James E. Strick - The Biology & Importance of Personality (Individualism)

Trained in medicine and a student of Sigmund Freud, medical doctor Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) took to the laboratory to determine if Freud’s concept of libido was quantitatively measurable. His electrophysiological experiments led to his “discovery” of microscopic vesicles (he called them “bions”), which Reich hypothesized were instrumental in originating life from nonliving matter. Studying Reich’s laboratory notes from recently opened archives,
Microbiologist James E. Strick presents a detailed account of the bion experiments, tracing how Reich eventually concluded he had discovered an unknown type of biological radiation he called “orgone.” The bion experiments were foundational to Reich’s theory of cancer and later investigations of orgone energy.
Reich’s experimental findings and interpretations were considered discredited, but not because of shoddy lab technique, as has often been claimed. Scientific opposition to Reich’s experiments, Strick contends, grew out of resistance to his unorthodox sexual theories and his Marxist political leanings.

I would LOVE to hear an episode on more Wilhelm Reich research! I know this has been continued by certain people (including Mr. Mayo the author of Saharasia doing cloudbusters). I don't really believe in the whole orgonite talisman magic, I would certainly be open to being proved wrong on that! I haven't heard about this guy, so this would be perfect!
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