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Running while listening?

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I run and listen to the show. I don’t necessarily like running, but listening to the show while I run has helped me run longer and set some personal bests along the way. You can enjoy the ganja and still run by the way. If you want to loose weight, turn a 2 hour show and go out side and move. The two ours fly by and so do the miles.

Posted : March 4, 2021 8:25 PM
Posts: 22
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I listen while I work, next thing I know the 10hr shift is over

Posted : March 9, 2021 1:43 AM
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Bossman Admin

divoch22 wrote: I run and listen to the show. I don’t necessarily like running, but listening to the show while I run has helped me run longer and set some personal bests along the way. You can enjoy the ganja and still run by the way. If you want to loose weight, turn a 2 hour show and go out side and move. The two ours fly by and so do the miles.

Damn! Kudos to you, I'm sure you can cover a lot of ground in 2 hours.

Posted : March 9, 2021 4:16 PM
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I am working my way up to doing a full 2 hour show continuously with out stopping. I’m doing an hour continuously no problem now. Getting 10k / 6 miles per. When I started I was going 15 minutes continuously with out stopping. I have quite smoking cigs, I thought about and when you smoke a pack a day, they don’t even give you a buzz anymore at that point. That helped me quite more than anything. Now when I have the occasional, I have to sit down like a teenager again. The same effect is true for ganja. One of the hardest things about running is being alone with your self and your thoughts. The body is meant to be used and abused a bit I think. Pushing your self through some pain is needed for the mind. I think that’s why a lot of people / self / get too drunk/high, it’s away to push yourself through something with minimum effort. In a strange way it’s like you overcame something. I believe people need challenges to be happy, I think as I get older. At least I’m seeing I’m wired that way. I guess the goal is getting your life to a place where you choose the challenges for yourself.

Now I have inadvertently signed my self up to doing a full 2 hour show! I got Kudos fronted to me! 🙂 I feel like a big fat phony accepting these Kudos 🙂 thank you for the external motivation. I’ll follow up when I hit 2 hours. Should be early summer.

Posted : March 9, 2021 11:36 PM
Posts: 102
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Pushing yourself physically is a great way to shed the Ego for a time. Probably speaks to a genetic memory when humans didn’t have the luxury to be bored and contemplate. Perhaps the more authentic moments you can procure for yourself without utilizing substances.

Posted : March 10, 2021 2:08 AM
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jack_daft wrote: Pushing yourself physically is a great way to shed the Ego for a time. Probably speaks to a genetic memory when humans didn’t have the luxury to be bored and contemplate. Perhaps the more authentic moments you can procure for yourself without utilizing substances.

I very much agree with everything you said there. A fantastic book on that subject that had helped me Can’t Hurt Me by David Googins.

I am battling with the authentic self thing. How do you handle not really liking your authentic self? For me having a joint in the evening helps me snap out of it in a way that running doesn’t do. I believe I feel closer to my authentic self when a little altered in that way. I am strictly talking ganja. I don’t do anything else. Maybe that’s a lie to my self. What say you?

Posted : March 10, 2021 5:51 AM
Posts: 102
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It’s the thinking me that I need to get away from. The doubting, questioning, incessantly narrating, expressively pointless, part of myself that I am at odds with.

Drinking does it’s job well as a social lubricant, even with the part of me that I can’t stand. I get along with him the same way I got along with all my ex’s friends. I was drunk before they showed up.

To actually be free of that monkey with an organ grinder in my skull, there are only three reliable avenues that I have found.

Utter physical exhaustion. Abject fear. And getting so immersed in a book that the author’s reality eclipses my own and for that stretch of concentration I cannot stray from well worded narrative offered up before me.

I don’t know which part of myself is the authentic one. I suppose it would depend on your ideas of spirituality, or your history, or culture.

Like them individually, or not, I’ve discovered that I rely on both of these aspects of my existence. It sort of helps to acknowledge that on those days when My Talkshow Host won’t shut the fuck up and can’t tune him out.

