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How do you break the narrative with conformists?

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Hey all, hope you’re all keeping well. I’m finding it increasingly hard to open up conversations about what’s going on right now. Although I think most people are smelling the bullshit. Particularly with politics. But It’s difficult to explain at a deeper level why things are happening without being tenderly shrugged off as a conspiracy theorist. (Yeah the CIA did a good job with that one.) Take mandatory masks for example. Clearly masks do not protect against a microscopic virus if you look into the research, yet anyone who works in a hospitality venue/ hairdressers/ shop etc etc has to wear a visor at least. I mean... a fucking visor! What use is that? It may stop someone sneezing on you but do you think a virus will avoid the massive area underneath? Sorry for ranting. I’m convinced Mandatory masks are a way of getting people used to the word Mandatory. So when it comes to Mandatory vaccines people are used to the idea. Anyway my initial point was how do you guys open up the conversation about deeper implications than politicians being inept without getting that rolling eyes look? You all take care.

Posted : September 27, 2020 10:05 PM
Posts: 1354
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James Corbett just released a timely video addressed to new "conspiracy theorists", quite relevant to your subject matter 🙂

As for masks and all, it's a complex issue to entangle, and I'm afraid I don't have good advice.
As far as I know, there's not a single consensus on the efficacy of masks to protect against viruses, contrary to hygienic measures like washing your hands (or being in good state of health). The fact that MSM/Gov is only focused on masks tells you they don't care about you, but only about controlling your behaviour. That's my 2 cents

Posted : September 28, 2020 7:29 AM
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Cheers dude

Posted : September 28, 2020 4:29 PM
Posts: 47
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raw123 wrote: Hey all, hope you’re all keeping well. I’m finding it increasingly hard to open up conversations about what’s going on right now. Although I think most people are smelling the bullshit. Particularly with politics. But It’s difficult to explain at a deeper level why things are happening without being tenderly shrugged off as a conspiracy theorist. (Yeah the CIA did a good job with that one.) Take mandatory masks for example. Clearly masks do not protect against a microscopic virus if you look into the research, yet anyone who works in a hospitality venue/ hairdressers/ shop etc etc has to wear a visor at least. I mean... a fucking visor! What use is that? It may stop someone sneezing on you but do you think a virus will avoid the massive area underneath? Sorry for ranting. I’m convinced Mandatory masks are a way of getting people used to the word Mandatory. So when it comes to Mandatory vaccines people are used to the idea. Anyway my initial point was how do you guys open up the conversation about deeper implications than politicians being inept without getting that rolling eyes look? You all take care.

i think its almost impossible , i have started last few weeks to just drop something and leave. u hear some say mask work u say, the coronavirus is 0.065nm up to 0.125nm the n95 mask filter down to 0.300nm. Most of the people will respond with the talking point but its not for me its for u , then u just say okey so i can only travel through oneway? its a miracle

Also agree with the use of word : Mandatory its for vaccine, face id , chips , 5g surveillance and everything else u can think of that is coming in 5-20 years depending on where u are on this green planet of ours

the video corbett did yes its fine, and people seeing the bs 2020 maybe need that, the people that don't see the bs in 2020 i think never will. Will be keep trying to becouse of reasons i stated i the post over this. not seeing the ligth in the end of the tunnel.

Posted : October 4, 2020 2:15 PM
Posts: 474
Honorable Member

Masks do reduce the transmission vector - not 100% - but sufficiently enough.
I live in Asia and mask wearing is commonplace, normal and polite especially if you have any sort of cold or sniffles
The stats for mask wearing countries like thailand, vietnam, korea, japan etc are excellent compared to the west.

I think there is more at play including the abysmal way the scientists fucked up with advise - putting out stats that say washing hands is better than mask - but stupid scientist don't factor human nature of short cuts.

From my point of view masks (medical grade paper are fine) are the most effective, cost effective preventative measure there is at this time.

I think people take a opposite stand not because they dont like mask but dont trust the advise and dont trust government.

Posted : October 4, 2020 11:56 PM
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Yeah, well I guess I'm what you call an anti masker! I believe in breathing in freash air, That said I don't live in a big city, so do what you think you
need to do and take care. If you're reading this forum. you're probably one of the good guys. Yep and I don't trust any advice from our corrupt government.

Posted : October 5, 2020 3:36 PM
Posts: 47
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predictive programming my son was watching this show on youtube, decent show. Reminds me of Tom & Jerry seen few things on the same show that makes me go WTF! one time the bear got hit in the head by something and the chip flew out of he's head.

Posted : October 7, 2020 10:58 AM
Posts: 15
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Have you read or heard of Stephen R. Covey's "7 Habits for Highly Effective People"? I highly recommend it because it gives you the tools to have a conversation with someone who sees the world very differently than you. The premise is that you engage in the conversation for deeper understanding only, not to change anyones mind. You let them go first, and you repeat back to them what they are saying so that they understand that you fully understand them. And not until after they FEEL fully understood do you try to share your view, simply so they can at least understand where you are coming from. If anything, they take something away. They conversation stays calm, and you are able to plant a seed. This takes time but it has been the most effective way I've found to have these conversations. Also, just a really great life skill to have, I hope you all get a chance to read it. We need to be the best ambassadors for our perspective as possible 🙂

Posted : October 7, 2020 5:57 PM
Posts: 7
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I've also been recently contemplating this. Most people are too heavily indoctrinated into scientism/programmed and lack the faculty/training/ability to see truths in front of them. Others want desperately to retain the beliefs that keep their world intact - especially when the world is transforming and their power is in danger of eroding.

