David Icke! Again, please...

This guy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMTZu6_TjU8
He put to words exactly what I've been feeling about all this noise.

Has anyone watched the latest Icke interview with Brian from London Real?
I’ve only watched the 2nd half to the end while live, but it’s booonkers!
On the one hand, it’s your classic Icke stuff. But there was a palpable energy to it, as if the crowds are increasingly awakening to speed!
I know, I sound like a groupie (i am), but to make my point, BBC even featured the interview in its frontpage, of course outraged at the content, meanwhile giving it even more coverage.
BBC then slammed Youtube for allowing such a thing to happen, the latter erased all things Icke related (fascist wankers), but it was too late. Call it the Streisand or boomerang effect, but the whole thing has millions of views now.
The full interview is still available for free on Londonreal.tv or even on FB, and maybe now again on YT. It’s a good one to sit back and relax.
Look, I may not be able to confirm Icke’s data about claims of 5G burning lung tissues, but it’s definitely not outside the range of possibilities in my view.
PS: even the latest newsletter from Josh Del Sol, OZ 5G activists, is featuring the groundbreaking interview with Icke 🙂

This last interview is spreading like wildfire it seems, and the establishment is pissed!! My posts sharing this on FB have gotten deleted (and so has the video itself), and LondonReal's website got hacked (although its back again) they've even banned Brian Rose's LinkedIn profile (lol!), and the only way to watch it is to download it from torrent.
I'mma update this post later with more resources. but I wanted to share the link to download the video, in case you'd want to 😉

I too want more David Icke! That man is a true visionary! Love him!

The anti-lockdown protests in London with David Icke are giving me lots of faith in humanity 🙂

I became a THC+ subscriber in 2017.
I can't believe the most recent THC Icke interview was 2019!
That is BC, Before COVID!
Greg, please bring Icke on again and discuss his latest book "The Reveal".
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