Regarding Pizza Gat...
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Regarding Pizza Gate and more, what is truth seeking and can we be tricked?

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ok. i see it now. it is another false flag. but not "just" another hoax. this one's target is the first amendment so it's more elaborate, and truthful. it seems like the clampdown is here. so is the grand solar minimum. it's time to invite david from Adapt 2030 and onto THC to put the pieces together on why 'they' are on a timeline that necessitates the pizzagate first amendment grab (or at least planting the seed for a later time when crops fail/the lights start going out and people are spreading "fake news that conditions are worse than there really are..... remember, we had this 2yrs ago during the so called pizzagate story. let's enact the F.R.E.E.D.O.M. bill sittin on the shelf over there.")

Posted : December 8, 2016 1:45 PM
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Ole Dammegard and Carine Hutsebaud on the SGT Report. Carine has been investigating paedo networks for years. It gives a good overview.

Posted : December 8, 2016 10:14 PM
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Considerable effort was made to “get to” Ted Gunderson, to discredit him and silence him. John DeCamp who was an aid to former CIA Director William Colby while in Vietnam, is similarly subjected to continual attack.

DeCamp is alive but silent, though very much “on the record.” Their stories lead to the Bush family and beyond, from the presidency to the banking centers of the world, to the royal families of Europe, and throughout the American military.

Posted : December 9, 2016 2:48 AM
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So, anyone know what's going on with the Vigilant Citizen site? There were pages about pizzagate and spirit cooking which are gone now, and the forum seems to be gone as well.

Posted : December 9, 2016 8:49 PM
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Haters gonna hate dude. I wouldn't be surprised if you start seeing a lot of them in your near future. Just keep on doing you Greg! You are a great interviewer and everyone should know that your beliefs are not always the same as those you interview. That being said keep up the great work and don't let the shit storm of trolls that will most likely start harassing you get the better of you!

Posted : December 11, 2016 9:04 AM
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I'm glad so many people responded to this post and we got people active on the forum!

Everyone here knows that unfortunately there are a bunch of completely sick humans on Earth. Anyone interested in truth ends up finding out human trafficking and pedophile rings exist. It's sad and really unfortunate and the more anyone can do to expose and rid this disease the better off we all are.

Pizza Gate had the huge pro that it got the word out to so many, but unfortunately it had a label that was taken advantage of and is now a focus in broadcast media mentioning "Fake News" and the possible growing censorship of alternative forms of media.

Is this all just a part of the plan? Or are the "Elite" going to plan B or C or even Z?

Something very interesting is happening right now and the more people we get in this forum having good conversation the better.

Posted : December 11, 2016 10:40 AM
Posts: 204
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A couple of videos I have landed on today:

Posted : December 11, 2016 9:35 PM
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Sofia Smallstorm on Gnostic Media.

They discuss the attack on alt media, the shooting hoax, the MSM's attempts to derail research, the 'fake news' play etc.

Posted : December 12, 2016 9:40 AM
Posts: 204
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Posted : December 17, 2016 4:58 PM
Posts: 11
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Good video Satya. I think it's a mistake to see Pizzagate as a psy-op. The artwork and comments/photos on social media plus the extremely dodgy logos have been there for several years. Is it likely that a trail of false clues in an intel op would be laid so long ago? They've probably done it for some, but I doubt they do it over something like this - paedophilia scandals are not courted! They're swept under the rug asap.

The fake news bs is very handy at the moment as Obama et al blast out their fake news about Russia hacking the emails. There is NO evidence. It's also a great way to discredit the few independent journalists reporting on Aleppo. They've already started doing a hatchet job on Eva Bartlett who looks credible af to me. But Snopes says she's not... Yeah, Snopes 😀

Posted : December 18, 2016 5:15 PM
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Classic article from Craig Murray there. LMAO!

He's talking about the 'Ruskies messed with the election' theme and the media trash who are spreading the poison:

"...the sources any serious journalist would view as “credible” give the opposite answer to the one Freedland wants. But in what passes for Freedland’s mind, “credible” is 100% synonymous with “establishment”. When he says “credible sources” he means “establishment sources”. That is the truth of the “fake news” meme. You are not to read anything unless it is officially approved by the elite and their disgusting, crawling whores of stenographers like Freedland."


Posted : December 18, 2016 5:59 PM
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