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Shadow People

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Do a episode on shadow people. Its paranormal themed and a great break from the covaids.

Mike Ricksecker
He has his own podcast called "Edge of the rabbit hole". It's also on YouTube, alot of episodes. He also wrote a book on shadow people which is quite good. Also is available on audible. The book is called "shadow people, a walk in the shadows.

Posted : August 8, 2021 11:58 AM
Posts: 240
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cbrown wrote:
Do a episode on shadow people. Its paranormal themed and a great break from the covaids.

Mike Ricksecker
He has his own podcast called "Edge of the rabbit hole". It's also on YouTube, alot of episodes. He also wrote a book on shadow people which is quite good. Also is available on audible. The book is called "shadow people, a walk in the shadows.

Interesting topic. I used to see them when I was a child (4-6 yrs old). I'm not aware of any mainstream explanation for the phenomena outside of just hand-waving it away under "hallucination".

Anybody else have experiences?

Posted : August 8, 2021 2:03 PM
Posts: 2
New Member

Dope. Second this.

I don't have personal experiences with them, though I did see shit move in my bedroom as a kid.

But my ex used to talk about seeing shadow people, disembodied limbs/parts floating through the air as if attached to an invisible walking person, and a little girl hanging above her bed. Gnarly stuff. And I later learned from her step dad that she may have experienced some abuse prior to these sightings. Which would explain a lot. Toward our break up she started digging into grimoires, spirit contact, and other "witchy stuff", and some seriously weird shit started to happen that she said reminded her of those experiences as a kid: sensing things floating into the house and watching her, sleep paralysis, and finally seeing a bright blue eyed goat headed "man" with black fur in our closet. When that final bit happened, she said she had a hazy vision of us having our last argument at the kitchen table. Said we looked distorted and scary and that she was seeing it from the third person. Messed up stuff.

It seems like people with young traumas have cracks in their energetic armor which can attract these shadow beings/demons/parasites.

Posted : August 10, 2021 11:34 PM
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Here is the website

Posted : August 12, 2021 11:47 PM
Posts: 232
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I used to see out the corner of my eye in the doorway a man with a brimmed hat.
But I really just convinced myself I was making shapes out of the darkness.

And I don't know if this counts but when we moved into our house, I was 4 years old, and I had this dream that there was a bald man in the wall, pushing his face through like you push through plastic. Super angry man who chased us out of the house. From the moment we moved in, in waking reality, the house was just filled with negative energy and it still is today

Posted : August 13, 2021 7:15 AM
Posts: 1
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Reigniting this topic...

This is a fascinating subject because it appears to be so prevalent. Seems to be a lot more common than the elves and all these other sightings.

I have friends and family members who described encounters with the shadow figure with the black top hat. All examples were either in the evening / dusk and near dawn. All were outside and the figure was always walking along the road. One time it was basically daylight. I was present for that one (in the drivers side seat)! This topic was covered by Art Bell on Coast to Coast AM back in the day, and certainly by many others. I haven’t heard very many effective interviews / explanation though.

Carlwoodjust think about this one, man!

Posted : October 28, 2021 2:02 PM