas.

This is everything. Love the sentiment of this. Feeling very similar w my kids. The one thing I want to respond to this is actually moving out of the city into nature, so if that day comes...I can at least die in paradise. I’ve been living for my paradise my whole life and I will die there too. It’s not always perfect, but when I look in my kids eyes I’m there. Thank you for bringing up that both sides to the scenario and ending being a result of fear porn and distraction. Distraction is their only true weapon... and greatest of course, being masters of it...must focus to attain your paradise.

Posted : May 30, 2020 11:03 PM
Posts: 102
Estimable Member

I see your paradise, in that slightly far away future of retirement. I try every day to steal a little of it for my loved ones and I. The world has a lot to offer someone who is brave enough to backpedal a little and embrace our heritage.

It’s more than a little funny to me that a way of life that has propagated our species for millennia is now deemed a “fringe lifestyle”.

We are in a place now where living for the sake of living is something of an undersell.

Posted : June 1, 2020 1:44 AM
Posts: 4
New Member

sofahkingfoxy wrote: I decided to put out here what’s been rattling around in my head. I really don’t want to add to the fear. Instead I hope for No Fear, Proceed with Caution.

Most if not all of us are aware of their warnings of the coming second wave. I don’t think they’re gaslighting us. And I think it’s going to be bad. Whether or not this CV-19 is a real thing, I think the 2nd wave is going to be unleashed everywhere, unlike the handful of places that we hear are currently being hit hard.

And likely it will be called CV-19 but will really be something else, much deadlier. They’ll say the virus has morphed. Already we are being told of kids getting a CV-19 related Kowasaki like disease. I bet a lot of folks will be very happy to see such kids put into Children’s Quarentine Centers. (See my post in the HR 6666 thread. It just occurred to me that they’re experienced with removing children from their homes. It’s what they did to the First Nations people.) I fear children will die or disappear in those centers. (The closed Walmarts come to mind.)

Here’s what I worry is a part of their strategy: Most of the naysayers and those who don’t consent to self quarantine and/or masks and/or sanitizing everything in sight won’t take the second wave seriously. Hence, this part of the population that is the first to mount protest will be amongst the first to be eliminated. The rest will soon find themselves too deep in under draconian control & it will be too late to mount any effective resistance.

‘I hope I’m wrong. But this is all proceeding very quickly, unlike the Controllers’ usual turtle-wins-the-race methods. Tell me I’m wrong. Please.

‘They are truly bat shit crazy and appear determined to fulfill Agenda 21 on schedule.

Posted : July 11, 2020 1:51 AM