Las Vegas Shooting Hoax?

Did anyone else wake up to the "terrible and shocking" news this morning and say to themselves "WTF!"? Of course I reside in the "normal" world where my fb feeds are full of prayers for Las Vegas. I guess I'm looking for my fellow theorists who would agree with me that this is total and udder bulls#!t! Hello! Anyone else angry today about the ridiculous wool being forced over our eyes. Of course my dumb ass only saw it because I was stupid enough to invest in cable. My bad. But it isn't even realistic in the least let alone good television. Just wanted to see if I was alone out here in the "normal" world.
Blessed Be

The shooting wasn't a hoax, it was a sacrifice or harvest designed to usher in a new astrological age.

I would like to hear someone intelligently speak about it, which probably means it won't happen. I agree there will likely be plenty of misinformation, but the last thing I want is someone going off about this being a harvest to usher in a new astrological age...just sounds like BS to me. I don't think we'll ever know the full story

informedskeptic wrote: I would like to hear someone intelligently speak about it, which probably means it won't happen. I agree there will likely be plenty of misinformation, but the last thing I want is someone going off about this being a harvest to usher in a new astrological age...just sounds like BS to me. I don't think we'll ever know the full story
I'm hoping that someone that Ole Dammegard does some research into this. You are right we will never know the full story. The only thing I think we can say for sure is part of the agenda was "problem, reaction, solution" taking away our 2nd Amendment rights. The media didn't skip a beat in jumping all over that one. I was quite nauseated by Jimmy Kimmel's tearful plea. Now I'm seeing my sheeple friends on fb balefully neaing along. I'm keeping my news exposure pretty limited because I'm not an expert and I am unable to remain objective however I still haven't seen anything that conclusively proves to me anyone was actually harmed. Although I wouldn't put it past our oligarchy elite to murder a few of their own to further their agenda. They've done it before.

Many have ideas on what really happened, but I find the “why it happened” much more interesting.
Catherine Austin Fitts tweeted:
“To shred the Constitution, Mr. Global must get gun control first. Las Vegas says Mr. Global is desperate. Protect gun ownership at all cost!”
It is said False Flags are designed to work on multiple levels.
So, I’m doubling down on my sacrifice/harvest theory and think Michael Joseph, Austin Coppock, or Santos Bonacci would have excellent insights and much to add. I may be a novice at Astrology and Patristics, but have an eclectic knowledge base and am fairly good at connecting dots.
Do an image search for Moses with Ram Horns and see how Moses is depicted as the embodiment of Aries in statues and paintings. Why did God smite the Israelites for worshiping the golden calf? Because they were worshiping the Christ Consciousness of Taurus the previous age. The age of Aries had begun. In the age of Aries, the priests blew into the ram’s horn and the walls of Jericho came tumbling down.
It is all a metaphor as the great Dr. Richard Alan Miller likes to say.
Then the Piscean Age came ushered in with Virgo in opposition. Enter tales of a virgin birth, walking on water, baptism, and feeding the multitudes with five loaves and two fish. The popes of this age wear the Ring of the Fisherman otherwise known as the Piscatory Ring.
Now the Age of Aquarius is birthing. It is an air sign. Welcome to the world of Wi-Fi and 5G. Accompanying Aquarius in its opposition is Leo. Ever wonder why Katy Perry entered on a lion singing “Roar” at Super Bowl XLIX? Declaration the arrival of the Water-Bearer and Lion are imminent.
It’s a metaphor.
The Route 91 Harvest Country Music Festival (God, guns, and country music) took place under a harvest moon. Country music fans at foot of the replicated Sphinx, must have known how the Israelites felt at the base of Mount Sinai with an angry God wreaking havoc from above.
The bible is littered with allegory of the astrological ages. So of course it goes deeper, and there is much more. Now this theory may be bullshit, but I call BS anyone claiming to be informed that dismisses esoteric material out of hand. To paraphrase Maggie, “if you have to tell people you are, you aren't.”
The main stream media will not tell you what really happened, but seek, and ye shall find. Secrets and deception are trademarks of the Piscean age, and that age is rapidly expiring.

I think there are red flags all over this one, way more than most. I made a couple comments on Facebook which spawned a pretty funny exchange with a "troll" even tough I hate that term, and of course, many many good posts about the conspiratorial aspects:
"A guy named "Paddock" with zero history of violence who used to work for a defense contractor that became Lockheed Martin, opened fire on a corralled crowd at the "Harvest Festival" from the 32nd floor window on 10/01 at 10:00pm. Gotcha."

mbulg wrote: So, I’m doubling down on my sacrifice/harvest theory
Well, in the light of pedophiles sacrificing children in rituals, a sacrifice/harvest is not out of question. Although I question that the perpetrators of public slaughter are in the know.
mbulg wrote: Ever wonder why Katy Perry entered on a lion singing “Roar” at Super Bowl XLIX?
AFAIK, the O.T.O. is well connected in the music business and the resulting music videos. Not every musician is well versed in mythology, astrology and so on. There are people behind it, providing concepts for shows, music videos, songs, ...

Shouldn't surprise anyone but all of Google's search results for "Vegas false flag" are about debunking that idea- and of course at I got results closer to what I was looking for, rather than being told that false flags are just harmful and ridiculous conspiracy theories.

'What actually happened? Was the official truth ever revealed?...'
It was an assassination attempt on Mohammed bin Salman since he's the guy behind the listing of saudi aramco and the general opening-up to the west. Old guard saudis didn't like it. He had the top floor rented out but wasn't there when expected, was plainclothes gambling at Tropicana as he likes to do. Shooting happened one floor down.
Say you're the spooks. You have two options. Acknowledge that you nearly failed to keep him safe and jeopardize one of the biggest deals going- what is essentially saudi arabia removing themselves from the list of oil-related issues we deal with, let it be talked about in the news at face value and let the American people know that saudis and our dealings with them are costing American lives- or you take the other route. I mean, do you think the saudis who tried to assassinate him are going to come out and say anything?
You have some of your guys spray into the crowd after the assassins are killed, you blame it all on the arms dealer, you sweep it under the rug. Convenient story, looks like all the others, don't even bother mentioning gun control so nobody looks twice.
Go look for the footage of salman being extracted by a swat team from Tropicana. Maybe the news of other shootings heard nearby makes more sense.
As good of an explanation as I've yet heard... I haven't doven deep into this CT, however...
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