What is really going on according to Dr. Judy Mikovits

I strongly encourage everyone to watch this video:
If you don’t already know of her, she’s a brilliant research scientist. In the past she submitted a paper and "they" didn’t like the data and conclusions of her research. When she wouldn’t recant, they threw her ass in prison for several years. A lot of important info here, but if you want to get to the nitty gritty it starts at about 25:00.
‘she’s saying this isn’t co vid one nine at all but is s~ars cov something that I can’t recall off the cuff. She’s tying together glyphosate, vaccines big time, and 5g. If I understand correctly, 5g is going to be the detonator causing a lot of deaths. Although I don’t recall 5g being mentioned, in his interview, Del Bigtree talked about a detonator of sorts in the form of fast tracked co vid vaccines. I took it as saying ppl who get the vaccine and are then later exposed to the virus again will come down with an illness having a very dire outcome indeed.
‘They’re already predicting this virus to be much worse in the 2020-21 season.
From almost the onset I have been pushing to the back of my mind that this is IT, the implementation of fulfilling Agenda 21 right on schedule. I now have a black hole in the pit of my stomach. How in the fucking hell am I going to protect my beautiful 3 yr old grandson? I begged them not to vaccinate him.
God I hope I’m just another crazy conspiracy theorist.

Fauci is evil. Mikovits speaks up:
As my story relates to this video...
I haven’t had a lot of vaccines in my lifetime. I did receive the polio vaccine in the early ‘60’s when the vaccines contained that cancer causing virus. As an adult I recall getting a tetanus and the occasional flu shot over the decades, probably about a half dozen or so. While living in the country (rural) for 20 years starting in ‘98, I had large gardens and until I knew better, used Round Up on a regular basis for several years. In 2005 I was diagnosed and treated for breast cancer. I got a flu shot for the first 2 or 3 years following my diagnosis & treatment (surgery, 8 chemo treatments, 35 radiation treatments over the course of 7 weeks). As if going through cancer treatment wasn’t hell enough, I’ve had CFS ever since.
CFS has greatly compromised my life and my condition has been pretty bad over all. In comparison, cancer was a cake walk. When I was at the very worst, about a 3-4 year period, I spent about 95% of my time in bed. Too many days I had to choose between feeding myself or my dogs because I didn’t have the energy to feed us all. (Thankfully I’ve been slowly improving these past 3 years.)
I lost both my parents to cancer. I now suspect for most it’s the treatment that makes for such an ugly death. My BGF lost her lower jaw, went through reconstruction surgeries, hasn’t been able to eat solids for 5 years and struggles to swallow. My beloved sister succumbed to a rare brain cancer after suffering 4 brain surgeries and a debilitating stroke. All of them could have likely been cured were the cures allowed.
I’m not looking for sympathy. I’m trying to make it a bit more real for anyone that has managed to make it through life so far in fairly decent health and have family & friends doing ok. Because numbers aren’t personal and hearing that over 600,000 people in the US alone die annually makes few ppl truly angry.
‘Because this is what those fucking bastards are doing to us.

Good find. This is way beside her main point, but at around 19 minutes in the first video, she brought up people being reprimanded for going surfing. At the same time, it is perfectly OK for people to go golfing, at least in Oregon and Illinois.
I'd say the golfing demographic is much more susceptible to the "beer virus" than surfers? The hypocricy *alone* should tell people things are not quite right - but calling that out may result in more restrictions. What a mess.
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