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Generating awareness

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Hi Greg,

I, as I'm sure most of your audience, have become awake and aware of the malfaescence of our governing bodies in part or mostly thanks to the guests on your show. In this mode of awareness, it becomes increasingly easy to see through scemes, false flags, deception, and corruption. The state of the world right now reflects a tremendous claustrophobic crunch of dwindling freedoms and main streamstream disinformation.
However! When I introduce and discuss these topics to my circle of friends I'm looked at like an animal in the zoo. It's like, "Yeah, we know things are bad, but why do you care so much? Football season is right around the corner, lighten up!" Everyone appears to be so heavily sedated with flouride and distracted with entertainment that it's impossible to get through.
Do you or anyone know of a guest who can offer suggestions and tactics for how those of us that listen to our show can awaken others in an effective manner and broaden our bandwidth with the people closest to us? With the upcoming and current false flags in Iran, vaccine mandates, 5G steamroller, and aggressive censorship, I feel like it's now or never to get people on board to the reality they live in.
The power needs to shift to the people, but if we can't get the people on board, then they won't even accept that power even in the very moment they're needed to!
Anyway, love your show, great guests, keep up the good work!

Posted : June 16, 2019 3:51 PM
Posts: 1354
Member Moderator

Be the example you want to see. It sounds trite, and I know it’s frustrating. But it’s futile to try and convert someone on your side.

A few things I noticed in my journey though:
- never under estimate the power of planting seeds, literally and psychically speaking.
- acknowledging that you don’t have the answers either, and open to honest debate. Sometimes, the most insightful moments arise when you start questioning your own programming.

- the power of Mind, including thoughts and prayers are the fundamental forces of the cosmos. Harness those powers and incredible synchronicities will arise. And follow up on them.

I also thought it was helpful to analyze the grieving process of Kubler - Ross model. I call it the elastic effect because in order to go farther, you need to pull down harder (in other words, the bigger the pain/distress, the more opportunity there is to be learned). Oh, and I noticed all great lessons are usually paradoxes.

Those are my two-cents. Also, once you awaken to the fact that As Above So Below (Holographic Information Field), you perceive the world as a real, divine, magickal sandbox.

Posted : June 16, 2019 4:49 PM
Posts: 28
Eminent Member

As enjoypolo the change...and to elaborate more, be an example of the life you want to live. The more examples existing, the more people will believe there are other ways. It’s too easy for them to continue down the path of least resistance (for now). If they don’t see or get the problems existing and the trap they’re willingly participating in or if they don’t see any other continues.

In one of my lives I was recruited into a Trotskyist revolutionary group in college. While I believe in the power of the people, I realized through experience that there are plenty of the common man who gets a certain point I felt no different than the preacher on a soap box. There are plenty of ppl who get how bad it is, but they don’t have any examples of what to do about it so they continue watching tv and doing whatever drugs (alcohol, sugar, etc) to bury their head in the sand im until their time is up.

It’s kinda corny but coming out of the revolutionary cult, I realized you really do have to be the change you want to see. The revolution is personal. Each one of us needs to have our own revolution for us to have a mass revolution. And there is so much work for the personal, a lifetimes worth. Find what you love and that is your place in the revolution. For me, I want to be a healer, both of earth and people. I’m actively looking for land to tend and learn about herbalism. It’s not an easy road...I have been homeless twice now, once while pregnant and then again when I had my child...I don’t feel it’s impossible given my hardships...I just have to work harder to figure it out, and I know it can be. Sometimes all these topics can make it feel hopeless but I’m here now and definitely going to make the best of it. I consider myself lucky. I think Ive written enough and I’m sure I’ve gotten my point across. You’ll find your way through the maze and it’s ok if it’s not now (navigating others...). Best of luck on your journeys.

