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Dr Andreas Kalcker- Chlorine dioxide dissolution

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Dr Kalcker has expanded on the work of Jim Humble who was the discoverer of this protocol to cure malaria. Dr Kalcker has demonstrated its' usage for a large range of conditions.

what is it?

When chlorine dioxide reaches the stomach, which contains hydrochloric acid (also known as HCL, muriatic acid, salt acid…) a reaction takes place between both substances that results in the release of a gas called “chlorine dioxide”. This gas, easily absorbed in water (and therefore also by the mucous membranes and the blood serum), is the responsible for these “miracle cures”. This is the reason why Jim Humble initially gave it the name of “miracle solution”, as it didn’t just work on malaria; it also worked on many other diseases, without apparent explanation in the beginning.

what does it do?

One of the key aspects is that chlorine dioxide is extremely soluble in water without creating further chemical bonds. This means that this gas is completely dissolved in water because its cellular structure is very similar to that of water and for this and other reasons, the gas dissolves completely.

We know that chlorine dioxide is the best disinfectant known to man, since it can eliminate bacteria, fungi, viruses and small size parasites across a wide pH range. It has been used for over 80 years to disinfect drinking water, and it never caused a problem in all these years.
It is widely used in industry for disinfection purposes. It is also used in paper bleaching, but in extreme concentration levels ∼5680 times higher, a concentration that have nothing to do with the typical ingestion dose.

CDS is only the gas of the water-bubbled mixture which is pH neutral and has many advantages. Since it does not usually cause irritations or side effects

It can help to remit symptoms of autism

On Natural Biophysics

It is opening up new horizons for developing treatment of degenerative and chronic diseases, which to date have no solution except pharmaceutical palliatives that lead to long term intoxication of the patient. Natural biophysics always tries to explain through pure logic since nature always is. An inconsistency or anomaly is usually the result of previous erroneous axioms, because nature uses the same building blocks and with the same formula in all its natural process.

The basic principles should always be simple and science is increasingly difficult getting lost in details without knowing irrefutably the bases. There are many doctorates in physics but none can explain even the most basic things like why gravity or a magnet works. There are many professors and doctorates in medicine but no one knows why a body gets sick with certain pathogens and other not, in the official dictionary of diseases, the renowned Merck Manual®, most chronic diseases are of “unknown origin.”

We must seriously ask ourselves what kind of mainstream medicine is this…?

His natural Laws

One of my hobby is to try to think beyond this brief moment in space-time we call life, where everything begins, ends. As nature does not usually waste resources I have the opinion that reincarnation is the most likely formula used because it fits perfectly into the logic of this great creative mind. I’m not talking about an old man with a beard as this concept seems to me misplaced and outdated, but certainly there must be a higher intelligence behind the fact that we are here.

If the creative entity would be expressed in a physical / mathematical formula would probably be as follows:

C⋅F = Σ0 / ∞
Where the letter C represents the creative entity of the universe, the frequency f and Σcero represent the whole because in the universe where we live nothing can not exist. Even in the seemingly empty remotest corner of the universe there are at least 3 ° kelvin that something or someone creates or represents. If we now divide this zero actually it means we obtain the formula of the whole universe in which we live. Probably not the only universe that existe. We live in a universe made of matter which in turn is made of frequencies.

It means that any growth we see in this universe is actually a division that is divided infinitely. Both big and small.

Since this universe in which we live is infinite also they must be rules that make it up and that in turn must be infinite, ie the passage of time should not affect them, and are the laws that govern our universe are forever. I try to find them and pointed out some here, at least the ones I’m sure.



… I hope to discover more laws for the rest of my life here …

He seems like a nice guy. : )

Posted : May 17, 2019 4:08 AM
Posts: 474
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Have you tried a course of this?

Posted : May 17, 2019 10:46 AM
Posts: 318
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Ask me again next week. : )

Posted : May 20, 2019 12:46 AM
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Ok, this one is confirmed as legit! I tried it on myself to see it there were any reactions on my skin, it was fine.

Then one of my kids popped up with a golden staph infection, and that shit is nasty. It usually takes a two week course of broad spectrum antibiotics to clear up. Instead, I popped a very dilute solution onto the infection and the tingling went away with in an hour, and the whole thing dried up in a couple of days.

So I would def recommend it for topical application. It's cheap and effective, and has no expiry date. A must have for your first aid kit.

When it gets into internal application, it gets more complicated. I'm finding it hard to disentangle most of the information online about it, as it has a number of different forms, and each one has a different dilution and protocol to go with it. I will keep researching, but as a non-chemist, it's making my head spin a bit. For example, it is available in solution as sodium chlorite (NaClO2) is very alkaline and stable but when acidified it forms the gas chlorine dioxide (ClO2)

I would note that it is widely used commercially in food and lab sterilization.

