RADChick -- Christina Consolo

Talking to this lovely lady.
Christina Consolo has done field work on radiation for years now and she knows more than almost anyone else about what's happening to do with West Coast radiation, Fukushima and the Wiggner Effect.

I'll check her out. Thanks for posting, maam.
By the way, are you aware there's a fairly lively debate going on as to whether or not nuclear power/weapons even exist? Personally, I think they do. However, if there's any psyopish aspects to nukes, I believe it's in their stated harm to humans & the environment. In other words, I don't believe a nuke dropped in New York is going to wipe out the east coast, & that's really how they play it. I know many people here don't think nukes are real - I'll weigh in more if the conversation gets kicking.
Take care

I'll see what I can do, thanks!
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