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THREE WORDS, people:

2.) THC

> Eat your heart out,Coachella!<

One can't help but look out this window & visualize this entire COCONINO Plateau covered in THCers of all types,Tents,camper vans, critical thinkers, a mushroom cloud of flawless cannabis smoke hovering unabashedly overhead & the MUSIC...aaah,man. MUSIC that would resonate you to your deepest core & bring you back again.An Esoteric,Earthy cadence that inspires your soul & makes your Third Eye Blink. Aah,yes,people,yes. Great things still do start in simple places.

On a different note: Some say I've been spending too much time ripping bongs & great ideas around this joint....
I say,

Be damn lucky the focus/Muse is on you right now. It never stays in one place for very long.
(AND, you aren't being charged a single cent.)

*crinkles nose*
Come to think of it, I'm the one paying you for the opportunity;)


Posted : April 18, 2018 6:17 PM
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Next Stop On This Wacky-Bizarro Group Travel Itinerary:


Hankering for a Mint Julep and a Canape' ??
Or maybe just some Chatham Artillery Punch? ( you lush!;)

How 'bout a midnight stroll through
Bonaventure Cemetery?
Whether you know it or not, Georgia is hiiiiiiigh voodoo country!!!! Chicken Bones, Wild Turkey & ALL!!!

This is real, dirt-under-your-fingernails, gritty,backwoods magick (my favorite kind!) on par with anything a Lodge might throw out there.

Whether you believe in Voodoo or just the force behind it, Savannah would make one hell of a haunted,spooky-fun
travel destination for a band of THCers to invade.
How much fun would it beif a group of us got together, maybe once or twice a year, and actually went to these places. Perhaps we could all agree on the most interesting itinerary & just DO IT!

I know you people get tired of that mundane 9-to-5 and/or just always talk about going to fun places. Now, you don't have to worry anymore about doing it alone, you would be amongst FRIENDS!

Enter: The Radical Jetset =D =D

What do you think?
*passes the bong in your direction

Posted : May 6, 2018 3:13 PM
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If any of YOU there, behind those keyboards, are interested in any/all of the ideas/brain spillages/and/or keystrokes of iambic genius posted within, by all means

Make your voices heard. Please, Don't be afraid to interact or feel like you have nothing good enough to offer...that's just Bullocks!

You are sooo invited to do so. Unless,of course, you just want to be a dick. Then, prepare yourself for a healthy,Hermetic dose of your own medicine.

You see, if you really want to & don't

then proctological elements will sourly form & post blathering responses about why I haven't done more with the idea instead of just typing it into the forum

Or suggesting that I am an accented carsalesman with a hidden agenda. #Silliness

Well, first off, nobody is forcing anybody to read any of this or making anyone participate in any of my multi-hued creative magick. That is your choice.

If you wish to be dazzled, Come be dazzled.
It sure as shit beats what is on t.v. right now.

**Besides,Any Sensible Mage will tell you CONSENT is required for true effectiveness. Any Sensible Fool should know better than to intentionally provoke said Mage.

I've done my part in birthing these earnest,creative ideas into public space. The rest is up to my dear Proletariat.

I am now & have always been a

protagonist catalyst.

So, hush up already,Flavus.
I have zero interest in invading your forum space.

Why invade mine with all the sour-tasting verbage?

You are not my friend. I do not know you. I do not wish to know you. I'd prefer it if you stayed the hell out of my space,quite frankly.

The energy coming from your direction currently is absolutely nothing I want to have anything to do with.

**Notice: Further attempts to bully me will be met with energy on par with your worst nightmares.

Could I possibly be any clearer?? Thank you kindly & Have a nice day!

Posted : May 6, 2018 6:54 PM
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Posted : May 6, 2018 11:22 PM
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November 2018 to November 14th 2018.

The GXG Parliament

invites YOU to

FOR One Week of Developing Deep Connections,
Exploring Ancient Sites, Evoking Etherical Energies & MORE!

NO Corporate Sponsorships!
NO Hidden Agendas!
NO Bullshit Speakers or Egos!

YES- to Independent Critical Thinkers!
YES- to the Proletariat Power Base!
YES - to Forging Analogue Alliances in our Digital World!
If the Bilderberg's can do it, SO CAN WE!!!!!!


(Or wherever you want to book. B.C. is just basecamp)
When: Nov.7th -Nov.14th 2018
Who: The GXG Parliment
Why: B-Cuz It Is Our Time To MOVE & SHAKE!

Have some vacation time coming up?
Have a hungry Soul that needs nourishment?
Fellow Mage in need of Fellowship?

Then COME join this pack of Like-Minded,
Action-Oriented, ,
UNAbashed Conjurers & Creators from ALL

Walks of Life, from ALL paths of Magick & The Mystery!!

The invitation has been issued.
You are welcome here.

live a little. LIVE A LOT!

Posted : August 4, 2018 4:48 PM
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I hear the Sewing Circle weaving tales already....

Listen,Folks - the bottom line is, if you feel led to come,COME.

Like the beginning of The Celestine Prophecy, you too may be floating in the pool one day when it hits you & the desire to have a REAL ADVENTURE in the REAL WORLD becomes compelling....

There are no agendas or set itneraries,other than a shared daily meal and/or some Coffee talk in a relaxed,flowing environment where the commerce is left to the locals & the Capitalism is left in the States.
**Marketers,Oil Purveyors & P.R. Folk are NOT invited.***

Sometimes, all you need is the environment to create the wonderment you seek.

Engage the Flow.
Take Center Stage.
~live a little - LIVE A LOT~

Posted : August 5, 2018 2:24 AM
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Posted : August 5, 2018 12:56 PM
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Now here is a fascinating oldie but goodie!!!
A True, Good-Ole-Fashion Mystery in our own backyards.


Regardless if this is the first time you've heard about E.L. or C.C. or your millionth, this true-to-life Scooby Doo mystery is still alive & yet to be fully solved.

Perhaps we all should focus our code-breaking, pattern-making, cannabis-baking intellects on this man & his genuinely intriguing story. A story well documented & support with fact,yet still as mysterious as ever.

Sounds better than silly drama,eh?
Feels better too.

Posted : August 9, 2018 6:17 PM
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This story is #real! Next stop: PV,Mexico!!! Tequila Poppers & a lil Panama Red on the most beautiful beaches in Mexico. Oooh,yes ya'll, #real!

Posted : August 9, 2018 7:46 PM
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Posted : August 9, 2018 9:43 PM
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G.L.C.,L.L.C. made an all-cash
$3.5 mil offer for Coral Castle
(a mil more than the last Dude paid for it)
& surrounding acreage in 2016 and was very politely declined. =(

Odd b-cuz present owner-Dude really has no esoteric interest in the space.

Posted : August 9, 2018 11:00 PM
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Posted : August 18, 2018 4:32 PM
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Posted : August 19, 2018 12:19 AM
Neuron Crux
Posts: 81
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Was looking for some place to share this. I guess it's as good a time and place as any

Posted : August 19, 2018 3:47 PM
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How crazy of me to Vision something grand...

Posted : August 19, 2018 6:16 PM
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