Dr. David Jubb - Toltec Shaman, Neurobehavioral Physiologist, Whistleblower

Dr. David Jubb is a man who is known to his students and apprentices all over the world, and to the many various Original tribes of North America, by his medicine name, Happyface. Happyface's benefactor, Cloud Two Children, trained him in the Toltec tradition, a four thousand year old oral tradition, and in the conducting of ceremony, primarily Yuwipi, Clan of the Wolf sweat lodge, and various other entheogenic ceremony through a traditional ten year apprenticeship; after which, the batton was passed to Happyface. Jubby spent many years on the road leading ceremony and assisting beloved with grief and the integration of loss as a medicine man, and has conducted over two thousand ceremonies across Turtle Island and the world. You'd be given an induction, and asked to participate in having created a Golden Age on the earth, based upon the three pillars of economic egalitarianism; gender egalitarianism; and lifefood agrarianism.
A language of peace is taught which gives rise in you to a diplomatic means you can apply to resolve conflict, as you are following the path of least resistance. Your mind becomes quiet, and you are empty as this is your original state. You become demanchurianed, deconditioned, and detriggered. You live what you speak and you speak what you live next. You can envision now a world like the world of our ancestors the Adirondack, who were known to live the most sublime life of all originals, living peacefully in luxury, harmoniously with all creatures of the forest, living to a ripe old age. This is a brand new world, free from the old and destructive ways of usury, debt slavery, and social engineering. This is a world in which you time is equal to your creativity again.
Dr. Jubb has a long list of credentials and accomplishments as a western trained scientist, microscopist, blood formation specialist, and physiologist as well. His interdisciplinary background, prolific writing, and continuous edge-ucating programs (not head-ucating) have remained with the leading insight and sophistication into a sustainable and fruitful world for all to be living in once again. Happyface has written and completed over twenty books, including works dedicated to innerstanding Whole Brain Functioning; the physiology of sound; Communication Wellness Mastery; Colloidal Biology and life below the level of the cell; Toltec oral tradition, storytelling, and shamanism; Cellular Rejuvenation and nutritional fasting; magnicity and inverse gravity; neurobehavioral physiology and how to read the body like a book; alchemy, and the science and secrets of creating lotions, potions, powders and pills from material which is 100% natural using monatomic element; and many many other topics.
You can download several of his latest books, a ten volume series titled the Path of Hollow Bones, from the website wew.eclipsenow.net; you can also find several of his presentations on lifefood, geoengineering and HAARP, sustainability, and other topics on YouTube; there you can also listen to and view a handful of episodes of the television show he wrote, produced, directed, and starred in on Manhattan cable for ten years called The Universe Inside Our Mind; there are many hours of podcasts and interviews available online through BlogTalk radio featuring Dr. Jubb as well covering some really incredible topics, and he was a monthly feature on One Radio Network with Patrick Timpone for a couple years too, those shows being primarily focused on food and health; a few of his published works are available on Amazon, and you can also get several other more rare works of his which i have personally by direct messaging me or emailing me newancients001 (at) gmail (dot) com. The previously mentioned Path of Hollow Bones series is a unique and incredible work of its own right, and at least the first six of the ten volumes are now available free on www.eclipsenow.net .
I personally am a longtime apprentice and student of Happyface, as well as an avid THC listener, and i feel confident the THC audience would have a strong depth of connection and interest in Dr. Jubb's message. He is a perfect match for this show as his work is like a string which runs through all the various topics covered here as though they are beads, all being connected by this timeless universal message. This is a man who has been a voice for the voiceless and a warrior for truth and nature for a very ling time, who has suffered deatly at the hands of the corrupt judicial system, and who cares very much to be of assistance to all wishing to know who you are. The message he carries is worthy to be heard and listened to with an empty mind, and the vision you are asked to participate in is one of an era of prosperity and abundance, based upon the currency of your energy of life, not something dead snd fictional.
I am happy to arrange for Dr. Jubb to be on the show and also to forward any relevant materials to Greg and anyone else interested in exploring this timeless priceless work in depth. Glad to be here amongst you who are serving most, having left your ways behind. I look forward to connecting with you all.
-Red Dog

Here are a few videos for anyone interested in exploring; those who are interested in physics and quantum can be drawn to his work in Magnicity; Dr. Jubb has worked extensively with Marko Rodin and his students have gone on to apprentice with the likes of Nassim Haramein and other prominent names in the free energy realm.
Lifefood for a Sustainable Future:
The Brain of the Gut:
Universe Inside Our Mind: Getting Along:
Reading the Body Like A Book:
Social Engineering, HAARP, Chemtrails, Silent Weapons for A Quiet War:
Eclipse Movement, Banking/Usury, Ecology:
And here you can find the latest articles, information, and video on Dr. Jubb's work on magnicity & inverse gravity, constitutional currency, common law, induction, i Awareness, whole brain functioning, and you being an agent of change:
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