Must-have Guest: "The Greek"

Greg, you've mentioned you'd like to have a guest who can bring freshness to the table. I assure you this is as fresh as you're going to get. He's known as The Greek. He's been on freemantv 3 times in the last year and has also done several of his own sonic 'discussions' on AFR.
Contact him here:
He won't bail on you.
Impossible to quantify all of the topics that can be discussed, but here are some:
- how the money system works - credit-based (not debt-based)
- legal system
- medical system
- how the body works
- water
- dreams
- spirits/demons/gods/technology
- etymology
- scripture

I heard the Greek interviewed by Freeman Fly a while back, Freeman insisted the Greek was from the future! I second the notion that the Greek would be an excellent interview for the Carlwood. There is a series of podcasts that the Greek did with someone whose name currently eludes me, which were also very good, and which are likely linked on his website.

PurpleLama wrote: I heard the Greek interviewed by Freeman Fly a while back, Freeman insisted the Greek was from the future! I second the notion that the Greek would be an excellent interview for the Carlwood. There is a series of podcasts that the Greek did with someone whose name currently eludes me, which were also very good, and which are likely linked on his website.
Thank you. Yes, he did a series of shows on AFR with Chuck Ochelli if I spelled that correctly. I appreciate your reply. By the way - do you know if Greg is on vacation at the moment? Just curious since there have been no shows in almost a few weeks now.
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