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Mind Controlled Sex Slaves

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Now that I got your attention:

Based on the MKULTRA revelations, there is a lot of information on the internet about so called sex kittens, Butterfly codes etc.

I wonder if this is
(a) a phantasy,
(b) a diversion or
(c) real.

Many people writing about this topic seem to be a bit obsessed, as indulging in their own phantasy, and sometimes right out delusional.

I wonder if there is a valid source, discussing this material in a structured and reasonable way.

I believe that experiments regarding multiple personalities have been made, but I wonder how stable these personalities really are. Could they constantly function in the normal world?

There are so many people with psychological predispositions, a lack of willpower and suitable for any kind of sexual indulgence. Why go through the trouble of creating split personalities?

Posted : May 3, 2017 8:52 AM
Posts: 204
Estimable Member

The CIA and the national security state at large? I put nothing past them.

Posted : May 3, 2017 3:53 PM
Posts: 1354
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I think from a meta-perspective, our western culture, especially so in North America, is a product of MK Ultra on a transnational scale. We just have to look at the cognitive dissonance prevalent amongst the masses, whether in politics, media, academics, doctors. My first foray into MK Ultra was the book by Cathy O Brien Trans-Formation of America (Available in the book section of the forum). In it, she describes in details the hows and whys of the procedure. To my understanding, it really boils down to inflicting trauma, so as to activate the compartmentalization of personality (creation of split personality) via the use of torture, sexual abuse and drugs. Like you mention, the use of pre-programmed symbols (codes) to activate those personalities (A rose, a butterfly, a card suite...) is how they instantly access those personalities.
I recently re-watched the original Manchurian Candidate (1951) and all of these techniques are explicitly described ("Why don't you play a little solitaire?"). I guess this shows how long these techniques had been used for. (At the very least since the Nazis research). I also know that Cathy and her book may have been dis-information itself, but I leave that for each individuals to decide. There's certainly lot of key archetypes (or clues) that surface.

Going back to the meta-analysis, I think we can fit those steps neatly in the context of our media-propaganda machine. Taking terrorist attacks as a catalyst for trauma/shock (9/11); Keywords (Terrorism; Freedom; Patriot) which essentially has split the mind into various parts. These programmings then get activated whenever it suits the powers-that-be, such as in the case of erosion of privacy in the name of the War on Terror.
Anyways, I may going on a bit of a tangent but I do think it's not too much of a stretch to see it that way.

The important thing is that once we, the victims, see this for what it is, we are then able to unite the various compartments together, and achieve a coherent whole perspective again. This is a traumatic experience in and of itself, for you have to be cognizant of the trauma you've endured, but as in the paradox of Light/Dark, this I think is the key to regain coherence of spirit.
That's my two cents on the subject, which I find fascinating.

Posted : May 3, 2017 11:09 PM
Posts: 2
New Member

Hi Erikx, please check out Aug Tellez if you are curious about MK Ultra, etc. He claims to have been brought into the MK program at age 9 and is able now to reveal information into the public. The narrative is very out there but interesting and worth considering.

Posted : May 27, 2017 1:03 AM