Lyn Buchanan - recommended by Gordon White

Previously on Rune Soup, Gordon had a great guest - Lyn Buchanan, a military remote viewer... it was a very, very good interview but unfortunately Gordon has only a +-1 hour show, so you really have the thirst for more.
I know that we had a remote viewing episode with Courtney Brown... but as Gordon once said on one of his THC appearances (I think it was the 4/6) about remote viewers...''...Courtney Brown is not the best source for what remote viewing can do and what it has done...since the information has come out, there is a cottage industry of people doing what they think is remote viewing... and its not... eeeehm, and Courtney Brown is one of them.''
I love that quote 😉 I think Courtney should print it out and frame it because our Gentleman Wizard found a polite way of saying that Courtney Brown is full of shit.
I'm sure that in Gregs hands, Lyn would be a fountain of fascinating facts. Remote viewing, military espionage or the life of a spy in the cold war era are very interesting. But surley Greg can get much, much deeper.
Since Gordon had Lyn on his show, I bet that if Greg would have trouble with getting Lyn Buchanan as a guest... Gordon can cast his little spell and teleport Lyn to THC in a flash.
Lyn Buchanans book - The Seventh Sense.

hahaha Did Gordon really say that on the air? That's totally not in my memory, but I believe it.
I've developed a lot of doubts about Courtney Brown and his project since having him on THC, but I'd do another show on the topic with a better guest. Lyn Buchanan on RuneSoup was really good. I'll see what I can do!

Ed Dames is the one I steer clear of, ever since he went on CtoC after TWA800 and said it was the center fuel tank, just like the official story. I knew then that he certainly wasn't an "ex" spook, whether he could remote view or not. All his credibility went into that same tank.
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