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Request for Leftist Conspiralogists

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Peter Linebaugh – Marxist historian that co-wrote an amazing history book (that Howard Zinn loved), The Many-Headed Hydra: Sailors, Slaves, Commoners, and the Hidden History of the Revolutionary Atlantic. This is radical leftist history that is widely unknown, misunderstood, and untouched today. He speaks of Pirates as the original rebels and radicals, avoiding the 9 to 5 slave-wage life; runaway slaves who formed maroon communities (often with poor whites and Native Americans) that operated outside of the regular economy; the death of the commons via state power and big money influence, etc. He is an expert on the life of commoners, felons, religious radicals, sailors, soldiers, African slaves, exploited urban labor, and pirates, and shows the attempts of the elites to exploit such people into serving the cause of colonial expansion. He also wrote a well-received book on the Magna Carta, as well as one on the death of the commons (Stop Thief!) and has plenty of videos online.

Laurence H. Shoup – Avowed Marxist and contributor of Monthly Review, Shoup wrote perhaps the quintessential books on the Council on Foreign Relations, Imperial Brain Trust (1921-1975) and Wall Street’s Think Tank (1976-2014). His analysis disagrees a bit with Brisson, as Shoup pretty firmly places the Neocons as CFR-first individuals and does not even mention the CNP at any point (to my recollection). He does give details on the think tanks, sister organizations, lobbying groups, corporations, equity firms, for-profit political advisory corporations, universities, foundations, media outlets, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, G30 that are in bed with the CFR and speaks very candidly about the CFR’s global strategy and tactics. He also wrote A People’s History of California that I have not read but seems to be a Howard Zinn-esque book about California.

Jerry Mander – An icon of the left. This is the guy who wrote Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television, a damning critique on television, media, and advertising. I think his best book is In the Absence of the Sacred (1992), which critiques technological society by challenging the utopian premise (which still exists today) and shows how it undermines democracy, destroys indigenous cultures worldwide (essentially it destroys long-lasting cultures), creates global environmental disasters, and shapes the new world order (warning that computers, tech, NASA, telecomm, genetic engineering, robotics, and corporations are merging into a global mega-technology). I am unsure of how up-to-date he is with the events of the day and the guy was born in 1936, but about 5 years ago he did release the excellent “The Capitalism Papers” which attempts to show how capitalism is a flawed and obsolete system that cannot be saved.

Kevin Barrett—Not sure if you have had him on. He (and Ole D) may be the most eloquent of the false flag experts. He does not focus on the spiritual side or the Universal Law loopholes that Ole does. But he does an excellent job of showing the demonization of Islam and the false flag and FBI-run operations used to demonize Islam, going through events of the 90s through today showing such operations. He also shows the transformation of neoconservatism towards the philosophy of Leo Strauss, whom Barrett claims has pushed the Neocons into believing the philosophy that they should only pretend to be good in public as they are really evil and selfish inside, and that this is the hidden covert belief of all great thinkers. Barrett thinks the Neoconservatives tapped into the belief that they must create a Platonic guardianship to rule over society, and that since there is no good or evil, that they must embrace evil if they want to win.

Yasha Levine – This guy is left-wing but goes pretty deep at times. He writes about the internet and its military background, future presidential candidate Corey Booker’s insidious Jewish cult funding, the evils of silicon valley, crypto currency, etc. And he wrote for the infamous satiral newspaper (another comedy connection) The Exile back in the oughts. He has appeared on James Corbett I think. Recent interview on KPFA Letters and Politics show: His recent FOIA cache on TOR and gov’t spying (just came out)

Derrick Jensen – I have a personal beef with the guy, but he is an extreme environmental leftist that some people label as conspiracy. He is a Radical Feminist, an anti-civilization activist, a radical environmentalist, a sexual assault victim, a strong critic of colonialism, and a believer in the need for a radical underground to commit terrorist acts against the state. His books A Language Older than Words and Endgames Part I and II are pretty good emotional and factual appeals to getting people riled up and off their butts. I am unsure of what kind of reaction this listening audience would have to this guy, but he does do a good job of laying out the problems and symptoms of the world from an environmental point of view, doing his best to think from the perspective on non-humans and victims of genocide and assault. He used to be really good friends of Guy McPherson (who I think you may have had on at one time), but there was a falling out very recently. Plenty of youtube videos online.

Connor Habib might fit that description (I think Gordon has interviewed him) -- he focuses on porn, sex workers, environmentalism, spirituality and does appear on leftist podcasts.

Abby Martin – host of the very popular video series The Empire Files and the podcast Media Roots. Abby came out of the 9/11 truth Alex Jones movement and turned decidedly left-wing. She recently traveled to Valenzuela and reported on what is going on there, narrowly avoiding abduction and probably murder on a couple of occasions. She is very self-driven and very loud and vocal. I have drifted from her politics but I love her attitude. She takes no shit.

Joachim Hagopian –Wildcard, as I know little about this guy. You may know much more than me. He is former military and wrote a book about pedophilia (2017) after working with abused children. I know little about his book, but I think it can be found for free on various sites (I think he is essentially giving it away for free). Maybe two pedophilia people would be too close together (I just don’t know many willing to talk about the deep end of it, if there is indeed truth to the rumors.)? He does interview fairly well , based on what I have heard and seen. Plus he is as critical of Donald Trump as he is of Clinton/Bush/Obama, which I think helps in resonating a deeper truth.

Stephen Harrod Buhner – legend of consciousness and alternative health and thinking, he has focused on plant intelligence, lyme disease, fermentation, ancient beers and ales, general health, etc. – I think this would be a real treat for the audience. I am sure you know who he is, as he is one of the giants of alternative health and putting health in your own hands. This guy has written dozens of books and gives many interviews.

Posted : March 22, 2018 2:30 AM