I've tried but I haven’t found a single person in my meat space environment (London) who is open to discussing critical topics(!) I ain't talking even talking 9/11 - people don't want to discuss the collapse of capitalism; the disintegration of our individual liberties; the loss of free speech; etc.

I know a lot of smart people with higher degrees and good careers - the very ones who should be discussing these critical topics. When I try to engage in any discussion that questions mainstream narratives people go quiet, look away, cross their arms... Then we go back to discussing the weather.

Unfortunately most people who are "comfortable" and don't need "to wake up" won't until they are forced to. Most people (like us in these forums) who see things as they are are harbingers. We for some reason see the problems and want to face them head on. We for some reason don’t want to dumb down and limit our human potential.

I don’t think it’s anymore worth banging my head against a wall of people who don’t want to / can’t see the issues for what they are.

I think that it is more productive to focus on the various spaces and places where the truth exists (like THC and other podcasts, this / other forums, etc.)

I do however wish we could create a more robust environment for discussing/sharing controversial topics. Social Media as it is is a bit limited as it only enables us to post snippets/memes; get some responses; then the ideas fall away/the issues go no further.

How can we make our ideas/truths/approaches take on more form and substance - into a “Social Media 2.0”? Once we crack this and when we can “show” people what’s going on then we can recruit “late adopters” and hopefully contain the global fall into a New World Technocratic Kakistocracy.

Posted : October 9, 2020 5:42 PM
Posts: 15
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ashexuberant wrote: I've also been recently contemplating this. Most people are too heavily indoctrinated into scientism/programmed and lack the faculty/training/ability to see truths in front of them. Others want desperately to retain the beliefs that keep their world intact - especially when the world is transforming and their power is in danger of eroding.

I've tried but I haven’t found a single person in my meat space environment (London) who is open to discussing critical topics(!) I ain't talking even talking 9/11 - people don't want to discuss the collapse of capitalism; the disintegration of our individual liberties; the loss of free speech; etc.

I know a lot of smart people with higher degrees and good careers - the very ones who should be discussing these critical topics. When I try to engage in any discussion that questions mainstream narratives people go quiet, look away, cross their arms... Then we go back to discussing the weather.

Unfortunately most people who are "comfortable" and don't need "to wake up" won't until they are forced to. Most people (like us in these forums) who see things as they are are harbingers. We for some reason see the problems and want to face them head on. We for some reason don’t want to dumb down and limit our human potential.

I don’t think it’s anymore worth banging my head against a wall of people who don’t want to / can’t see the issues for what they are.

I think that it is more productive to focus on the various spaces and places where the truth exists (like THC and other podcasts, this / other forums, etc.)

I do however wish we could create a more robust environment for discussing/sharing controversial topics. Social Media as it is is a bit limited as it only enables us to post snippets/memes; get some responses; then the ideas fall away/the issues go no further.

How can we make our ideas/truths/approaches take on more form and substance - into a “Social Media 2.0”? Once we crack this and when we can “show” people what’s going on then we can recruit “late adopters” and hopefully contain the global fall into a New World Technocratic Kakistocracy.

Yes, I know how you feel. Having this type of thinking can be very isolating at times. The strategies in the book I mentioned above are really good for starting those types of conversations as well. The more I learn about people, the more I realize that they just want to be heard and they don't feel like they can even engage in a dialogue until after they do. Again, I highly recommend it.

But taking the time to do that takes a lot of time and energy which is why I love the the phrase "imaginal cells must stick together"... Our world and our society are going through a metamorphosis right now and not everyone gets to be part of the new organism. Just try to find a few people who think like you and invest your time and energy there instead of yelling at the wall. I've stopped posting to my facebook (I still share good information with people who align with me) and became part of Kelly Brogan's Vital Life Project in order to "surround" myself with more like minded people. Did you attend the gathering in Trafalgar Square? Find people in your area, they are there! And then collaborate, communicate with them... Good luck, friend.

Posted : October 11, 2020 5:57 PM
Posts: 318
Reputable Member

Don't try and 'info' anybody into waking up. It doesn't work and just dissipates your precious life force. Instead, live your best life and be a shining example of joy, purpose and abundance. It will bring these things into your life and also allow people to reach out to you if they need to when THEY are ready.

I have been meditating on this statement recently, and it brings me peace and perspective:

"The sacred warrior is here to keep the fire lit, so that the dreamer may sleep peacefully, and awaken with the dream intact"

Posted : October 19, 2020 6:16 AM
Posts: 17
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crhrngbtn wrote: Have you read or heard of Stephen R. Covey's "7 Habits for Highly Effective People"? I highly recommend it because it gives you the tools to have a conversation with someone who sees the world very differently than you. The premise is that you engage in the conversation for deeper understanding only, not to change anyones mind. You let them go first, and you repeat back to them what they are saying so that they understand that you fully understand them. And not until after they FEEL fully understood do you try to share your view, simply so they can at least understand where you are coming from. If anything, they take something away. They conversation stays calm, and you are able to plant a seed. This takes time but it has been the most effective way I've found to have these conversations. Also, just a really great life skill to have, I hope you all get a chance to read it. We need to be the best ambassadors for our perspective as possible 🙂

Reading it right now x

Posted : October 20, 2020 1:26 PM
Posts: 27
Trusted Member

Most people prefer to stay inside Plato's cave. Even if the truth was revealed to them. Netflix and chill is a lot more pleasurable than having to think for yourself and create meaning for your life.

Posted : March 12, 2021 7:33 PM