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Indiana Carlwood & The Underground Citadel In The Grand Canyon

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The Isis Temple

Posted : April 18, 2018 7:27 PM
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The Tower of Ra

Posted : April 18, 2018 7:28 PM
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The Cit~

Posted : April 18, 2018 7:29 PM
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Duuuude, tell me what happens in your mind when you gaze at the Towers & Temples in the pics above....Do those cliffs stir something deep within you???

Like a feeling that might just have you carving them out in mashed potatoes sometime in the near future???


Posted : April 18, 2018 7:31 PM
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Things that make you go hmmmm~

Posted : April 18, 2018 8:17 PM
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genxgemini wrote: Hey Naphtha!,
Thanks for feeling this thread. Yes, you are definitely correct with your above points. The Colorado is heavily monitored but not impossible. Especially,if you have a little lollie to flash the Rangers. Those folks are usually quite receptive to Mr. Franklin. 🙂

The Canyon is full of places to enter without necessarily having permission (screw the insanely high park entry used to be just $10) ,but we'd probably want to keep things above board.
Mr. JACK ANDREWS from Tucson has been the authority on this topic for well over a decade. He is a very informative man. A man that was not afraid to engage me directly on this topic years ago.

I met with him at length back in 2004,after hearing this story initially on the Jeff Rense show. This man's research into the subject is unparalleled. I'm afraid he is getting a bit older,otherwise, I would ask him to join us. Maybe he'd like to come head up base camp,while we do our thing inside the Canyon. I'll ask. I haven't spoken with him in awhile & not sure the state of his current health.

He has TONS of old maps with original naming, some were even original surveyor maps.
And if THC doesn't want to bite on this suggestion,there is absolutely no reason, we the Proletariat, couldn't get together to make it happen our damn selves.
An adventure like this would require proficient planning,though. I love the G.C.,but I certainly wouldn't want to expire in it,ya know.

Also, I am happy to offer up a free base camp & tons of extras for us to really make this happen. =D And hell, even if it were just one or two or three of us that got together,there is NO DOUBT in my mind, WE WOULD HAVE A BLAST!

Whether it is done up all documentary style or in group adventure mode, what better reason could we all have to get together, IN THE REAL WORLD, for some serious,Summertime fun with this earnest, curiosity -led investigation. Cheers!

P.S. This particular story was a thing for me back in the day. It tickled my childhood sense of REAL adventure & mystery & wonderment so intensely - SO naturally what happened- I completely obsessed over it for many moons.
Fortunately for us now, ALLLLLLLLL the massive amounts of information I gathered then are currently available in dusty old Uhaul boxes in a downtown Phoenix Storage facility somewhere. Including copies of many of Jack's map library. You SEE - there for a minute, we were going to team up to do our OWN documentary in 2004.
Me with the passionate interest & $MooLaH$ -
HE with YEARS & YEARS of expertise on the subject matter.

during our initial planning stage, Jack suffered a bout of ill health that took him out of the game for a little while...and, as life always does, time also marched on & the project got buried. I've seen a few other expedition teams take a crack at this. It certainly isn't for the faint of heart.
what could be more irresistible than the chance to play a REAL-LIFE INDIANA THC+ Member while experiencing a KILLER SUMMER VACATION at the same time. Are you ready to give the Griswolds a run for there money? Past ready to don an Indiana Jones hat & a whip? Realizing that you can actually do shit like this for REAL & it not be some cheese-dick, poorly Xerox-ed copy of something even remotely Adventurous IRL? GOOD!
I'd say we have a winner on our hands,Folks. What'cha think? =D

Posted : April 18, 2018 8:55 PM
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Yeah absolutely. I didn't realize you had a few of the kinks worked out. If Jack Andrews would get involved and point us in the right direction, providing a good starting point, I have no issue trying to make it on foot or water. I have not been to the GC but have been planning to anyways. Harry Hubbard blew my mind on the possibilities, Alexander the great in Illinois, and a few others describing Egyptian artifacts in the GC. I feel these subjects are just a few of the many conspiracys in which we have a possibility to collaborate. I can't exactly go to the CDC and demand the records on the polio vaccine, but I can try and test some of this. I'm going to go back through the archives and give some of the shows a listen again. So what is Mr. Andrews position on the Grand Canyon? Does he think it has been previously discover by non indigenous peoples prior to the European expansion? And are you aware of the approximate location of some of these sites? Probably find the blurry spots on Google Earth and check there first lol.

Posted : April 18, 2018 9:11 PM
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naphtha wrote: Yeah absolutely. I didn't realize you had a few of the kinks worked out. If Jack Andrews would get involved and point us in the right direction, providing a good starting point, I have no issue trying to make it on foot or water. I have not been to the GC but have been planning to anyways. Harry Hubbard blew my mind on the possibilities, Alexander the great in Illinois, and a few others describing Egyptian artifacts in the GC. I feel these subjects are just a few of the many conspiracys in which we have a possibility to collaborate. I can't exactly go to the CDC and demand the records on the polio vaccine, but I can try and test some of this. I'm going to go back through the archives and give some of the shows a listen again. So what is Mr. Andrews position on the Grand Canyon? Does he think it has been previously discover by non indigenous peoples prior to the European expansion? And are you aware of the approximate location of some of these sites? Probably find the blurry spots on Google Earth and check there first lol.

Harry Hubbard!!!! aaaaaaah! THAT was the guy I was trying to think of earlier. Maaan- thank you for naming him. It's been bugging the shitake mushrooms out of me ALL friggin' morning.