Posted : June 16, 2019 7:14 PM
Posts: 12
Active Member
Topic starter

Yes yes, great advice about being the change and that is something I have embraced and am now living. I guess I'm feeling that if we don't get more people awakened and involved rather immediately then we won't have the ability to have land to tend or have the choice to have a healthy body to tend it with. I can choose to be as healthy as possible but how can I with millimeter waves pulsing through my brain, or with toxic metals falling from the sky that dry out my crops, or with neurotoxins injected into my veins against my will. You see, just being the change isn't stopping the masses from going down this path that then affects me even as I live an example of better living. Will we even have the choice to be the change anymore unless the masses are awakened and activated?

Posted : June 17, 2019 3:24 AM
Posts: 1354
Member Moderator

3slinger wrote: Yes yes, great advice about being the change and that is something I have embraced and am now living. I guess I'm feeling that if we don't get more people awakened and involved rather immediately then we won't have the ability to have land to tend or have the choice to have a healthy body to tend it with. I can choose to be as healthy as possible but how can I with millimeter waves pulsing through my brain, or with toxic metals falling from the sky that dry out my crops, or with neurotoxins injected into my veins against my will. You see, just being the change isn't stopping the masses from going down this path that then affects me even as I live an example of better living. Will we even have the choice to be the change anymore unless the masses are awakened and activated?

I think thats a fair concern. But this widened perspective gives me faith I didnt have before, that the process is already unfolding, even if its not obvious. I think of our current phase (the descent) as the activity blossoming under the soil we cannot see, that is waiting for the catalyst, that will then create a lush forest (or else..).

There’s many ways to be the change too, not only meditating and taking care of self (which I must confess I lack of), but of group activities.
One thing this THC community has inspired me with is to go volunteer my free time to a local food garden. I’ve since met cool, like-minded people (not THC fans by any stretch tho).
Most importantly, it was work that felt satisfying to me, and the people around who like to ask what were growing, etc. It’s unpaid work, but at least, the good deed is done.
I also attended one their meetings where we talked about Food Systems and issues that we find concerning, and by the end of seminar, we were writing to local politicians about what we want to see.
I regret that I never actually sent mine (yet) but just the experience of writing to the mayor of my city was mind-expanding. All it takes is deep conviction and a strong will.

So yeah, I think the real Evolution starts within the hearts of each one like Real said. And yes its hard to do much when it feels like were trapped in the spiders web, but its also a mind game.

Posted : June 17, 2019 11:51 PM
Posts: 318
Reputable Member

3Slinger, I think you are waiting for a magic formula to awaken people. Like, 9/11 truth + vaccine damage + federal reserve = enlightenment.

Sadly, it doesn't work like that, otherwise the masses would not be asleep still. There is no one piece of evidence (or even reams of evidence) that you can present that would wake some one up. The issue is not that they are stupid, oftentimes it's the smartest that stay asleep. It is that they are spiritually and emotionally not prepared to deal with the truth, so they use the intellect as a shield to protect themselves. And I understand, we all do here, that sometimes you want to run down the street yelling and shaking people, crying 'why can't you see!?' It only drains you and makes you frustrated when people can't see what's in front of their eyes.

When the other posters say 'live your best life and be the change' another facet of that is that if/when shit goes down, YOU can be there saying 'it's ok, we got this!'. You are emotionally, financially, physically prepared to deal with the issues because you are ready and you are calm.

If you really do feel compelled to talk to people, I find a Socratic dialogue method the least draining. It doesn't scare people to slam the brain shutter down, and it plants a seed for them to mull over. So, for example, you could say 'wow, isn't it weird that they are rushing ahead with an expensive 5g network that no one really asked for when our local hospital had to shut down through lack of funds?'

Or isn't it wierd that they say modern medicine is the best it's ever been, yet everyone we know has allergies, auto-immune disorders and other chronic illnesses? I heard that by 2050 1 in 2 kids will be autistic? How could that be when modern medicine is so great? Look at Bob over there, he's got 20 things wrong with him, but his grandpa lived to be 102? Do you think Bob is going to live to 102? If not, why not?

And if you really, really want to take action, you could take a look at Paul Glovers excellent (free) booklet on how to take your power and the methods with which entrenched power fights back.

Posted : June 20, 2019 2:01 AM