Tracking Human Geno...
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Tracking Human Genomes topic - Genomic Surveillance

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I wrote about this in my book, Sing the Mice. The "pharmaceutical military industrial complex is the new war economy." But I'm no expert and would love to hear more about it from someone who is an expert. Basically, military industrial contractors are live tracking human genomes for gene edit changes. And there are contractors at the ready to prepare and administer gene editing as a medical countermeasure.
The very fact that these two entities (Safe Genes and DRIVe) exist is both comforting and extremely disturbing. The potential for abuse and genocide is astounding, and I have yet to hear anyone speak of it.
This DARPA entity, Safe Genes, tracks genomes with the intent to remove engineered genes (aka bioweapons) from the environment (by environment they say they mean plants and animals, and yet their diagram shows a picture of a needle over a house - attached screen shot as I'm sure it will be removed).

And this BARDA contract, DRIVe, just happens to hint at gene drives (that is administering genetic changes to the population). Look at the attached picture-drone delivery of drugs and vaccines to stop the spread of disease???? Look at the programs tab - immunechip+ and beyond the needle. On the about us page, they discuss preventing future pandemics. Tax dollars fund this shit with no oversight. BTW they can administer gene edits in aerosol form in PFOAs (per fluoro chemicals inhaled).

Aside from being used against foreign adversaries, I could see this technology being used to surreptitiously eliminate populations costly to the medical system (elderly, diabetics, etc.). They can identify population genetic characteristics which can be grouped by race too. Actually, when I first heard about COVID, my first thought was that it was something the Chinese cooked up to get rid of protesters and Uighurs. I think they have a high tolerance for collateral damage.
I don't think it's a leap to see why our military branches advised new recruits not to use any commercial genotyping services like 23 and Me (a company that sells your genetic information to any nationality "researcher.") Especially, if our recruits are given gene edits in their vaccines that the rest of the population doesn't have. That would make them identifiable and targetable. This last bit is pure speculation.

Posted : June 16, 2021 5:47 PM
Neuron Crux
Posts: 81
Estimable Member

And we paid for all of it too.
It's hard to even fathom the amount of money that's been spent on black projects over the years, all designed to enslave. Surely enough to solve world hunger and homelessness several times over again.

Posted : June 16, 2021 6:19 PM
Posts: 232
Reputable Member

The UK health secretary proudly revealed he has shares in a genome sequencing organisation

Seems like a conflict of interest to me but none of that matters in this new world we are living in

Posted : June 16, 2021 7:00 PM
Posts: 232
Reputable Member

jdaneway wrote:
I wrote about this in my book, Sing the Mice. The "pharmaceutical military industrial complex is the new war economy." But I'm no expert and would love to hear more about it from someone who is an expert. Basically, military industrial contractors are live tracking human genomes for gene edit changes. And there are contractors at the ready to prepare and administer gene editing as a medical countermeasure.
The very fact that these two entities (Safe Genes and DRIVe) exist is both comforting and extremely disturbing. The potential for abuse and genocide is astounding, and I have yet to hear anyone speak of it.
This DARPA entity, Safe Genes, tracks genomes with the intent to remove engineered genes (aka bioweapons) from the environment (by environment they say they mean plants and animals, and yet their diagram shows a picture of a needle over a house - attached screen shot as I'm sure it will be removed).

And this BARDA contract, DRIVe, just happens to hint at gene drives (that is administering genetic changes to the population). Look at the attached picture-drone delivery of drugs and vaccines to stop the spread of disease???? Look at the programs tab - immunechip+ and beyond the needle. On the about us page, they discuss preventing future pandemics. Tax dollars fund this shit with no oversight. BTW they can administer gene edits in aerosol form in PFOAs (per fluoro chemicals inhaled).

Aside from being used against foreign adversaries, I could see this technology being used to surreptitiously eliminate populations costly to the medical system (elderly, diabetics, etc.). They can identify population genetic characteristics which can be grouped by race too. Actually, when I first heard about COVID, my first thought was that it was something the Chinese cooked up to get rid of protesters and Uighurs. I think they have a high tolerance for collateral damage.
I don't think it's a leap to see why our military branches advised new recruits not to use any commercial genotyping services like 23 and Me (a company that sells your genetic information to any nationality "researcher.") Especially, if our recruits are given gene edits in their vaccines that the rest of the population doesn't have. That would make them identifiable and targetable. This last bit is pure speculation.

This is a lot to get my head around

Posted : June 16, 2021 7:04 PM
Posts: 232
Reputable Member

jdaneway wrote:
True enough. Wow - you'd think they'd have a PR person advise them.
China has also been busy collecting genomic information on all males to use in crime prevention. They say males are more likely to commit crimes, so they only collect the male data. IDK - I bet they have more than they let on. We expect China to be rights violators, but the US is really no better. For years hospitals collected and stored blood spots from the infant heel stick. Then one year a state (Texas if memory serves) decided to gene sequence all those stored heel-stick cards. People got upset, and they stopped. But I'll tell you - they pretty much already have a significant portion of American's DNA in various NIH databases. For years - before newer rules - every time you went in to a medical facility and they drew blood or took a biopsy or other sample, they'd keep the leftovers and sequence them for "research" then share them with other researchers in the databases. It's usually in the privacy notice everyone signs and ignores. You have to write to the privacy office of your healthcare institution and ask them not to use your data or samples - in other words - opt out. But the catch is, once the data is in those databases - they usually get a waiver to keep it, even if they obtained it without your consent.
Here is one example of a publicly available database:
When I worked in this, our institution provided gene sequencing data to GWAL and GWAS.
Employee wellness programs have started asking for genotype data as well - which I totally disagree with. They say they keep it private, but I know for a fact that employers gather insurance billing information and match it to employee sick days to figure out who is costing them and try to fire them or push them out. So, they definitely are not going to be using genotype data for your health. GINA (Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act) was supposed to protect us from this crap - but . . . . Anyway, I ramble.

Goodness me
I've always been suspicious of the employee welfare programs. I remember when they started offering counselling for free and they say its confidential... that's a huge resource to offer for free while still pressuring people to come in even when sick and creating toxic working environments. Just doubtful they have ever given a f about employee wellbeing

Posted : June 16, 2021 9:43 PM