Posted : April 18, 2018 9:14 PM
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Brother, I have a sneakin' suspicion you have been a LIFELONG seeker of the Esoteric too. This does not strike me as your first day at the rodeo....Thankfully!
Fortunately, it isn't mine either -
so I WELCOME any initiated collaboration in any form, assuming we are primarily led by that same kind of passionate curiosity that fuels all great expeditions,large or small.
That's really my only caveat about working with other folks. #1.) Having a primary- CLEARLY DEFINED,CLEARLY ACKNOWLEDGED group goal/idea/creative impulse/etc....something that can trump a human ego with it's wonderment-factor & purity. Everything else will work itself out,ya know.
(personally speaking: Shit,dude- I've lived on a commune in Southern Oregon with 30+ other "Radical" fae-folk for extended time periods - during which you learn a thing or two about not being a fucking Prima Donna,the follies of doing everything by consensus & learning the great joys of enthusiastic cooperation...whether you want to or not!)

THAT SPIRIT is not dead, aged out or digitized into oblivion. IN FACT, that spirit is something the vast majority of us here in this little nook of cyberspace all have in common.

I have this looming feeling that Mr. Andrews is no longer with us. Currently investigating...

Posted : April 18, 2018 9:21 PM
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genxgemini wrote: Harry Hubbard!!!! aaaaaaah! THAT was the guy I was trying to think of earlier. Maaan- thank you for naming him. It's been bugging the shitake mushrooms out of me ALL friggin' morning.

Jesus,man......Episode Date: July- bloody-15th 2016!?$%!*!?!
>Why do the passing years feel so bizarre since we were kids? And not just in the cliche' way everyone tells you when you are growing up? <

I wonder what THIS DUDE is up to these days.*chants "Return Guest Yo!" I totally vibe with his energy & think he would vibe with this potential posse.This EPISODE is still SOOO GOOOOOD!!!!

I know,iknow,iknow - he mentioned "bible verses" & his views on "monkeys, evolution,etc." are not mine but he doesn't strike me as an.......overly evangelical individual. (<---I have another name for this type;)) Opposing views often bring out the best in each other.Plus, I dig his accent. Reminds me of

Posted : April 18, 2018 9:54 PM
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In Your Opinion,
What STRAIN goes best with listening to The "G-man" or
is that the "C-man"? or maybe
The Freezeland He-man? or perhaps
The Provocateur Connoisseur? or maybe just

On Today's Cannabis Menu:
Wedding Cake - 21.2%
Ferrari OG - 18.9%
BlueBerry Pie - 17.5%
XJ-13 - 20.3%
Cookies-N-Cream - 15.1%
Platinum G.S.C. - 19.5%

(*stocked up before leaving L.A. b-cuz
AZ green sucks donkey bxxx$ *giggles)

P.S. - SCREW Another soul-less TV SHOW -
CREATE your own CANNABIS BRAND/strain,maaaaan!

Posted : April 18, 2018 10:32 PM
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As to your questions about Mr. Andrews- my answers are only as accurate up until the last time we spoke at the end of 2004. I did,however,ask him some of the same questions you have:

1.) This answer is broad & best saved for when bongs,S'mores & campfires are present.( in that

2.) He told me he thought these individuals came from India, if not another plane-t.

3.) Yes, I am aware of Jack's location conclusions. Several of which are NOT published anywhere. One or two we could reach without being Arnold Schwarzenegger. The others, we can now reach via technology. I.e. drones.

4.) Google Earth will probably best serve us in generalities. A great place to start visioning out this expedition.

Posted : April 19, 2018 2:13 AM
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I have an insatiable curiosity, and the truth is what I'm after. I think of the human race as one big story book, and the fun part is finding where all this stuff fits. How far is Mt shasta from the GC?

Posted : April 19, 2018 12:40 PM
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The distance between The G.C. & Mt. Shasta is approximately 657 miles. Piece of cake:)

How about the distance btwn here and the Burrows caves? Aren't they in Illinois?

Or wherever Harry Hubbard was talking about going to in that episode. The place he was all like, "you can go.there are no cops.Land owners are absentee.."

The worst case scenario is that we get busted while exploring. Which is typically just a small fine and an escort out.

As apart of this, I will pledge to cover any fine$ like that for us,if we just happened to get caught....which we won't. The Rose Group of Phoenix is on retainer too.

Ya know, this could be the start of something super amazing & a fun group of real people, exploring REAL places to discover the REAL "truth" about stories we've heard about forever and not just something we talk about doing. Cheers!

Posted : April 19, 2018 4:05 PM
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The Men That Don't Fit In
By Robert W. Service

There's a race of men that don't fit in,
A race that can't stay still;
So they break the hearts of kith and kin,
And they roam the world at will.
They range the field and they rove the flood,
And they climb the mountain's crest;
Theirs is the curse of the gypsy blood,
And they don't know how to rest.

If they just went straight they might go far;
They are strong and brave and true;
But they're always tired of the things that are,
And they want the strange and new.
They say: "Could I find my proper groove,
What a deep mark I would make!"
So they chop and change, and each fresh move
Is only a fresh mistake.

And each forgets, as he strips and runs
With a brilliant, fitful pace,
It's the steady, quiet, plodding ones
Who win in the lifelong race.
And each forgets that his youth has fled,
Forgets that his prime is past,
Till he stands one day, with a hope that's dead,
In the glare of the truth at last.

He has failed, he has failed; he has missed his chance;
He has just done things by half.
Life's been a jolly good joke on him,
And now is the time to laugh.
Ha, ha! He is one of the Legion Lost;
He was never meant to win;
He's a rolling stone, and it's bred in the bone;
He's a man who won't fit in.

Posted : April 20, 2018 1:12 AM
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