Timeline manipulation - mud flood - culture reset

I wish I had a great source (Sylvie is great, but a lot of speculation)
My theory is that if the reformation was a time of adding 1000 years to chronology, I figure that there should be some historians that can align asian historys (west, south, far east - huge continent with many different cultures).
there is some mud flood stuff that's too uncanny - and since it's not in the history books, we know it's deliberately hidden. The idea of culture reset is very interesting -- and the way they're spraying us so heavily now, I feel the powers that shouldn't be are in full control of all aspects of our society.
There's even evidence pointing to the 1850s for a lot of rewriting -- when many of the grand structures were destroyed. This gilded age may have more to it.
Greg, maybe having a round-table discussion on this topic?
Tangent: Queen Califa and the Island of California - if those were ancient maps that got copied, maybe that explains the geography of nevada - satellite images do look very interesting... it may go back to the younger dryas, but anymore, doubt is serving me well here.
Thanks THC community - you all matter, and Greg, thanks for your efforts!!!

I haven't yet come across any convincing info or research that encapsulates this whole mud flood, hidden history, time manipulation thing.
what i have seen including the video you posted are videos and pictures and commentaries which just ask questions - why would this happen - why would they do this? etc etc
Its very similar to the flat earth - where all they do is list numerous observational anomalies but never show any evidence for what they then claim is the truth -
If you have a much better video - that doesn't ask question but rather presents evidence to support the theory of a mud flood I will appreciate it otherwise it's a psyop until proven other wise in my books at the moment.
Here is a example of hidden history and that convinced me to believe in it
the Comet in 562 AD / CE that brought about the dark ages wiped out most of the population in the coming years

Further to the mud flood stuff
I got more from this twitter thread on Tartary empire and the possible mud flood that wiped it out than any other video I've seen
He present a coherent argument along with evidence to support the theory
the great wall of China has the doors on the wrong side of china! now that's interesting

Martin Liedtke is the perfect guest for this.

Just listened to Greg talk about this in the show with Max Igan. Good stuff,

Listening to Greg somehow turned me on to watching a large amount of Martins Work and he does put out a compelling case. He's a dedicated educator with hundreds if not thousands of hours of video explaining anything and everything in antiquity. Would love to hear him on here.
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