Broader discussion on the competence crisis in science

I know this is a vague topic suggestion, so sorry in advance.
I'm reading Chris Knowles Lucifer's technology that he just reposted and I'm itching to hear more from the occultist-adjacent interpretation of Science in general and its underwhelming performance compared to expectations (still waiting on the self-driving car I was promised in 2014, let alone the flying one I was promised in 1955!), the reproducibility crisis. I know the 'rona has supercharged this issue and a lot of that stuff brushes up on it, but I get that that beat is worn and what's to be said about it has pretty much been said. So maybe something more broad, a kind of "how did we get to this point".
I don't know of any specific guests, but maybe this will plant the seed and the synchonistic forces will make a great guest will manifest!

I'm reading that, too. So good.
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