Data-mining survey (U.S. intelligence agency involvement in drug trafficking)

This is for a community college class presentation. Don't freak out.
0. I am:
☐Other or prefer not to answer
1. I am in the age range of
☐Prefer not to say
2. Do you think there is a connection between the U.S. intelligence services and illegal drug trade or trafficking?
☐Don’t know
☐Prefer not to answer
3. If you answered ‘Yes’ to question #2, on a scale of 1-5 (‘1’ being least and ‘5’ being most involvement), where would you assess the degree of involvement by U.S. intelligence services and their role as traffickers and facilitators in domestic and the international drug trade?
4. What domestic intelligence agencies are most likely to be affiliated with drug trafficking, in your opinion (you may choose up to two choices):
☐DoD or Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
☐National Security Agency
☐State Department
☐None of these agencies are involved in the illegal drug trade/trafficking
☐Prefer not to answer
5. In your opinion, if it were to become public knowledge or acknowledged that U.S. intelligence services were engaged in drug trafficking and other drug-related illegal activity, do you feel such actions would or could ultimately be justified, since there must be a good or legitimate reason for one or more of these agencies to be involved in these activities?
☐Don’t know
☐Prefer not to answer
Further elaboration comment option: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6. Do you suspect (or know) if other national intelligence services other than the United States are involved in similarly described illegal drug trade trafficking?
☐Yes (please elaborate below, if you wish)
☐Don’t know
☐Prefer not to answer
7. In your opinion or from your understanding, who was responsible for the events of 9/11/2001 (you may choose as many options as you like):
☐Usama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda
☐19 Islamic Hijackers and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
☐Saudi Arabia
☐Iraq/Saddam Hussein regime
☐The United Kingdom
☐George Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld
☐The Central Intelligence Agency
☐The ‘deep state’
☐The FBI
☐Other(s) (please list*, if desired)
☐Decline to answer
8. Where do you obtain your news and information (pick up to four multiple options, if applicable)?
☐Television news programming
☐Google News or another online news aggregate (be specific, if possible)
☐Mainstream media (be specific, if possible)
☐Alternative media (be specific, if possible)
☐Social media (e.g. facebook, Twitter, YouTube channels), message boards (e.g. Reddit, 4chan, etc.), et al (be specific, if possible)
☐I receive my news information from another source(s) (be specific, if possible)
☐I do not pay much attention to ‘news’ or am generally ignorant of politics and current events
☐Prefer not to answer
9. Politically or ideologically-speaking, I would align myself most on this region of that spectrum (please pick no more than two options):
☐the Left (Democratic, liberal/progressive…)
☐the Right (Republican, conservative…)
☐the ‘far Left’ (be specific, if you desire)
☐far ‘Right’ (be specific, if you desire)
☐I’m very much a centrist
☐Third Positionist (be specific, if you desire)
☐Voluntary anarchist, libertarian
☐I’m not very politically engaged
☐Other (be specific, if you desire)
☐Prefer not to answer
10. I would identify myself racially and/or ethnically as (choose multiple options as applies, or feel free to skip question):
☐of European descent
☐Middle Eastern
☐Native or indigenous peoples
☐Pacific Islander
Please list any specific racial or ethnic information, if desired:
11. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being no interest, 10 being of high interest), where do you think you might fall or stand on the issue of drug trafficking and related activity occurring under explicit approval and knowledge by U.S. intelligence agencies?
12. In general, I trust the government and the mainstream media (choose only one):
☐Not bloody likely
☐I mean, why wouldn’t I trust the government or the news media?
☐Yes, I trust my official news source and the government, generally-speaking
☐Prefer not to answer
Feel free to elaborate on your answer for question #12:
13. Does this image bring up any feelings of doubt or concern for you?
☐Prefer not to answer
☐Don’t know
Please elaborate your answer, if you wish:
14. Do you have any strong feelings or beliefs associated with the crack cocaine epidemic of the 1980’s and 90’s?
☐Don’t know or prefer not to say
Please elaborate your answer, if you wish:
15. The U.S. government would never test or use drugs on the American public either unwittingly or without their consent, for the purposes of research, or for use in applications for the military or intelligence operations, etc.
☐Don’t know or prefer not to answer
Please elaborate your answer, if you wish:
Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey. Your answers will remain anonymous and used only for the one-time purposes of this classroom presentation.

There are two Question 2's.

If this is a real survey for students they are probably trying to root out the "white supremacists" and "conspiracy theorists" so they can report them to Intel agencies and keep and eye on them

seekingtruth87 wrote:
If this is a real survey for students they are probably trying to root out the "white supremacists" and "conspiracy theorists" so they can report them to Intel agencies and keep and eye on them
It's a survey I created, but no one bothered to answer it. Semester project is over and done with.
Here's my addendum page, ftw:

steved wrote:
It's a survey I created, but no one bothered to answer it. Semester project is over and done with.Here's my addendum page, ftw:
i guess I looked right past your warning at the top of the questioner. Good work!
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