[Sticky] Joint Session Shows Thread

Welcome to the Joint Session Shows thread.
Post any comments/feedback on JSS. Thank you Greg, I for one am really enjoying this cozy format as a bonus episode! Cheers;)
- Link to leave a voice mail: THC Voicemail
Joint Session Show - January
Joint Session Show - August 2020
Joint Session Show - September 2020
Joint Session Show - October 2020
Joint Session Show - November 2020
Joint Session Show - December 2020

Really enjoying the new format, being in Australia it makes it a lot easier to participate 🙂

Hey hey just an old fashioned check in. I’m new but things feel so nice in this community we feel like old friends that’s for sure. Gregg, the show and your guests/content are really incredible. Mind blowing in fact. Not to much else to add for now but love and light from Humboldt❤️

New Joint Session format is great, man! I'd always wanted to call in on the zoom meetings to talk about stories of NV giants, the entry to hell in Valley of Fire, and Reno bigfoot stories, but it never worked out with my schedule. I'll try to start dropping stories in the thread on occasion.
For this post I wanted to share a strange encounter with light beings I had two summers ago, and my introduction to whatever the hell lies beyond this crazy rock.
So I'd been going through some heavy transition moments. End of a long, negative relationship. New work, roommates, and friends. Had gnarly injuries month after month: carpal tunnel, a ripped cornea, then some weird cold/pnnemonia. That lasted for like a month and it was terrible. I rarely get sick and was fed up with feeling crumby, and I remember getting out of bed around 2AM to boil some water for a little nasal sauna (towel/blanket over head, head over bowl of hot water & oils) and sat there for like an hour feeling relieved for the first time in weeks. I laid back down around 3AM and basically fell straight through the bed. It was nuts. And when I opened my eyes I was still in "my room" but seeing everything as an x ray. Everything was either light or lack of light. And the light was yellowish white and moved like light does under water. All defracted and very liquid. "Plasma" came to mind as I was taking it all in. (Sidenote: I've met several enthiogenics, some at high dose, and have never experienced anything like this. And I was not under any influence at this time. Just spiritually, sick of being sick.) As I looked around, I noticed on the floor a collection of light in the shape of a featureless cat. It was batting at something on the ground. Puzzled, I turn to look around more and see a 4 foot tall featurless creature with long hair that went down below its waist. "Troll" came to mind. It was hunched and looking at something in my closet. And it's hair moved like long hair does underwater. Kinda flowed through whatever space I was in. Very weird. And it was becoming obvious that these things were alived, and I paniced. I felt my fear response, and it did too. It leaned up and turned around to look at me. It stared and started to walk close. So, I say fear response because it was like your pulse or heart rate increasing, but felt very...digital? Like an old computer hard drive trying to start up with a guitar overdrive effect on it. Very tense and high frequency. And as this light troll walked towards me the fear pitch/frequency increased. I was frozen there and it slowly clossed a five foot distance until it was about a foot from my face. At that point, my eyes opened and I had snapped back to my body laying in bed.
It was a lot to take in as I've always "been a believer" and known that theres so much I don't know, but been very cerebral and needed to know WHY and HOW...but that was the first time I'd ever seen any evidence and been told "you dont know why or how, so get over it!" Then the next day driving to work, I was thinking about that troll and then its cat. And before I knew anything, I found myself in tears. Because I also had a cat. And I think I may have been looking at myself. I think my gut put together before my mind did, that we may all likely be simply one physical layer of ourselves. The same way that light exists on a spectrum, so do we. Because if you were to take an x ray of my spirit at that time...a little hairyass troll is probably what it would have looked like. I was not taking as good care of myself as I usually do. And was neglecting to deal with some heavy shit. But this experience opened some kinda gate for that transition summer, and I woke up in some of the most realistic dreams ive ever had looking up at the canopies for trees made of that same light. Unreal. Saw them four or five times until I moved outta town and started the next chapter. Wild.
Anyway, glad to be able to ramble and share a story here. I'm 28 this Dec 21(big day this year), and THC has seriously guided & changed my life over the past 3 years. I think you've got some pretty rational opinions and valuable insight in the midst of this new abnormal. Sending lots of people your way for Broze's interviews especially.
Much love from MT.

