Regarding Pizza Gate and more, what is truth seeking and can we be tricked?

Mr. Carlwood before you interview David Seaman check out this video:
Personally I am subscribed to both David Seaman and Zach Hubbard.
I ask anyone that reads this to consider critically the massive information feed we have now thanks to the Internet and social media.
What is truth? It's interesting when I find two respected truth seekers at odds. This seems to happen all the time. Is it disinformation? Is it paid opposition?
Maybe both or neither but there is a discussion that needs to be had

Odd, I've been mulling over the possibility this is some kind of a psyop to make folks overreact or go full on vigilante over unvetted theories so TPTB can clamp down on alt news and individuals use of the net to spread non mainstream approved info and ideas. Problem,solution, preplanned reaction. One nutter hurts someone at Comet Pizza and the public will be easily manipulated into censoring the net and making "terrorists" of all us "dangerous conspiracy theorists" 🙁

It looks like so many icons and institutions are teetering right now. One might forecast a shit storm of serious magnitude just over the horizon. But, with this Pizzagate thing, there is so much solid evidence that this is nothing new at the highest levels, and that fact that a few emails so quickly generated the hail of "fake news" blather from the MSM, one might get the feeling someone is running scared, and therefore, getting dangerous. The censoring has already begun. And hold the cheese and hotdogs, I'm non-dairy and vegetarian.
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OMG! Could this be the post of the beast?


James Corbett: The Media War Has Begun...What Side Are You On?

Thanks for the link. I find Corbett to be very thoughtful and give very good appraisals of the "nuts and bolts" side of things. Can't wait to check that out. Thanks again.

Nailed it. I've started noticing even some "skeptic" commentators are coming out against "fake news".
Odd, I’ve been mulling over the possibility this is some kind of a psyop to make folks overreact or go full on vigilante over unvetted theories so TPTB can clamp down on alt news and individuals use of the net to spread non mainstream approved info and ideas. Problem,solution, preplanned reaction. One nutter hurts someone at Comet Pizza and the public will be easily manipulated into censoring the net and making “terrorists” of all us “dangerous conspiracy theorists”
<hr> heavy breathing at comet ping pong. seems pretty freakin real. if it is a trick, it's better constructed and executed than 9/11 and sandy hoax. i see it as the latest and best evidence of a centuries old practice that has gone mainstream

Thanks for the Corbett link. Maybe it's about time Greg gets Corbett back on the show!

It has been occurring to me that the whole Pizzagate thing could be a limited hangout created especially for facilitating this internet censorship crackdown. What better subject to get the juices boiling than pedophilia and worse? I decidedly slowed down my thinking process to become more watchful of this particular case, with so much circumstantial evidence. I feel that I may have struck at a shiny spinner that could be the international security states, out for a day of trolling. Remember how they took down an investigation of Duhbya's air national guard antics on CBS by simply producing one fake documentation of a real situation. With this Pizzagate story, all they have to do is create one witch hunt that goes down a blind alley and then all the pedos among the powerful fucks behind the curtain get off the hook.
There is solid evidence of pedo rings, pointing straight at the Whitehouse, going back to the regime of GHW Bush, but if we bite on the wrong troll bait, they get to put the whole thing to bed and kill independent journalism with the same stone. Dan Rather wasn't much of a loss, but losing things like the Corbett Report and good internet sources, by way of the big dog service providers pulling the plugs, all over this one story, is something to keep in mind until there is better than circumstantial evidence, which could be made for the job. They may already have chosen some patsy. When the next gunner walks in and takes out Comet Ping Pong, we my get our lone gunman errr, pedo, already Jack Ruby'd, and the rest slip the noose.
By Julia Fioretti
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Web giants YouTube , Facebook , Twitter and Microsoft will step up efforts to remove extremist content from their websites by creating a common database.
The companies will share 'hashes' - unique digital fingerprints they automatically assign to videos or photos - of extremist content they have removed from their websites to enable their peers to identify the same content on their platforms.
"We hope this collaboration will lead to greater efficiency as we continue to enforce our policies to help curb the pressing global issue of terrorist content online," the companies said in a statement on Tuesday.
Tech companies have long resisted outside intervention in how their sites should be policed, but have come under increasing pressure from Western governments to do more to remove extremist content following a wave of militant attacks.
YouTube and Facebook have begun to use hashes to automatically remove extremist content.
But many providers have relied until now mainly on users to flag content that violates terms of service. Flagged material is then individually reviewed by human editors who delete postings found to be in violation.
Twitter suspended 235,000 accounts between February and August this year and has expanded the teams reviewing reports of extremist content.
Each company will decide what image and video hashes to add to the database and matching content will not be automatically removed, they said.
The database will be up and running in early 2017 and more companies could be brought into the partnership.
The European Union set up an EU Internet Forum last year bringing together the internet companies, interior ministers and the EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator to find ways of removing extremist content.
The Forum will meet again on Thursday, when ministers are expected to ask the companies about their efforts and helping to provide evidence to convict foreign fighters.

Ah I didn't see this beforehand. I still lean towards Pizzagate being real, even thought it can be co-opted and used against us. (and it is, right now)
I do find what seemed to be some key changes in Wikileaks right around the time of the leaks, a bit suspicious too. It's hard to know exactly, but I wanted to present all the details and leave it open ended just in case.
I got a lot of flak for my "silence of Pizzagate" leading up to this episode's release but I try to let a little dust settle before I jump on something, for these very reasons. It's a tough thing to balance sometimes.

Pizzagate is too obviously real. The question will become, how will a cabal of some of the world's most powerful and cleaver people play out this scary (for them) development? I would think someone will likely be thrown to the wolves. Some patsy, or patsies, who will die before he/she/they get to spill too many beans. Don't look to MSM or FBI, who certainly have high up elements already in the know (and for how long?) to be stepping up with anything except handing us the patsies.

"The question will become, how will a cabal of some of the world’s most powerful and clever people play out this scary (for them) development? I would think someone will likely be thrown to the wolves. Some patsy, or patsies, who will die before he/she/they get to spill too many beans."
Look at what happened in the Dutroux case, the Saville case etc - low-level patsies (or conveniently dead ones) carry the can and the general public goes back to sleep. The UK inquiry into historic abuse (note the 'historic', what a joke!) has been derailed many times now and every so often some 'journalist' or other will suggest how it would be a good idea to forget about the inquiry because it's far too difficult blah blah blah. At some point the case will get kicked into the long grass.
The chances are that exactly the same thing will happen in the US.
Btw I think Pizzagate is real. Look at the sources of the information - while some of it looks planted to me, e.g. the email about torture and needing to finish your pizza by the end of the night, the majority of it does not. And don't forget that the MSM was already making noises about the alt-right and needing to stop fake news (oh the irony!) before Pizzagate went viral.

having watched how pizzagate seemed to organically evolve, i have a hard time reconciling a possible psyop narrative. HOWEVER, before the election & before pizzagate broke, I'd been saying Wikileaks was just another part of the dialectic. I do not believe the election was a legitimate choice by the people, & i don't believe the media got it wrong. I'll put it like this; if I hadn't seen pizzagate evolve, I would think it was contrived.. Take care, friends.

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