The Unofficial T.H....
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The Unofficial T.H.C. Guest Primer

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The Unofficial T.H.C. Guest Primer

On a completely kind & objective level, I'm sure you've noticed a few things that make some episodes more difficult to listen to than others.
If you were in the GREEN room with some of these guests, what suggestions would you, a seasoned Plus Listener, have for them? The objective here is to compile a beneficial list that proves to be ultimately helpful.

Perhaps it would look something like this:

Dear Future Guests of T.H.C.,

I'm sure we will find your material
Interesting,exciting & worthwhile....however,
only if you meditate on the following suggestions:

1.) A decent microphone-
NO, the crappy, hands free headset mic that came with your phone is not acceptable. Rule #1:
Nothing will make a Plus member click that X faster than shitty audio.
We don't want it. You don't want it & I'm pretty sure neither does G.C.

2.) Please, Do not fookin' EAT while you are doing the interview.

Absolutely nobody wants to hear you smacking like a cow chewing it's cud in the mic. Same goes for clearing your throat.

3.) Please try not to pop your P's or ssssssplit our eardrums with your S's. *Lisps are okay,but only if they are natural.

4.) Don't be a dick to your host.
Whether you are a know-it-all wanna-be politician or the King of Norway, there really is no excuse for your default to be set to "DICKHEAD". No Bueno. We can tell.

5.) Just Relax & be your natural self.

G.C. picked you bcuz you are interesting. No need to prove anything,you've passed the test, so Relax....and for FUCK SAKE, Do Not....I repeat, DO NOT get on the mic and start reading lengthy,prolonged sections from a friggin' book!!!! **Reading from your notes like a robot also falls under this number.
Omfg, are you trying to bore the piss out of us??? *yawn

6.) Consider Your Audience.

We are not your usual jackass podcast listeners. Our expectations are high,and so are we, but we aren't dumb,so come prepared & on your game.


Various THC PLUS Subscribers

Do please feel free to add to this list.

*This thread reflects the personal thoughts and opinions of the

Author and does not necessarily reflect the personal views of
any other PLUS Subscriber and/or this website and/or
any of it's parent organizations.

Posted : April 30, 2018 5:52 AM