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Indigenous Star Knowledge

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Hello, Higherside People!

I read the book Star Ancestors: Extraterrestrial Contact in the Native American Tradition in the past few years and think that its scribe, Nancy Red Star, would make an excellent guest for THC. Here's a link to the interview she did in 2016 with Truth Be Told Radio.

As for the book -- it is a compilation of perspectives from indigenous elders regarding stories and relationships with sky elders, exterrestrials, etc. As an aside -- Ms. Red Star is reluctant to use the term "alien" with regards to these stories due to its connotations with the Tavistock Institute (she talks about that briefly in the linked interview).

Additionally, I became aware of Ms. Red Star's work after becoming acquainted with the Star Knowledge Conference, which was started in the 1990s by Chief Golden Light Eagle.

The Chief is considerably long-winded (from a Western cultural perspective), though he also has some good information that I think would be appreciated by many THC listeners. Here's a link to the interview he did with Jen Barryhill with Revolution Radio in 2017.

There are a few THC episodes here and there that touch on the paranormal from different cultures of the world and Greg seems to have a growing interest in indigenous perspectives. Perhaps he can make the connection for THC with one of these individuals -- or both -- or more!

I'm also curious if anyone here has other links and/or resources to other indigenous elders and/or sources? I did a quick forum search and didn't see anything specific.

Peace and blessings to you all.

Posted : October 28, 2020 4:07 PM