Posted : March 10, 2021 11:20 AM
Posts: 22
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I listen to the show when at work the most, it makes the 10hrs go by in two. Which feels scary as hell but freeing. Scary in the sense that the time feels like it’s flying by and always makes me feel like I’m missing out on life in my youngest healthiest years. But I am not my own boss yet so I need to build to that point first and I’ve accepted that.

Posted : March 10, 2021 2:52 PM
Posts: 102
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I listen while working as well, but I find that I need to rewind quite a few times throughout an episode. Something will require my attention and before I know it, the podcast becomes white noise in the background and I resurface in the middle of a line of thought without a clue as to what the person is speaking of.

Posted : March 10, 2021 5:24 PM
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jack_daft wrote: It’s the thinking me that I need to get away from. The doubting, questioning, incessantly narrating, expressively pointless, part of myself that I am at odds with.

Drinking does it’s job well as a social lubricant, even with the part of me that I can’t stand. I get along with him the same way I got along with all my ex’s friends. I was drunk before they showed up.

To actually be free of that monkey with an organ grinder in my skull, there are only three reliable avenues that I have found.

Utter physical exhaustion. Abject fear. And getting so immersed in a book that the author’s reality eclipses my own and for that stretch of concentration I cannot stray from well worded narrative offered up before me.

I don’t know which part of myself is the authentic one. I suppose it would depend on your ideas of spirituality, or your history, or culture.

Like them individually, or not, I’ve discovered that I rely on both of these aspects of my existence. It sort of helps to acknowledge that on those days when My Talkshow Host won’t shut the fuck up and can’t tune him out.

I think we all have to put on different hats at different times and play the roles that need filed to bring us closer to our desires. That’s just a part of life, doing and being things you don’t care for to get what you want/need later. Putting in the work as they say. In a way that squashes the ego too, some might call it having patience.

I think you’re on to something with the 3 techniques for you. I call that flow/ in the groove for lack of a better term. When you are in that state of flow things feel effortless and time seems to stop and you almost feel out side of yourself. I think that might be your true self. Never mind the activity that got you there. I get into this flow state extremely rarely. But when I do hit it. It’s that same brain game show host that says “hey this is awesome,” I realize I’m in the groove and then I snap back to reality.

You’re right getting that voice inside of the head to shut up helps. But why is it there. Rarely helps me, my best ideas come from thin air, not stuff I thought of or the game show host said. My thought up ideas are normally shit, or backfire like a joke on me.

That line of thinking has brought be to the hypothesis that we are more like the Jafaa on star gate than we want to admit. What I mean is, are bodies are in a sense possessed by our game show host / conciseness. Am “I” the body or the mind? Are they not separate?

Posted : March 10, 2021 7:01 PM
Posts: 102
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Separate? Sure is the conventional wisdom from most fields of spirituality. Still, while I am here, stranded in this meat leisure suit, I have to find work arounds to either get these two competitors to work together...or individually quiet themselves when needed.

Posted : March 10, 2021 10:09 PM
Posts: 22
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Absolutely me as well! But it’s okay because it’s all about the exposure to dig deeper later

Posted : March 10, 2021 11:54 PM
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jack_daft wrote: Separate? Sure is the conventional wisdom from most fields of spirituality. Still, while I am here, stranded in this meat leisure suit, I have to find work arounds to either get these two competitors to work together...or individually quiet themselves when needed.

i guess that’s my question. Why are you considering yourself stranded in a meat suit? Why would a consciousness limit its self to a body when you can fly a crossed the universe or whatever it can do? It doesn’t add up to me. I understand the school of thought that consciousness needs a physical body to interact with the physical plan. That seems like playing in the mud for an enlightened star being. I then would like to think we all came here to help here on planet earth as enlightened star beings, but what happens? I’ve meet maybe 3-5 just good wholesome people who weren’t acting or have side interests (wearing that hat we talked about). It makes me think earths plane is like Los Vegas for consciousness beings? When you look at us man versus the rest of the animals, we are the only ones who fundamentally changes our environment/ use it up. I think that ability comes from off world/other dimensions. Like it destroyed its habitat and seeks out other places to use up and move on. And it found us.

