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How to avoid Myxomatosis! Navigating the Rabbit Warrens

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It's probably been done already - and if so pls comment with useful links - but I'd love to hear a kind of meta-episode that talks about the mental, emotional and spiritual challenges and discomfort (or worse) that tend to be a part of the Truth Seeker's journey whether it is dealing with anger; maintaining objectivity; managing mood etc It is clear that as you delve deeper and leave the above ground world behind to a degree, it is very easy to find yourself in a position where you have shifted your worldview so much that it is no longer practical or possible to share it with friends etc who are not already firmly on the same journey, if you believe the truth lies in plain sight and want to help others drop the scales from their eyes, it needs to be done very carefully and as a slow, iterative process (just as perhaps most of us got here), just imagine what percentage if you pointed them at most of these topics unprepared, would not last more than a minute or two... It's a "defence system" which exhibits the usual arrogant, layered brilliance that we see throughout and if there is any such thing as a truth "movement" then we need to know how to communicate better (and perhaps more quickly!).

Thoughts? M

Posted : January 20, 2020 1:48 PM
Posts: 1354
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I can only speak about my personal experiences of this path I call gnosis. Depending on how rigid your armour is, and on how far you are in your consciousness expansion stage, the symptoms (both physical and psychological) you described will most likely be heightened before they gradually come down.

Frustration, mood swings, feelings of not being able to share or resonate with those around: I've shared similar feelings along the way, especially so in the beginning. I've come to equate this awakening to grieving, literally, because it is like shedding old skin and slowly revealing what was underneath all along.

The 5 Stages of Grieving, Kubler-Ross Model

I'd say that for the first couple years, I focused extensively on uncovering the depths of the traumas, both in my past, but also in the conspiracy realms (which is how I got to know THC!). The latter is a tough paradox to reconcile: while digging into the sewers of the human cesspool may be "necessary" to come to grips with "reality", it can easily re-traumatize you even more and stunt your soul's evolution. The comparison would be of going on a pilgrimage, and taking a detour at a "party" only to find yourself sidetracked and not actualising the original intent. (The Holy Mountain by Alejandro Jodorowsky contains a good portrayal of this!)

Ultimately, the understanding that everyone is dealing with their own paths and karmas, and that understanding can never be forced upon, merely suggested at best, helped me become more chill, and remain calm in the storm.

I should add, that it is very tempting in the beginning stages, upon discovering things like ESP, magick, spirit communications, astral projection etc. to delve into it haphazardly out of curiosity. I've joined the CE-5 groups, taken the remote viewing classes, and luckily, I naturally swayed away from getting too deep into it. Not that they are bad things, but Itzhak Bentov summarizes it best:

All I can say is, should anyone go down this rabbit hole, gain a basic understanding of your mind (including its devient tendencies to trick itself) as well as setting distress signals (like going back to your breath, and trusting intuition). It will go a long way and may save getting hurt/tricked.

Last but not least, there are both physical and psychological techniques that can help. I'd say, anything that keeps you in a flow-state should be nurtured and cultivated (i.e., music, sports, cooking, reading or whatever..).
On the physical side, I've personally found helpful Wim Hoff breathing techniques, meditative practices, including contemplating nature during walks or even yoga (though my discipline usually ebbs and flows).

Sorry if this sounds more like a personal journal, but hopefully by sharing experiences it can be of some use.
Some random links below that may be helpful too:

Trauma release exercises
Know Thy Self thread - some good resources within
Stalking the wild pendulum - cant stress this book enough 🙂
Kybalion - I thought learning of the Hermetic principle was useful, although it did come to me at a much later (more recently) stage. Trust the synchronicities 😉

Posted : January 22, 2020 11:21 AM
Posts: 15
Eminent Member
Topic starter

I like this - especially as it tells me I am already doing at least some of this and am not starting at zero (another recurrent theme!) - many thanks!

Posted : January 22, 2020 11:36 AM