Keeping Each Other Accountable

So I just finished Gordon White’s Chaos Protocols and I’m gonna start an actual practice that I keep up with and hopefully master. I listen to too many of these amazing people who live a magical life and I’m done with the mundane. I think it would be cool if any one else here who is also either starting or thinking about starting a daily practice, whatever it may be, wanted to contribute to this thread with their results, experiences or what have you. I think it would be helpful for us all to have a place where we won’t be judged and can freely discuss the on goings of our weird magical life we can’t normally talk about. I don’t know. Just listened to the joint session this month and felt compelled to contribute. Thanks folks 🙂

Good idea! There is a forum set up under Self Improvement that was created with the same sort of thought in mind called accountabila-buddies. I thought it would be good for whatever people wanted to be held accountable for, working out, diet, magic, writing a book, etc.
It usually helps me to have something like that for things I slack on. Sounds like I'm not alone!

jacobarthur85 wrote: So I just finished Gordon White’s Chaos Protocols and I’m gonna start an actual practice that I keep up with and hopefully master. I listen to too many of these amazing people who live a magical life and I’m done with the mundane. I think it would be cool if any one else here who is also either starting or thinking about starting a daily practice, whatever it may be, wanted to contribute to this thread with their results, experiences or what have you. I think it would be helpful for us all to have a place where we won’t be judged and can freely discuss the on goings of our weird magical life we can’t normally talk about. I don’t know. Just listened to the joint session this month and felt compelled to contribute. Thanks folks 🙂
Based on my own daily practice, the immediate effects are subtle. And sometimes stronger or more noticeable than other times.
There's definitely moments where things are really cooking. And then moments where there seems to be nothing. I think this is one reason why it is recommended you have a parallel meditation practice. To be more perceptive and aware of your internal state and external.
Putting in the effort every day has been beneficial to my life such that I'm encouraged to keep going.
I do a practice I learned from books by John Michael Greer. Who was a guest on THC. And on a side note would love to have him back on.

I'm not new to magic but interested in an accountability group and discussion group. I'd be interested in a small group like this. Maybe 6-12 people.
I think how this is done is important. I'm not keen on a social media oriented thing. I think a recurring audio chat would be best. Maybe a weekly thing? Just meet up online for an hour and talk about our magic of the week. I would suggest Sunday as that is a day most people have off. Or Wednesday as that is Mercury's day which is good for magic and communication.In my experience it's best to just do a simple habit and keep at it. It grows over time naturally if you keep at it.
Tell me if Wednesday the 14th at 7pm PST or Sunday the 18th in the morning works for you.

As someone who has had a daily practice for years now, the effects are ineffable. I do it after I brush my teeth ijn the morning and before I go to bed at night. It has a profound effect on my day and my perception of reality. Keep going you got this!
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