Gods. What are they? Where do they fit into the hierarchy?

I was raised Christian. And, weirdly, it took me decades to have a lightbulb go on.
Exodus 20:3 (Ten Commandments section) doesn't say: "There are no other gods." It says:
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
Meaning: there are other gods! (small g? capital G?)
In this interview: Dr. Stephen Skinner says ceremonial magic is one channel through which one can contact gods.
Tom Delonge has made a bunch of comments stating that the ancient Greek Gods and other mythological gods are aliens
Bruce Wallis points to evidence that the God of the old testament is a dragon...?
I found more details here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YB_KvtHY5JM
(yes, yes, Annunaki and all that. But the Bible literally refers to smoke coming from God's nostrils and his breath of fire.)
So... what gives? Who are these gods, really? Where do they fit in the hierarchy of all the beings in the universe? What does this mean about the One True God of Christianity?
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