Posted : March 11, 2021 7:47 AM
Posts: 102
Estimable Member

divoch22 wrote: i guess that’s my question. Why are you considering yourself stranded in a meat suit? Why would a consciousness limit its self to a body when you can fly a crossed the universe or whatever it can do? It doesn’t add up to me. I understand the school of thought that consciousness needs a physical body to interact with the physical plan. That seems like playing in the mud for an enlightened star being. I then would like to think we all came here to help here on planet earth as enlightened star beings, but what happens? I’ve meet maybe 3-5 just good wholesome people who weren’t acting or have side interests (wearing that hat we talked about). It makes me think earths plane is like Los Vegas for consciousness beings? When you look at us man versus the rest of the animals, we are the only ones who fundamentally changes our environment/ use it up. I think that ability comes from off world/other dimensions. Like it destroyed its habitat and seeks out other places to use up and move on. And it found us.

I don’t have any fundamental beliefs on the subject either way. I have my observations though, and primarily that the conscious Me remains unchanged as my body ages.

I can dig back through my memories and acknowledge that the Me making an assessment on that particular moment in time feels precisely like the me now. Though 20 years may have passed.

I just sense that the incessant “now” has in it some key to unlocking this state. Time may pass fast or slow, but it passes. My face in the mirror may reflect it, or the growing collection of experiences may plot out its path, but try making any of that shit important to the Talkshow Host.

I have always had this overwhelming feeling that I’m not supposed to believe the narrative. That convention may state that people are born, they live, and they die. But I don’t remember being born. Do I believe that it happened simply because the narrative insists that it did, or that people tell me that everyone is born?

Am I not manifested every moment as Me with a built in memory system? My new iPhone always seems to have the same pictures and apps but those moments were not captured by that particular phone.

I don’t know. All I’m saying is that I try to not take anything for granted, and I try to not think too deeply on these things. Question everything, believe nothing, because as I see is always now. It has always been now. Based on those two observations how it could it some day never be now?

Posted : March 11, 2021 10:43 PM
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It might not be a bad thing either way. Regarding the meat suit’s external consciousness download. The lion isn’t bad for eating the zebra it’s what he’s got to do. Perhaps the purpose of the worlds abundants is meant to be consumed, like a zebra. The natural world is the growing medium for consciousness.

I feel the same way with the main stream narrative. I like your phone analogy. I would say I know I’ve been alive before. Multiple times, I don’t have past lives memories, I just have the feeling, that I know I’ve done this before. Getting a consciousness downloaded into a meat suit fit with that line of thinking. I don’t the rules of it as the Hindi folks do, but maybe there are the most correct. I never did buy that if you acted bad “you will come back in a lower form” seems like manipulation to me. My personal experience has been life loves to keep giving you the same problem packaged in different ways until you figure out the lesson. That fits better to me.

to expand that out, if the paradigm is meat suit downloads, it would explain many phoneme. Schizophrenia- multiple downloads one suit. Demons/aliens/spirits are consciousness simply floating around waiting looking for a new meat suit. Toddlers, why they are so crazy, they in the process of getting their firmware boot loaded. It could be that demons are “bad” because it is a conscious not following the rules of one per meat suit. It’s not cool to take someone else’s meat suit for a ride.

This theme also plugs into living in a simulated reality quite well. New computer programs are typically a reworked version of an older one. Yea novel programs are created to but it’s always easier to update than start from scratch each time. Or if not a simulation reality a “west world” type reality. That theme fits as well. That could explain your ideas about not knowing how your meat suit was born. More interesting what about when your consciousness was born ? What’s it’s birthday?

Posted : March 15, 2021 1:03 AM