Some more resources if anyone is interested.

Dr Tom Hesselink




Posted : August 26, 2019 12:55 AM
Posts: 474
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I did try the Jim humble stuff MMS and followed his protocol of 1 drop diluted gradually increasing to 15 drops
I even tried it as a toothpaste type.

Yes it stinks and you have to get over the body reaction to a chemical bleach smell and then the taste - I used grapefruit juice to take some of the taste away and just knock it back like a shot so it misses the taste buds.

I wasn't using it for anything specific disease or illness

But I recall i had a unusual reaction near the end of the course. Its hard to describe and it sounds a bit woo woo

It felt like i got rid of a mind parasite, a archon or a Wetiko type mind virus

I did not feel "normal" and I had a shift in consciousness pretty much, but as I have been discovering recently, at that time I was definitely living a Pseudo-self, the projected image of my adoptive parents. so lets say the MMS got rid of this parasite and the True self was revealed, it was the first time i had this veil removed since very young and it alarmed me a bit, and I felt hungry - perhaps it had cleaned up my liver ! but food and the way i ate was a control mechanism to reintroduce the parasite so after a couple of days I returned to the old pseudo-self.

I still used MMS for a few years but less intense and only for illnesses like cold flu etc which it did the job of clearing up quickly.

I don't have any more of the MMS, but it would be interesting to try a full course now that I am aware of my schizoid states of consciousness and i won't be as alarmed in the shift.

Posted : August 26, 2019 2:17 AM
Posts: 1354
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I wish I had known this when I had a bad food poisoning case earlier this year.
Fascinating stuff, thank you for posting this information, and your anecdotes! Will look into it.

Posted : August 26, 2019 11:10 AM
Posts: 474
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enjoypolo wrote: I wish I had known this when I had a bad food poisoning case earlier this year.
Fascinating stuff, thank you for posting this information, and your anecdotes! Will look into it.

Get a taste for it - it can induce your gag reflex.

You should leave it a little while for the lemon juice to mix with the MMS - i recommend leaving the glass in a back room or microwave as the kitchen will fill with a bleach smell and its off putting.

Posted : August 27, 2019 3:01 AM
Posts: 318
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I don't know how different the chlorine dioxide is to the MMS, but I haven't had a problem with the taste. Also cured a tooth ache with it last week.

nickzeptepi wrote: I did not feel "normal" and I had a shift in consciousness pretty much, but as I have been discovering recently, at that time I was definitely living a Pseudo-self, the projected image of my adoptive parents. so lets say the MMS got rid of this parasite and the True self was revealed, it was the first time i had this veil removed since very young and it alarmed me a bit, and I felt hungry - perhaps it had cleaned up my liver ! but food and the way i ate was a control mechanism to reintroduce the parasite so after a couple of days I returned to the old pseudo-self.

Nick, this is super interesting. Thank you for sharing. There are so many layers to this.

John Lash claims that the Archons/Wetiko vector in via the toxoplasmosis virus, which causes the host to act in ways likely to make itself more vulnerable, allowing the virus to upgrade it's host carrier. I would also say that the gut is clearly a 'thinking' organ. Imagine we were able to see through skin and tissue. Would not the brain and the gut look eerily similar?

And if we carry bacteria in our gut that is likewise able to make us crave food that is bad for us, what does that say about our control over ourselves and our actions!?

Posted : September 6, 2019 1:50 AM
Posts: 474
Honorable Member

rani wrote: I don't know how different the chlorine dioxide is to the MMS, but I haven't had a problem with the taste. Also cured a tooth ache with it last week.

Nick, this is super interesting. Thank you for sharing. There are so many layers to this.

John Lash claims that the Archons/Wetiko vector in via the toxoplasmosis virus, which causes the host to act in ways likely to make itself more vulnerable, allowing the virus to upgrade it's host carrier. I would also say that the gut is clearly a 'thinking' organ. Imagine we were able to see through skin and tissue. Would not the brain and the gut look eerily similar?

And if we carry bacteria in our gut that is likewise able to make us crave food that is bad for us, what does that say about our control over ourselves and our actions!?

Thanks for reminding me
I had a cat - a couple of weeks after it died - I felt a bit of a brain fog lift. I also noticed a few risk taking activities subsided - I used to drive fast and a bit aggressive on the motorways for one thing. plus there was those years of drug use - there were other reasons but I did go quite heavy on them.

Posted : September 6, 2019 12:17 PM