I just wanted to say that I’m really enjoying the new format for joint sessions. My schedule never worked for the live ones and I appreciate the restructure.
The latest one in November was especially good. I liked the info about smudging that you didn’t have time to get into with Nora Gedgaudas as well as the voicemails and forum posts.
Great stuff Greg! I appreciate your hard work!

Just listening to the latest joint sessions...not gna lie, this man, Jasper's explanation about masculine and feminine and saying oh not that there's anything bad about feminine...but all the time basically framing "the feminine" in the negative
Oh look at communism, feminine, bad. But we've never even see true communism in this world
I don't like it, skewed weird and potentially dangerous perspective. Whoops, here I go being a safety obsessed feminine.

smaddy wrote:
Oh look at communism, feminine, bad. But we've never even see true communism in this world
I TOTALLY agree with this. Commies get a bad rap because they weren't doin it right. Communism is a "sharing" style of economic system. If your sharing style economic system is run by a fascist political system, guess what happens. (Although I heard Castro did alright)
Communism ain't been adjusted to perfection yet. Capitalism neither.
But Smads, I agree with a lot of what Jasper's talkin about. It's not that the feminine is bad. It's just that they are using the feminine right now to subjugate us. They used the masculine for thousands of years, conquering and pillaging. Now, they're using much more sophisticated tactics to enslave us. Feminine tactics and transformation of thought.
YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT TO BE SAFETY MINDED. It means that you are doing your job. But it is also your job to know that perfection comes from the balance between masculine and feminine. When each one is doing the task it's best suited to and deferring to the other when they are out of their depth. Compromise and harmony.
Everyone has masculine and feminine inside them. Jasper isn't saying all women are bad. He's saying that when either side of the equation (masculine or feminine) is too dominant, problems occur. Right now they are playing upon the feminine aspects of EVERYONE'S minds. So even dudes feel like giving all their power up to women - or heavily feminine principles like Safety.
Safety becomes all important and risk is taken out of the equation. You'll get jabbed because you have not been taught to take risks. Goin Commando (not getting the shot) wouldn't be safe.
Caring for other people's feelings is taken to unhealthy levels when enforcing these new pronouns and word fascism. You wouldn't wanna risk hurting someone's feelings, so we're gonna take away your FREEDOM OF SPEECH. This is the type of thing that occurs when the feminine is too dominant.
Jasper ain't pointin the finger at you, Smads. He's pointin it at the way they're playing you. All of us.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

fifthcolumn wrote:
I TOTALLY agree with this. Commies get a bad rap because they weren't doin it right. Communism is a "sharing" style of economic system. If your sharing style economic system is run by a fascist political system, guess what happens. (Although I heard Castro did alright)Communism ain't been adjusted to perfection yet. Capitalism neither.
But Smads, I agree with a lot of what Jasper's talkin about. It's not that the feminine is bad. It's just that they are using the feminine right now to subjugate us. They used the masculine for thousands of years, conquering and pillaging. Now, they're using much more sophisticated tactics to enslave us. Feminine tactics and transformation of thought.
YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT TO BE SAFETY MINDED. It means that you are doing your job. But it is also your job to know that perfection comes from the balance between masculine and feminine. When each one is doing the task it's best suited to and deferring to the other when they are out of their depth. Compromise and harmony.
Everyone has masculine and feminine inside them. Jasper isn't saying all women are bad. He's saying that when either side of the equation (masculine or feminine) is too dominant, problems occur. Right now they are playing upon the feminine aspects of EVERYONE'S minds. So even dudes feel like giving all their power up to women - or heavily feminine principles like Safety.
Safety becomes all important and risk is taken out of the equation. You'll get jabbed because you have not been taught to take risks. Goin Commando (not getting the shot) wouldn't be safe.
Caring for other people's feelings is taken to unhealthy levels when enforcing these new pronouns and word fascism. You wouldn't wanna risk hurting someone's feelings, so we're gonna take away your FREEDOM OF SPEECH. This is the type of thing that occurs when the feminine is too dominant.
Jasper ain't pointin the finger at you, Smads. He's pointin it at the way they're playing you. All of us.
I appreciate the breakdown, makes a lot of sense.
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